
McCreary's Decision

I flew over the treetops low enough that I could reach them if I extended a hand, but I could not with my arms full. Diyoza had suggested that we did not try to hide my transformation, so I was currently flying her back to her ship while Katye brought Shaw back through the Shadow Realm. Although we had no idea if it would affect her, Katye and I did not want to risk moving Diyoza in the same way since Hope was still developing. We could have walked there, of course, but our conversation had stretched on for a while and the twenty-four hours needed to reinitialize the engines was nearly over and it was possible that McCreary would try to leave without Diyoza and Shaw, even though he was their only pilot.

I swooped down low when I crossed into the grassy field where the ship was and flapped my wings hard to slow us down to land. No sooner had my feet touched the ground than a gunshot rang out. The bullet struck me right in the center of my forehead, but unfortunately for the shooter, my skull was the thickest bone when I was transformed, so it only stung when it hit me. I used my body to shield Diyoza from any more possible gunshots as I placed her carefully of her feet.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah…" I started to say, but a few more gunshots rang out.

The bullets hit my back which my scales easily blocked, but one tore through the thin membrane of my wing. I let out a growl of pain and my anger flared, but I immediately reined it in before I lost control. We already knew there was a high chance that I would get attacked, so I just needed to be patient while Katye took out the shooter.

While transformed, my body would constantly try to heal any injury, so the hole in my wing closed in a matter of seconds, but they had found a weakness. Gunfire rang out continuously which were shredding my wings to my great discomfort. As much as I wanted to create a stone wall to shield me, I knew that I needed to be a target to make it easier for Katye to take down everyone that was shooting.

"I'm thrilled at the prospect of your people becoming our new neighbors," I said through clenched teeth.

"You knew what you were getting yourself into," Diyoza said with little sympathy.

"I am a glutton for punishment," I chuckled as the gunfire came to an end.

"It's clear," Katye's shout reached my ears.

"Finally," I sighed then shifted out of my Dusa form.

My shoulders and upper back stung far more than they should have, but I ignored it. Diyoza and I walked over to the ship where half a dozen men were bound in metallic cuffs, all had spent the night in the prison with McCreary among them. Katye and Shaw were standing nearby with a new pile of rifles at their feet and a large box of rifles and armor, which we had taken last night, behind them.

"At this rate, we'll have claimed all of your weapons in some fashion," I chuckled.

"Speaking of that, I'd like for you to take off the booby-traps on the rifles in the armory. We've already lost two and a sonic cannon," Diyoza said.

"I'll see to it before I head back to our home," Katye agreed then waved a hand which caused all of the handcuffs to fall to the ground. "I hope by now you people understand that we aren't looking to hurt you. If you want to live here in the valley, the only real condition is that you leave us alone. When Wonkru comes here, you can negotiate with them to join them and receive help to build up your settlement."

"And we are just supposed to take your word for that?" McCreary spat as he stood up.

"You can do what you want, but the only thing that has kept either of us from killing any of you is my goodwill. Keep pushing it, and the only place for you to settle will be Sanctum which is a hundred and twenty-five year voyage on the Eligius," Katye retorted.

"Shaw, go find Jonas. He's the one who is suffering the worst from the disease that's with us," Diyoza instructed.

Shaw nodded and headed into the ship while Katye walked over to us. The men that Katye had captured stood up disgruntled, but none of them moved towards the guns and instead, they headed into the ship as well. I gave Katye a light smile which she returned until she looked at my arms.

"You're bleeding!" Katye exclaimed quietly.

I looked down at my arm and saw a few streaks of black blood dripping down. "Huh? It seems like I am," I remarked. "Well, they managed to shred my wings before you took them down and it's the first time that I've taken damage in that form. I guess it hurts my physical body too."

"Turn around and let me see before you heal yourself," Katye sighed.

I did as she said and pulled off my shirt. She gave a quiet hiss as she touched my lower back softly.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"It's fine. It's just a bit of effort," I said while stirring my Light mana.

