
The Calm Before the Storm

The five of us stepped out into a dark cave wearing Disciple suits to protect our memories. Instead of directly heading home, we travelled to Sanctum since we would not need the suits to go back to Earth. The last thing we needed was for our own people to open fire on us, thinking that we were Disciples, especially with my emotions proving to be difficult to manage.

With a snap of her fingers, Katye created a small fireball which lit up the room. We changed back into our normal clothes, but that left Bellamy in the Disciple's robe. Looking at him, I could not help but think back to a conversation that he and I had where I had warned him to not join the cult, yet like many things, history repeated itself. I could not blame him since he had been in their clutches for years, though it would be hard to trust him. After all, he had betrayed Clarke and all but handed Madi over to the Disciples in the show.

Once the new suits were packed away in a hastily made box, Katye opened the portal to Earth. None of us were in the mood to talk, with my aura fluctuating with every stray thought, so we wasted no time getting back home. We walked out of the portal on Earth and headed towards the beacon of light where Diyoza met us at the entrance of the tunnel.

"You're back so soon... and with Bellamy?" Diyoza asked with surprise.

"How long has it been since Kane and Gabriel returned here?" Katye asked.

"About eighteen hours."

"It's been longer for us," Katye sighed. "I take it that it's night if you are on duty, but the details can wait until the morning when we can tell the whole Council."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to keep an old promise and bring Bellamy home to Gina," I said.

"She's... still waiting for me?" Bellamy asked timidly.

Although three of the four women were a little surprised by my request, Katye was not, able to guess my idea instantly since I had gotten the power from her, and even helped by saying, "Unless something has changed in the week or so since we first left for Sanctum. Go ahead; come find us when you get done."

"Thanks. Give me your arm, Bell. I need to make a mark on you so that I can take you down to the city quickly. It doesn't hurt, though the trip will feel a little weird to you," I said.

"Any weirder than traveling between planets by walking through a green fire?" Bellamy retorted with a bit of humor as he rolled up a sleeve.

His casualness seemed genuine, but I still wondered if it was just a ploy. I channeled Shadow mana into my hand and traced out my Naru Darc symbol onto his forearm. There was no feedback, so the Disciple Yin-user had not marked him, but that did little to make me trust him more.

"Don't let go of my hand," I warned, though there was no way that I would let go of him.

Bellamy gave me a nod and clasped my arm. I activated my Shadow Skin and Void Walk spells at the same time and pulled him along with me into the Shadow Realm. I checked his 'Soul' for any discoloration, but I found nothing. Growling to myself for the lack of evidence, I could only race down with him in tow. The entire journey down to the city only took a few minutes and I knew where Gina lived, so we stepped out onto the end of the street.

"Sorry, Raven has told me that it's unsettling, but it doesn't bother me," I said, noticing that he was shaking slightly.

"I-I-its f-f-fine," he replied through chattering teeth. "Just c-c-cold."

"I can help with that," I replied, creating a white fireball above an outstretched hand.

He put his hands next to the fire with a light smile on his face as he looked around. "How have things been here while I was gone?"

"Quiet, peaceful," I said with a shrug. "There are very few reasons why anyone would start trouble."

"Good. You sacrificed a lot to make this place for everyone... I never really understood that until I lost everything. I'm sorry, O. I wasn't fair to you for a long time."

I smiled lightly at him and replied, "It's been long forgiven, Bell. Come on, it's been a long time since I had the chance to deliver good news."

He smiled back and gave me a nod. I let the fire die out and guided him up the road. Many houses still had their lights on, so I was not too worried that she would be sleeping already. Bellamy had a bit of hesitation as we walked up to the porch, but I did not give him the chance to back out and directly knocked on the door.

It took a few minutes, but Gina opened the door and looked at me with mild surprise. She was pretty with long, curly brown hair that she allowed to hang loosely around her shoulders. She was curvy and had a smirk I knew well since she was a close friend of Raven's.

"What's up, Becca?" she asked.

"I just wanted to bring someone home," I said, before stepping aside.

"Bellamy?" she said, shocked.

He ran a hand through his shaggy dark hair and said, "Hey."

I suppressed a chuckle, seeing him just as awkward as I remembered him. Gina did not say anything and threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around his neck as she started to cry. Even Bellamy was not able to help himself and a few tears fell from his eyes while he held her tightly. It was a touching reunion, but as sweet as it was, I still questioned its genuineness which put a bitter taste in my mouth.

