
Nineteen Lives Spared

We slowed as we approached the dropship, but as I looked around, I could not help but feel sick. The bodies of the kids that were killed during the battle were still scattered across the ground. I stopped and dismounted when I saw the body of Michelle. She was nothing more than a stand-in through the first season, but here, she had been one of my friends. She usually worked on ration duty with me and Monty and could never stop talking about her days up on the Ark. No matter what crap happened, she always found a way to smile, but would not see that smile again.

"Yu gonlei ste odon," I said quietly as I shut her eyes. (Your fight is over.)

"Octavia?" Lincoln asked as he walked up behind me.

"It's fine," I said, standing up. "I will bury my dead while we wait for Clarke and Anya. Indra, you will need to hide the horses far enough away from camp that they can't be heard. Place your men so that they won't be spotted, but where they can still watch me. If I leave a hundred yards of the walls, have your men capture or kill me, your choice."

Indra gave her orders in their language and the Grounders started dismounting. Since there was no point in hiding my powers anymore, I used them to pick up her body carry it behind me as I walked over to where we had buried our dead. Lincoln followed behind me but did not say a word as I worked.

Hours later, nineteen fresh graves were alongside the old eighteen. Although there had been more that had died, their bodies had likely been reduced to ashes when the rockets fired. Lincoln had not said a word the whole time, just silently stood by my side. When my task was done, we sat outside the walls while I did my best to meditate and try to relieve the migraine that I had gotten from overusing my power.

"Wake up, Octavia. The scouts have signaled," Lincoln said.

I opened my eyes and could tell that it was just past midday. I could only sigh angrily because I was running out of time. If we could not reach Lincoln's village before Finn did, any chance of saving his life would be gone.

"Tell Indra to send someone to ready the horses. We need to be ready to move once I talk to Clarke. I won't let anyone die needlessly," I said, standing up.

Lincoln stood up, but before he walked away, he asked, "What did the Commander tell you?"

"When I tell my people about it, I'd like for you to be there, if you choose, but Lexa said that I cannot speak of it before then," I replied.

He nodded his head then walked off towards the dropship. I watched him for a moment then stopped and sighed before I started to pace. Although things have already been changed in minor ways, this would be the first major change that we enacted. If I could prevent Finn from attacking the village, we would have more confidence moving forward, but I also understood that we were on the knife's edge. The events of the second, third, and fourth seasons were packed so tightly together that it became a game of Jenga, and he was just the first piece that we were pulling, but not the last.

"Octavia? Octavia!" Clarke yelled out after another five minutes.

I looked up and saw her running towards me. It was clear that she was injured by her broken gate, but I knew that this would not kill her since she still had the strength to fight off Anya in the episode. To be honest, seeing her made me so happy, and I took off running towards her. When we reached each other, we both hugged each other without any words needed, and we both shed a few tears.

"I thought you were dead... Have you seen Bellamy?" she asked when she calmed down.

"No, but I know he's alive... and so is Finn, but we need to hurry before he does anything stupid," I replied.

"What are you talking about?"

"The full story is going to have to wait until we get there, but the short version is I made a deal with the Grounders to destroy Mount Weather, the problem is that Bellamy, Finn, Murphy, and the rest of Camp Jaha thinks that you and the others were taken by Grounders. Finn and Murphy should have separated from the group that snuck out to search for you by now and are heading towards Lincoln's village because they got bad information from a thief who had been banished. The Commander won't clear the village because it is my task to keep Skaikru in line and the only way that I can get through to Finn is with you," I explained.

"It's been three days... how could things change so much?" Clarke asked with disbelief.

"Because I'm not the only one with powers, Clarke. If you want to save Finn, those that we have in Mount Weather, and the rest of our people that survived from the Ark, then you are going to have to trust me. I promise that if you do, you will see both Finn and your mother by tomorrow, but we must leave now!"

She looked into my eyes for a minute as she tried to decide whether or not to believe me, but she nodded her head. I sighed with relief and pulled her into another hug.

"I knew that I could count on you... One last thing," I said then moved her behind me as I looked at the makeshift stretcher that Clarke had used to drag Anya along. "Stop pretending to be asleep, Anya. Indra and her warriors are watching us, and it makes you look weak. Lexa expects to see you in Tondc before sunrise."

Before Clarke could ask anything, Anya started to sit up then stood up shakily. "How do you know those names?"

"Because the Sky Girl is telling the truth," Indra's voice rang out from behind us.

Anya said something in their language, but Indra cut her off, saying something.

"What is this?" Clarke whispered.