My back lit up with a bright light which made Diyoza take a step back, but it only lasted for a moment. The damage to my physical body was only superficial, so it was easy to heal. Although I was still not an Elum Sola by any means, I had learned how to store more Light Mana inside my Soul Realm which had created more stars in the black void. My back was healed in a matter of moments and Katye washed off the remaining blood.

"How did…" Diyoza started to ask but stopped as she realized that it was like our other powers.

"You will get used to it in time," Katye said with a soft chuckle.

"If you say so," Diyoza retorted.

"You stay around us long enough, you will only be surprised by what we can't do… it's actually gotten annoying that I can't surprise Raven or Echo anymore," I added, pulling my shirt down.

"If that's the only trouble in your life, you should be happy," Katye commented.

"I am... quite happy, in fact," I replied with a smile.

Diyoza sighed off to the side and rolled her eyes which made me chuckle wryly.

"Apologies, spending six years isolated has eroded our social skills," Katye said.

"Mine really aren't that much better, so I have little room to criticize," Diyoza remarked.

Shaw and another man walked out of the ship and headed our way. The other man had clear signs of illness with yellowing skin, redness around his eyes and mouth, and a heavy cough. Diyoza gave them both a nod as they stopped in front of us.

"Jonas, this is Rebecca and Katye. Rebecca believes that she has a method to cure the hythlodium sickness, and I have good reason to believe that she can," Diyoza explained.

"And since I already have a foot in the grave, I get to be the guineapig for the freak," the man said in a hoarse voice.

"The other option is death like Franco and Lewis. You have maybe another week going off of the rate of the others, so it's your choice," she retorted.

"Fuck it, I'll try it," he sighed.

"Good. Now, it won't hurt, but you will feel tired afterwards. Once you sleep it off, you should be nice and healthy," I said, dryly.

He scoffed, but I ignored it and placed a hand on his shoulder, channeling my Light mana into him. I focused the energy on his lungs and started breaking up the abscesses which were the main symptom of the disease. It used more Light mana than I would have liked, emptying out about half of my reserves of the specific mana, but I would be able to replace it with an hour or less of meditation.

"There, good as new," I said with a slight yawn as I pulled my hand away.

Both Diyoza and Shaw were staring at the man with shock, but it was easy to understand why. His color had returned to normal and his breathing, which had had a light wheeze to it, was now clear and quiet. Jonas touched his chest and took in a deep breath with visible relief in his eyes.

"Thank you," he said, his voice no longer hoarse.

"Just be sure to refer your friends to the 'freak' so that I can save their lives too," I retorted.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Save it, dude. I don't mind being called a freak, but it would be nice if I don't get shot at every time I visit. That shit stings," I interjected.

"It won't be coming from me," he promised.

I nodded my head with a light smile and turned to Diyoza, saying, "If all your people are around his level, I can heal about two at a time, then I'll need to meditate for an hour during the day, but during the night it will drop to only one every three hours unless it's a new moon and then it will be maybe one or two in throughout the whole night."

"That's an average of twenty-eight to thirty a day, so she should be able to work through your entire crew in three or four days... maybe sooner if you take her up to the Eligius and position the ship, so it always gets sunlight," Katye suggested.

"We'll see how many takers we have now that we have Jonas as proof of your word to heal us," Diyoza said.

"Alright, let us know your decision. We'll wait for you in the pavilion," Katye replied.

Diyoza gave us a nod then headed back to the ship while Katye and I made our way over to the pavilion that I had created last night. I took a sunny seat in the back and closed my eyes so that I could meditate. Inside my Soul Realm, the gray-scaled western style dragon flew around in the dark void with about a dozen dim stars in the background, but with a little time, I would have them shining bright again.

"Becca, time to wake up," Katye's voice entered my ears.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, returning my mind to reality. Diyoza, Shaw, and McCreary were walking our way, so I stood up and stretched while Katye gave me a smile. It might have been seven years that I had been living here in this world as a superpowered Octavia, and there were always simple moments like this that would remind me of how lucky I had been to get this second chance.

