
Calling the Gagarin

There were no regrets in the morning when the four of us woke up together. It was definitely the best way I had ever woken up. Raven was snuggled up on one side while Katye was on my other, both using my shoulders as pillows. Echo was pressed up against Katye's back with her arm draped over her side.

After Raven and I slipped out of their room and back up to ours, we had a talk followed by a talk with the others. There was little point in denying what was between the four of us, so we came up with some ground rules to ensure no feelings got hurt. There were no restrictions for the original couples, but nightly activities could only happen with the original couples or as a group. It started off a little awkward at first, but after months, and even years, things became so relaxed and natural between the four of us that we rarely slept apart even if nothing was happening.

Raven and Echo stood across from each other in the field outside our house, both holding a long sword and breathing hard. Katye and I were laying back on a lounge chair on the patio watching the two spar against each other. Madi was upstairs, playing a videogame, which was how she spent a lot of her free time these days, but we were making her keep up with her education and even teaching her how to hunt and fight as any good Grounder would be expected to know.

Raven rushed forward, thrusting her sword towards Echo's chest. Echo deflected it easily, but Raven kept going with her elbow ready to deliver a hit. Echo caught the attack, but it pushed her back since Raven had put on a bit of muscle over the years. Unfortunately for her, Echo was still the more experienced fighter, so Raven did not notice Echo's foot snaking around her ankle. With a little push, Echo tripped Raven and made her fall to the ground, pointing her sword at her chest.

"Raven is getting better. It's only little tricks like that when she is tired that can give Echo the advantage," Katye remarked as Echo helped Raven stand back up.

"She doesn't like to lose, so she has been working..." my words died off when I saw a spaceship descending towards the lower end of the valley.

Katye, Raven, and Echo also saw it and we all just watched it in silence. We all knew that this day would come, but after six years of peace, it was sad to see those days coming to an end. I sighed as Katye stood up and I joined her, rising to my feet.

"I guess it's time to get back to reality," I said as we walked over to Raven and Echo.

"At least this means that the others can finally leave the bunkers safely," Katye replied.

"Now who is the optimist?" I chuckled.

"This is it, huh?" Raven asked when we were close.

"It seems so. That ship should have Diyoza and Paxton on it aside from the other prisoners," Katye said.

"What's the plan?" I asked, looking at Katye.

"I'll go and watch them. If I get the chance to kill McCreary quietly, I will. You should stay here and ensure that none of them can bother our family. We'll take the shuttle tonight and talk with Diyoza when we can show our full strength."

"Be careful," I said.

"Of course," she retorted with a smirk. Katye stepped forward and kissed Echo followed by Raven then me. "I'll be back at sundown. Make sure this place will be safe while we are gone."

"Of course," I teased.

Katye smiled before her skin turned black and then she disappeared, slipping into one of our shadows. With her gone, the reality of the situation hit all of us and the smiles died for a moment. Raven and Echo both gave me a kiss before they walked back to the house while I stayed in the yard. I watched them walk away then spread out my Earth Domain.

Over the five-ish years since we opened the vault, neither of us had slacked off in our training even if we took more time to enjoy each day. My Earth Domain stretched well over five hundred feet which I used to form a tall wall around our home, directly under my feet. After I created the twenty-foot tall wall, I stirred my mana and casted my strongest triple-element spell, Thunderstorm, so that I could blanket the entire valley. I did not need the shuffle craft escaping before sunset or our lives would quickly become a lot more complicated.

When the raindrops started to fall, my eyes opened again with a flash of violet lightning deep within, though no one saw it. I made my way around the top of the wall then quickly scaled the mountainside so that I could sit on top of Raven and my suite. Shifting into my Dusa form, I laid out on my stomach like the lazy dragonkin that I was as I synced my Soul with the building storm.

Something that I had learned over the years after opening the vault was that I had a strong connection to storms, especially in my Dusa form. Like this, the storm itself became my Domain as I sensed everything from the clouds to the light rain that was falling. It took an incredible amount of focus, so I could only do it when I was in this form and completely still, but the events in the valley slowly took shape in my mind...

Katye exited the Shadow Realm appearing on a treetop near where the shuttlecraft landed. The Eligius prisoners slowly exited the ship, armed with automatic rifles and bulletproof vests. Most were background characters, but she started to recognize some faces. Shaw, Diyoza, McCreary... just like their every experience in this new world, the characters of the show were here and alive, but thankfully, she sensed no mana in any of the people on the surface. Her eyes did turn upwards as she sensed an extreme amount of mana being released into the atmosphere, and she could see the clouds forming overhead.

"She isn't playing around; I guess that means I can't either," Katye mumbled to herself with a smirk.

Katye could only watch at first, but once most of the prisoners spread out through the forest, she slipped back into the Shadow Realm. She jumped out of the tree and headed into the shuttle, ignoring the hull of the ship as she phased through it. Picking an empty room, she exited the Shadow Realm and looked around. Of all the places to randomly choose, she found herself in an armory of sorts which made her smile as her eyes locked onto a particularly annoying weapon, the Sonic Cannon. It was originally a sonic mining drill, but the prisoners had tweaked it to widen the attack so that it would release a cone of intense sound waves which could even pose a danger to Rebecca and her, if she had not found them right away.

After placing one to the side so that she could give it to Raven later, Katye's hand lit up with a violet glow which condensed to just her right index finger. Showing her years of practice, her hand blurred with speed as she traced out symbol after symbol into the air. When the fiftieth violet rune was hanging in the air, they gave off a pulse then swirled around each other and joined together to make a larger symbol that looked like two spinning discs, one going clockwise and the other counterclockwise. She tapped the new symbol with her violet finger then she tapped one of the remaining Sonic Cannons on the wall. The symbol turned into a beam of light and entered the cannon, disappearing.