"I'll let you two catch up," I said quietly, off to the side.

"Rebecca, wait... I..." Gina said, wiping away some tears.

"It's fine, Gina. I'll come by tomorrow with Raven and catch up then. Just enjoy your night," I replied with a smile.

"Thank you," she said softly then gave me a hug.

"Of course, we're family," I said, patting her back. "Welcome home, Bell."

I watched them walk into the house and then teleported away, though I did not go far. From my days of watching over Luna, I had a little room on the roof of the Council Chamber which was where I headed. Although Katye, Raven, and Echo were waiting on me, I was confident that they would understand that I was watching Bellamy down here since it would be much harder to judge his location up on the mountainside.

I retrieved a bottle of Spirit Wine that I had stashed away and poured myself a drink before I sat out under the stars. After a few hours, I sensed a burst of mana to my side, but I recognized it before Katye could even step out of the Shadow Realm. With the wave of a hand, I created a second glass and filled it while she moved closer and sat down next to me.

"A toast to putting off the end of the world for another ten years," I mocked as I passed her the cup.

Katye sighed, "Did you want me to do anything different?"

"No," I replied instantly. "If we had tried to fight, they would have killed us before we could even try to escape... but that doesn't mean that I think this is the end. In fact, I know it isn't. Everything, and everyone, has been nothing more than Tori's creations to train us, so that he can use us!"

I threw my glass at the roof with anger, not bothering to restrain my anger and aura, though it was snuffed out like a candle a moment later by Katye slapping me.

"I know that you are upset, I know that this is all because of our past lives, but I will not let you devalue Echo and Raven. Even if this is all on the level of the highest-end virtual reality, or Tori's equivalent, I don't care. They are living, breathing people with a heart and soul to me! In fact, everyone here is! I've ordered the death of hundreds of thousands of people and that is something that I will carry with me for the rest of this life that I have. I refuse to think of them as insignificant!"

My hand held my cheek with shock, but the pain I felt was directly from her words. She was right and knew exactly why I was enraged. I loved Raven and Echo fiercely, but I could not help but question whether or not they were real. The two strong, stubborn women had rooted themselves in my heart, so the thought that they were nothing more than tools of Tori to train us and win our favor was infuriating to me.

I sighed and made a new glass for myself then poured some wine. Staring in the direction of Bellamy, my fingers traced to the rim of the cup while I sorted out my own thoughts and feelings. Bothering me even more than the question of Raven and Echo was that our time here was coming to an end. Although it had always been looming in the back of my mind, it was out and loud, and there was no way to shove it back there now.

"You're right... It's just the idea, that this is all just so that he can use us, which makes me so angry, but it doesn't change what Raven and Echo mean to me. Real or not, I'll never forget them no matter how long I live," I said after some time.

"I agree on both accounts... I'm sorry for hitting you," she said the last bit quietly.

I chuckled, "Don't be. I've already told you to do so when I'm being an idiot."

Katye and I shared a few more glasses of Spirit Wine before I sent her back home. There was no reason to keep her with me when she could enjoy her evening while I watched Bellamy. Both of us doubted that he, or the Disciples, would make a move so soon, but there was no reason to risk it. After we met with the Council, they would be able to arrange for some people to watch him, so a single night away from them was a small price to pay.

The next day, Katye and I met with the Council and told them about the arrangement with the Disciples, as well as our concerns that they might not honor it. The small force that was inside the mountain would remain and help us guard the Anomaly Stone, while a few people would also keep tabs on Bellamy around the city. Katye and I would also take our training up a notch and would utilize the other worlds that we had access to.

She needed as much time as possible to memorize the spells in her notebook, so she planned to spend half an Earth day on Skyring. The other half of the day, I would spend on Alpha and meditate by the temporal anomaly. I knew there was something that I could learn from it, and it would give us a chance to keep an eye on Sanctum.

Things were quiet for the first month. I spent the morning on Alpha meditating by the temporal anomaly and Katye would spend the afternoons on Skyring. Katye refused to tell us how much time passed while she was on the fast world, but her mana reserves were growing at a steady pace. I managed to keep up with her, though that was only due to the energy of temporal anomaly which was far easier for me to absorb.