"I know that look," Katye chuckled.

"Just happy to be alive," I replied, stepping closer to her.

Katye placed a hand on my cheek and rubbed it gently with her thumb as she agreed, "You and me both... It almost makes me wonder what it would have been like if we had met in our first life."

"Meh, you didn't miss much. I was a lanky, awkward nerd that didn't stray outside my little bubble. It was this place that taught me what it means to live, not just survive day to day," I replied with a light smile.

"I think I still could have been happy," she retorted, and then gave me a quick kiss before the others entered.

I smirked and ran my fingers through her hair, "Me too."

Diyoza opened the door and walked into the pavilion with the other two behind them, remarking, "Sorry for interrupting."

"It's fine; we'll have plenty of time together after we settle things with you and your people," Katye said, gently pushing me away so that she could face the others. "Have you made your decision?"

"We have a couple more questions, if that's alright," Diyoza replied.

"I guess we can continue to be overly accommodating to your people," Katye sighed with a wry smile. "Please, go ahead."

"How many people are in Wonkru?"

"I believe our numbers are a little over two thousand since we've had a few births over the years."

"And the number of soldiers?"

I chuckled, shaking my head, while Katye sighed, "As tradition, every child, male or female, are taught how to fight from the age of six. When Skaikru joined us, some of their traditions were absorbed, but that only raised the age to ten."

"So young?" Diyoza asked with surprise.

"I've done what I could to end the violence between the Thirteen Clans before I stepped down as Heda, but your people aren't exactly the most peaceful of sorts, nor are the other two groups that may appear in time. My people's traditions have been built over a hundred years, so while we are working towards changing them to fit a peaceful world, we're not quite there yet," Katye replied.

Diyoza sighed, but someone else decided to ask a question.

"So, what's in it for you with all of this bullshit that you're feeding us?" McCreary asked.

"Aside from trying to keep some blood off our hands, nothing really. If we wanted to, the two of us could wipe out every person that you brought down to the surface in the matter of a few minutes and, even if you manage to destroy the shuttlecraft, we have our own means of reaching the Eligius. Despite having these powers, neither of us are the monsters that you think we are, nor have we abandoned our morals, though they have been bent on an occasion. Test me if you would like, McCreary; I'll lose no sleep over killing you or anyone else foolish enough to follow you," Katye replied with a chilling smile.

"Real tough with all those powers," he mocked.

"I am, and you've only seen a small fraction of them. If people want a second chance, we'll give it to them, but you're already on your fourth in twenty-four hours, so I'm done giving them out. Any more attacks on myself, Rebecca, or our loved ones and I will show you the extent of them," Katye threatened, summoning a blue-black flame over her hand.

It was one of the few unique dual-elements that Katye had mastered, Yin and Fire. Although I had more 'Shadow' mana, she had a better understanding of the concept of 'Yin' than I did, as Ishu described it. It gave her more flexibility with the element and made her spell more potent. The Death Flames, as she had dubbed it, had the same bone-chilling coldness of the Shadow Realm and gave off the haunting feeling which even those without mana could feel. My Dusa form may have been intimidating but touching these flames would consume your Life Force and spell certain death for someone without mana of their own to fight them off since nothing else would extinguish them. Closing her hand, the flame disappeared, and Katye sighed while seeing the slight fear in all three of their eyes.

"I'll have your answer, Diyoza. Your people can join us, we'll heal your disease, build up your settlement, and provide you food until your own farm can support you, but you will be subject to Wonkru's laws, and the Damocles Bomb must be dismantled under my or Rebecca's supervision. Your other option is to go back into cryo and travel for a hundred and twenty-five years if you can manage to figure out where Sanctum is," Katye said, losing her usual happy and teasing nature.

Diyoza sighed and nodded, "We'll join."