The whole process took about a minute and only used a tiny fraction of her mana, so she repeated the process over and over to booby-trap all of the weapons and ammunition. She had mastered several more spells from the cave walls over the years, but this particular trap-type spell was her own creation, combining elements of the Enchanting style and Wide-Scale magical attacks. It was a one time use spell that would be activated when the next person touched the object, causing two violent, opposite swirling energies to erupt which would destroy the weapon and possibly the person's limb if they did not react fast enough.

When she was done, she slung the last safe Sonic Cannon over her shoulder then slipped into the Shadow Realm. She peeked into several different rooms looking for the engine room before she finally found it. Although she no longer had the Flame, she had taken some lessons from Raven over the years, so she had confidence in cracking into their systems and shutting down their engines. Rebecca's Thunderstorm could likely prevent the shuffle from returning to space, but it would cause a lot more damage than her method.

"Perfect," Katye chuckled as she dismissed the warning message telling her that the engines would require twenty-four hours to realign if completely shut down. She confirmed the option to shut them down, but then an alarm started going off. She gave a wry smile and slipped back into the Shadow Realm after she corrected, "Almost perfect."

Instead of worrying about the chaos that she had just caused among the prisoners, Katye raced back up to their mountainside home. The alarm would obviously let them know that the engines had been sabotaged, so the surprises in the armory would get revealed soon as well. If they had any type of security cameras, it would be easy for them to see that an outsider had caused everything, so they would know that they are not alone. She could only hope that the ease with which she crippled their ship would make Diyoza and McCreary more hesitant to oppose them when Rebecca and she returned that evening...

I opened my eyes when I sensed Katye exit the Shadow Realm, shutting off my connection to the storm. She was not supposed to return so quickly unless something had happened, or she managed to kill McCreary, but I doubt it as I had not been able to sense her in my Storm Domain, meaning that she had either spent the time in the Shadow Realm or inside the ship.

I shifted back into my normal body then jumped down onto the bridge and headed for the stairs. I grabbed Raven on my way down and we found Katye in my workshop with a large, gun-like tech weapon on one of the tables. Raven instantly walked over the device, pulling her hair up, while I gave Katye a questioning look.

"The engines will need twenty-four hours before they can be brought back online, but it set off an alarm. I also managed to find their armory and put a trap spell on every weapon and ammunition box left in there. It won't do anything to the guns that are already in their hands, but all of the Sonic Cannons were accounted for though I stole this one as a gift for Raven," Katye explained.

"You know me so well," Raven retorted with a smirk.

"That's not too bad then. Regular guns don't really hold too much of a danger to us these days and less so towards Ishu, Jabo, or Seluna. I guess that means that we need the radio and to give Diyoza a call," I said.

"It's on the second bench in our suite and grab my tool bag while you are up there," Raven replied, not taking her eyes off the cannon.

"Hey," I said as I tugged her back into my arms.

She chuckled sheepishly and kissed me. I knew it had been a while since she had anything new to work on, so she was just excited. I let her go with a smack on the butt which caused Katye to smirk and then slip into the Shadow Realm. Since I designed this crazy house, I was often elected to go grab something on another floor since it was so easy for me to move through the darkened world. I stepped out into our bedroom and headed over to her work benches. After I grabbed everything, I returned to my outside workshop, the whole trip taking under a minute.

"Thank you," Raven said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek and took the tool bag off my shoulder.

"Have fun," I chuckled, holding out the radio towards Katye.

"You don't want to do it?" Katye asked.

"I told you before; politics are your department while I'm the muscle," I teased.

She smirked and flipped on the radio then picked up the microphone. "Calling the Gagarin. I would like to speak to Charmaine Diyoza about landing in my territory."

After she released the button, I laughed, "Don't enjoy this too much now."

"If we want to keep around a hundred prisoners labeled 'worst of the worst', we've got to be tough and show no weaknesses," she replied with smile.

It took a few minutes, but a voice came through the radio, "You know my name, and my ship's, who might you be?"

"You can call me Katye, and I'm also the one responsible for shutting down your engines, but I've also sabotaged the guns and ammunition in your armory, so please be careful. You'll have about a minute after you, or anything, touches any of them before they are destroyed," Katye replied, making both Raven and I snicker with amusement.

"And why have you done that?"

"You invaded my land and brought a number of dangerous weapons with you. Nothing that I have done is permanent, but it certainly got your attention, no?"

"You could say that," Diyoza growled. "What is it that you want?"

"I would like a meeting with you this evening. If you want to resettle your people in my lands, we need to come to some sort of a compromise. I know about the Damocles Bomb that you have up on Eligius IV, but you would only succeed in destroying the last patch of green on Earth since we have our own method of escape. As a sign of good faith, I'll bring our healer with me who can treat one of your people at no cost or deal; simply to show you the value of working with me."

"You seem to know a lot of things that you shouldn't even if you hacked into our computer system," Diyoza accused.

"I do, but if you'd like for you and your crew's lung disease to be cured, you'll have to get used to my annoying habits like that."

There were another few moments of silence which made me shake my head at Katye's twisted smile. She had been planning this whole thing for the past year, practically to the point of writing down lines and rehearsing them. It was the last guaranteed encounter and the key to allowing Wonku to return to the surface. As long as we secured the Eligius IV and the Damocles Bomb, the others could be safe in Eden, so this was important to say the least.

"When and where do you want this meeting?"

"Outside of your ship will be fine and feel free to set up your men in defensive locations around it, but I ask that no more than two people join us in our actual conversation. You'll know when we arrive, and we'll see you then," Katye replied.

"How much do you think they will freak out when I summon Jabo?" I chuckled evilly.

A/N: If you would like to support me and get early access to the story, join my P@t reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.

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