"Part of the deal. Indra and her warriors are watching me because I have twenty-eight days to destroy the Mountain, or they kill me and all of Skaikru," I replied.

"I hope you know what you are doing."

"That makes two of us, Princess. Come on, they'll bring the horses up in a couple of minutes, so let's see if we can get you a little washed up," I said, walking back towards the dropship.

"If you haven't seen Bellamy, how do you know he is searching for me?" Clarke asked as she followed behind me.

I smirked, shaking my head since I knew that there was no way that Clarke would stop asking questions. "Because the Heda's sight reaches all of her lands," I said, mockingly. "She has scouts watching Camp Jaha. Bellamy's lucky that he's my brother because Lexa has already ordered that he and his group are not to be killed, but Finn won't have that luxury now, so we have to get there first."

I threw the curtain aside as I stormed inside the ship. I found a container of water and a rag while Clarke walked in. I soaked the rag then held it out towards Clarke.

"How do you know Finn is heading to a Grounder village?" she asked without grabbing the rag.

"I was born a secret, princess, so I tend to keep them," I replied in a dry tone then started wiping her face off since she wouldn't.

She took the rag out of my hand and pushed me away with a frown, but I started chuckling which turned her expression into a weak smile.

"I know it's hard, Clarke, but I already told you that I'm not the only one with powers... and I haven't revealed them all. I promise, once we get back to Camp Jaha and you ask your mother to meet with me, I can explain everything... well, everything that I can, but trust me, it's even less believable than what I'm keeping from you," I said as I walked around the dropship until I found a familiar canister of moonshine and took a big drink from it.

"Octavia... you have to give me something more if you want my help," Clarke said, walking up behind me.

I took another drink, hoping that it would make my next performance a little better. Here I was again, manipulating someone that I cared about so that I could survive. I could tell myself that these were the same decisions that she had made herself, but it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"You haven't told me anything about the Mountain, so how about I tell you something about it... You escaped through the harvest chamber, so you know what they are doing to the Grounders, but it's going to get even worse for our people. It will start with a fake accident that will put Maya's life in danger, so Jasper donates his blood, but then they will realize that our blood is eight times more effective than Grounder blood. Dante's plan for you guys had just been to forcibly add you to the gene pool by keeping you in there, but he won't stay in power because other powerful people want to use them to return the surface. They'll start with the blood, but when that proves to not be enough, they'll start drilling for bone marrow and they won't be using any form of anesthetic. First will be Harper, then Monty..."

"Stop, stop!" Clarke cried, grabbing me by the shoulders.

"I know because I saw it," I growled as I twisted out of her grip.

Clarke stumbled back, but not because of my actions, rather it was my words.

I took another drink from the canister then said, "And that isn't even the worst of it."

"Octavia, the horses are ready," Lincoln said, poking his head into the dropship.

"We'll be out in a moment," I replied.

Lincoln nodded then walked away.

I sighed and took another drink while I leaned on the wall then asked, "So, what's it going to be? I arranged that you can be sent straight to Camp Jaha, with or without a guard to ensure no Grounders attack you at your choice, but that means that you will undo everything that I have done so far, and it will be up to you to figure out how to get peace with the Grounders... Or you ride with me, we stop Finn before it's too late, then go to see your mother and ask for a meeting outside of the walls where I will explain everything that I can. It's your choice."

Clarke sighed as well and walked over to the water. While she finished cleaning her face, I took another drink, but as Katye and I had predicted, she finally agreed, "Alright, let's do this."

I placed the canister aside and said, "Thank you."

She nodded her head and we walked out of the dropship together. I mounted my horse and then helped Clarke up, behind me. We rode out with Indra leading the way and her warriors around us. Although Lincoln had his own horse, he made a point of riding within the zone of my guards. I had already told him that if he wanted to leave and go to the sea where Luna was, Lexa would allow it, yet he was still willing to stay by my side.

We reached Lincoln's village shortly after nightfall, but everyone was still safe. Indra took her men and had them hide in the trees in case I failed, but now that I was here, I was not worried. Lincoln and I made a large bonfire just outside of the village, where Finn and Murphy would see us, yet he did not appear. Several hours passed, but everything had been quiet which was starting to bother me, so I needed something to take my mind off of everything.

"Hey, Clarke... wanna see a trick?" I asked.

She gave me a look, but I gave her a cheesy grin until she finally caved, "Fine."

Due to my affinity with Fire, I had already minor mastery over the element; I still needed to practice specific spells, but I was not in danger of burning myself anymore. I reached out towards the fire and drew one of the flames toward me. I placed my other hand over the other with about a foot of distance between them then separated a flame from the fire. "Give me an animal."