"But..." McCreary started.

"Shut it, or I'll kill you myself," Diyoza snapped.

"Like hell you will, bitch," McCreary spat, drawing a handgun.

I teleported myself between him and her, grabbing the hand with gun. With no sympathy, I crushed both the gun and his hand which caused him to scream out in pain and fall to his knees, cradling the mangled limb.

"The moment she agreed is the moment that she fell under my protection and the laws of Wonkru. The first law of Wonkru is you are a member of Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru," I growled.

"Wait, please... If you're going to kill him, it needs to be done in front of the rest and explained. It will save us trouble down the road," Diyoza said.

"Fuc..." McCreary started, but I silenced him with a heavy flick to his throat which immediately started making him choke and cough.

"As you wish," Katye agreed.

I grabbed McCreary by the back of the neck and dragged him out of the pavilion with the others following behind me. He tried to struggle and get his feet under him, but as soon as I felt him try to tackle me, I shifted slightly and threw him forward. He rolled a few times before he stopped, but he pushed himself to his feet and, for a moment, it looked like he would try to fight me, but instead, he turned to run back to the ship. Stretching out my Earth Domain faster than he could run, I sunk his feet into the ground and locked him into place.

"Shaw, go get the crew out here," Diyoza ordered.

Shaw nodded his head and walked away.

Diyoza glanced towards McCreary who was trying to claw himself free of the stone, shaking her head, then mumbled, "You've outlived your usefulness, but maybe your death can do some good for a change."

"How well can you control what's left of his faction?" Katye asked.

"Other than a few troublemakers, most will be cowed by your display of strength. I've got a few people that I can trust to keep an eye on them, but..." Diyoza started.

"Point them out to us. Rebecca has a way of secretly placing a mark on them which will allow her to track them. She'll head up with you to the Eligius since I can't use her healing ability and watch the bomb get dismantled while she works through your crew, healing everyone," Katye said, cutting her off.

"Got it," she agreed.

"Becca, make sure no one hears the fool, but no more attacking him. There is no point in beating a dead horse," Katye said.

"Alright," I replied with a nod then walked closer to McCreary so that I could cover him with my Wind Domain while also separating myself from it to make sure that I did not have to listen to him either.

It took about ten minutes before forty men and women gathered outside of the ship. Many hostile eyes were looking between me and McCreary and, despite the fact that he was shouting, not a single person could hear his voice. Although I was ready to act with a moment's notice, Katye and Diyoza walked up and stopped between the two of us and the small crowd.

"I've told you all about the offer that Katye and Rebecca have given us to settle here and, while some of you aren't happy about it, the honest truth is that it's better than we could have hoped for if we had to negotiate with the government. This is the last stretch of green Earth left on the planet and they have a thousand trained soldiers waiting in reserve to move here. Their laws are simple, no killing, no stealing, and no harming any member of Wonkru which we now are a part of. McCreary decided to lead a team of some of you to capture anyone they had left behind at their home while I met with them, and you all know how that ended. After returning me here, again, McCreary decided the best option was to open fire on Rebecca, the only one who can heal our disease, and you all know how that ended. Finally, when I accepted their deal, McCreary turned on me and attempted to shoot me before Rebecca stepped in to protect me, but their patience is at an end," Diyoza said in a loud voice.

"The very first law of Wonkru is that you are a member of Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Paxton McCreary has made his decision and his sentence will be carried out now," Katye said, pointing a finger at McCreary and stirring her mana.

A stone bullet shot out of the ground and pierced McCreary between the brows, killing him instantly.

"Not all crimes warrant death, but attacking members of your clan always will," Katye promised with a threatening glare.

A/N: I'm not sure what happened at the start of the week, but suddenly, the story started getting a lot more Powerstones and has been ranking in the fifties and sixties! It's been a great way to start a birthday week, so I wanted to say thank you to all of my readers!

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

A/N: If you would like to support me and get early access to the story, join my Pat reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.

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