
Go ahead

Alexander's POV

"Why the heck I can't sleep?"

I shouted throwing the blanket god knows where. I got up , walked to my table where wine bottles were kept. I made myself comfy in one chair and took a sip of wine.

"It's been a while I felt relaxed!"

I sighed remembering how hard it was to postpone the marriage with Princess Celina. When I saw that hatred on my Oceane's face I understood that she was unhappy with the sudden marriage proposal by the king for me.

Although directly saying no to the emperor's proposal was not good, that's why I asked him to postpone. But that stupid woman Celina is like a glue. She accompanied me to the war land and then followed me to my mansion.

And that stupid emperor I don't why he sent his granddaughter with me to a warland? Was he hoping that there would be romantic scenes?

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