"A horse."

"Tricky, let me see," I chuckled as I tried to imagine a horse.

The ball of flames between my hands was little smaller than the size of a baseball. I focused on the image of a horse and tried to overlay it onto the fire in my hands. It took a few moments, but slowly the horse formed, and I was able to control it through the air.

I sent it galloping around Lincoln and then her as I explained, "These powers come from my soul. Earth isn't too easy to show it, but fire does. See how it turns whiter as it nears you and Lincoln? That's because I care about you. If you try to touch it, it will just be warm and won't burn you."

Clarke reached out a hand hesitantly and I directed the fiery horse closer to her. When she made contact with it, the horse was made of entirely white flames and then she smiled, turning her palm upwards. I had it trot along the end of her hand which made her chuckle and even Lincoln joined her in smiling for the first time since I revealed my powers. With a flick of my wrist, I sent the fire upwards quickly and let it burn off after my mana was cut off from it.

"Sorry," I said, seeing the pouty look on Clarke's face. "It's still a new spell, so I can only control it for so long and I didn't want to accidentally burn you."

She smirked and nodded her head. "Just tell me one thing... are we all going to be getting powers like these?"

I chuckled, "I doubt it, unfortunately. These powers use a special energy that I can sense in Lexa, but not you."

"So, she can do the same things as you?"

"No, her powers are different than mine, or she would not need my help against Mount Weather... and they are a lot stronger than mine as well, but if we play nice, and I do as I'm told, she will protect our people."

"And you trust her?"

"Yes," I said with no hesitation.

She sighed and nodded her head. While I looked at her, I could not help but wonder if the ultimate Clarke-Lexa romance would still happen now that Finn would likely not die. I was not exactly sure of Katye's taste in partners, but I would regret it if it did not happen since they were my favorite couple throughout the entire series.

"Clarke," a voice called out softly.

All of our heads turned towards the source, and I sighed in relief. "Finally... go on, Clarke. Let him know that you're okay. We'll stay back here."

She smiled at me and nodded as she stood up. I stood up and headed over to Lincoln while she walked off. I rested my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I will stay with you, Octavia, through everything," Lincoln promised.

"Thank you."

A few minutes later, Clarke, Finn, and Murphy walked up, and I pulled out of Lincoln's embrace.

"I need your guns. You can't be armed this close to the village because Indra doesn't trust us yet," I said.

"It's okay," Clarke agreed with me.

Finn handed over his gun without any problem while Murphy took a little bit, not wanting to give it up.

"They'll be returned when we go back to Camp Jaha," I promised. "I figured that no one would want to sleep inside the village, but I'll come back with some food for us."

They nodded and I walked over to the village alone, carrying the rifles by their straps. Indra met me in the center of the village, and I dropped the guns on the ground.

"They listen to you, Sky Girl," Indra said as she passed me a small sack.

"Yeah, well, two of them know a little about my powers, so it helps," I replied.

"Heda wants me to start instructing you on how to fight once you are done with the Mountain, but you will learn our ways and not rely on those powers of yours," she instructed.

"As you command, Indra."

"I haven't made you my Second yet, Sky Girl," she huffed before walking away.

I smiled then headed back towards my group. I took out a piece of jerky from the bag before I passed it to Clarke and sat down next to Lincoln. She took her share then passed it along until everybody had gotten something to eat. Things were quiet while we ate, but Murphy was never one to just enough some peace, especially when he was clearly the fifth wheel.

"So, Grounder Pounder... wanna explain how we went from killing each other to working with each other?" Murphy asked with a bored tone.

"I don't know, cockroach, wanna explain how you went from hanging my brother and shooting Raven to Finn's backup carrying a gun?" I retorted.

"He saved your brother's life yesterday when the Grounders attacked us," Finn answered.

"I thought you said that no one would attack Bellamy's group," Clarke said.

I smirked and asked, "What was Bellamy doing when they started the attack?"

"He was hanging off a cliff, trying to rescue a girl," Finn replied with some confusion.

"And when they got back up?"

"The attacks stopped."

"See? He wasn't seen, so they attacked, but stopped when he was. They probably tailed you two back here but didn't attack because they had already been seen with him. If they had attacked the village though, that protection would be gone. Until I destroy Mount Weather, the truce will only work if our people stay within our walls."

"Mount Weather? Wasn't that where Jaha was trying to send us to?" Murphy asked.

"I'll leave that story up to the Princess to tell. My day has been long enough, and I want some sleep," I replied, stretching out by the fire.

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