This Chaos mana, as I had dubbed it, was the piece that my Soul Realm had been missing. Galaxies were not just stars and empty space; there were nebulas, planets, asteroids, radiation, magnetic fields, and so much more. Chaos mana was the building block for these things within this inner world, and with it, I could start to create my own universe, though making the thinnest wisps of nebula gasses was the limit of my current abilities.

The thirty-fifth day after our arrangement with the Disciples, two guests appeared on Sanctum. I was awakened from my meditation when I sensed the portal open in the cavern below. With two new sources of mana, I retracted my aura and domain into a small, dense region in hopes of hiding my true strength since I had grown quite a bit in comparison to the other two.

They also took notice of my presence, but their Domains flared outwards, though not aggressively, more like showing off their strength and warning me to not try anything. I stood up while the pair made their way to the surface and took a deep breath to help make sure that I would remain calm. Before either of them reached my view, I had recognized them as the axe wielding Disciple and the Earth user. Their auras were practically identical to when I had seen them last, but perhaps this is where our past lives played into effect, allowing us to advance faster than others.

"Greetings, Octavia," the Earth user said.

"I go by Rebecca, only Bellamy may call me that," I replied.

"My apologies then," he said with a slight bow. "I shall inform the others to ensure that no one else makes the mistake."

"It's fine. What brings you two here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"The Shepard has instructed us to inspect the city of Sanctum," he answered.

"And how do you plan on doing that? Their population is small so it will not be easy to sneak in and your cloaking suits are not fool proof."

"We are aware of their limitations which is why I was sent. Artem is to remain on the outside of the city while I go in and collect information. Should I be compromised and unable to escape, he would act as my backup."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I stayed with Artem while you are in the city? If anything was to happen to you, I would be willing to offer my assistance as well."

"That would be very helpful, thank you. As you know, my companion's name is Artem. My name is Dmitriy. I imagine you know the way to Sanctum which could save us time if you were willing to lead the way," the Earth user said.

Although his demeanor was relaxed and non-confrontational, my guard never lowered. These people were placed here to be a challenge for us, of that, I was sure. The only way that we would escape the fight was to keep to the deal or start the Final War before then like a dog with its tail between its legs, too scared to fight.

I led them to the fields outside of Sanctum. Since it was sunset here, most of the city's inhabitants would be in the heart of the city, eating dinner, relaxing in the tavern, or doing some other nightly activities. That made it easy for us to approach without drawing anyone's attention, and we stopped on the edge of the forest right outside of the city proper.

Dmitriy put on his helmet and activated his cloaking then headed towards the city. With him gone, Artem drew his axe as he walked towards a thick tree that was deeper in the woods. My eyes were locked on him, but I made no move to stop him. Even if they both came at me together, I was confident that I would be able to win the fight despite not understanding his power. The armor, axe, and muscular body told me that he was some kind of warrior which boosted my confidence. My physical body while in my Dusa form was incredibly strong and resilient, so a blade did not frighten me.

As if to prove my assumption wrong, actually he may have been doing just that, his mana stirred, and he channeled it into his axe. The blade gave a crimson glow, similar to Iseto's color, yet slightly darker, and then he swung it at the tree. There was no resistance at all as his axe sliced through the trunk, but it was not like how I had cut through the ice spiders on Nakara. That had been done by true sharpness and pure strength while what he did was achieved by mana alone and cut the entire tree despite being twice as wide as the blade. His aura flared again, and stronger, as he raised his axe overhead and then brought it down on the top part of the tree.

The first attack, that had cut through the tree, was strong enough to cut through a few of my scales, but the second was enough to claim an arm or leg, if not my head with a very unlucky hit. When the red blade hit the trunk, the glow transferred to the bark instantly and spread to cover the top half of the tree. The next moment, the glow seemed to pop like a bubble, and it rained down splinters and leaves.

Artem glanced back at me with a slight smirk, then jumped up onto the smooth tree stump and sat down. He rested his axe across his lap and closed his eyes. To my surprise, I could tell that he was meditating which was something risky to do in front of a possible enemy. Even though it was shallow, allowing him to still be aware of the world around him, it was only within his Domain. With my speed and strength, I would easily be able to kill him within the momentary delay of waking up from the light trance.

"Cocky bastard is baiting me," I huffed with a snort of frustration as I leaned against a nearby tree, knowing better than to try anything... for now.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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