
Chapter 1018. Estrella Discovering Secrets. Aurelia's First Step.

The coming-of-age ceremony usually ended with the child-turned-adult facing their first tribulation. However, Estrella's body had yet to mature completely. Breaking through before full maturity could become a problem, so until someone stopped growing and experienced internal changes, they would avoid starting the cultivation path.

Some were doubtful, viewing these practices as ancient traditions that didn't make sense in the present day and age. Still, when people forced their children to break through before they became mature enough, accidents would usually happen either because the Tribulation Lightning was too strong or because the children were not developed enough to absorb so much energy into their young bodies. 

So, while today was Estrella's 18th birthday, she didn't attempt to step into the Second Body Cultivation Realm. 

By the end of the ceremony, Estrella stood at the entrance, sending off the guests with a smile. All the guests cheered her up with encouraging words like. "Don't worry, you will be able to break through soon." Or "I can't wait to see how far you will go in the cultivation realms." 

After everyone left, Estrella stood in front of the door. She felt a pair of arms going around her waist as softness pressed against her back. Looking sideways, she saw Yasenia smiling and looking at her. "How was it, love?"

Estrella smiled happily. "Better than I expected. The seniors were very generous and gave me a lot of things. Moreover, I can tell that they were honest when they evaluated me. So, I am quite hopeful for the future."

Yasenia chuckled and kissed her cheek. "That's my girl. Estrella, remember that while your sisters might be ahead of you, that doesn't mean that you are less, okay? You are, before anything, my child." Yasenia looked deeply into Estrella's eyes. "Do you understand that?"

Estrella turned around and snuggled in Yasenia's arms. "I understand, Mommy. Thank you."

"Good girl." Yasenia caressed her head and laughed faintly, separating from Estrella a bit. "You are already so tall."

Estrella was slightly shorter than Yasenia, but not by much; their eyes were practically at the same level. Estrella smiled. "Perhaps I'll grow more~, hahaha."

Yasenia snorted. "Are you trying to be like your sister, Dawn? She is already taller than me! Are you all trying to overcome me or something?"

Estrella raised her eyebrows very similarly to how Yasenia did. "Don't tell me you didn't know? Be careful, Mommy. If you relax, we will catch up!"

Yasenia smiled defiantly. "Oh? Do you dare challenge me? Tsk, tsk, this mother of yours has left behind everyone that I've overcome, so you are challenging someone who has yet to be beaten!"

Estrella smiled back. "There is always a first."

Yasenia tiptoed and kissed her forehead. "Great answer. Now, baby, I can tell that you are tired. So, go to sleep."

Estrella looked at Yasenia and asked, her face a bit shy. "Um, Mommy… Can I sleep together with you and Mama Tatyana today?"

Yasenia smiled and grabbed her hand. "Of course! Today, you are the boss girl!" 

Both of them walked toward Yasenia's room and entered. Tatyana was already inside, waiting for Yasenia while reading a book. Looking up, she smiled and asked. "Oh? Aren't you quite big to ask to sleep with us~?"

Yasenia scolded. "She will never be old enough! If she wants to, I can cuddle her for a thousand years!"

Estrella nodded and supported her dragon mother. "Right, right! You should listen to your wife, Mama!"

Tatyana clicked her tongue. "So spoiled~."

Estrella climbed onto the bed, but she was caught by Yasenia's tail by the waist. "Little miss~, I know you are eager, but we should take a bath before going to bed and change into comfortable clothes. Come, come."

Estrella blinked twice while being carried away by her mother's tail. "Um… We will bathe together?"

Yasenia clicked her tongue. "What? Can't I have some mother-and-daughter bath time? Stop being shy!"

Tatyana chuckled and stood up, walking right after them. 

"Waah!" A few moments later, Estrella flew after being thrown by Yasenia, splashing onto the large bath that was more similar to a hot spring.

Estrella surfaced above the water, using her hands to part her black hair. "Why did you throw me?"

Yasenia slowly entered the water with a towel around her voluptuous body and laughed. "Don't tell me a little fall like that hurt you? I don't remember raising such a frail daughter!"

Estrella looked at Yasenia's figure and couldn't help but be sincerely impressed. "What did you eat to become like that, Mommy?"

Tatyana answered with a smile. "A Transcendent Ranked [Beauty Pill] while she was still at the Third Realm. The pill basically enhanced all her qualities, including her already large breasts."

Yasenia looked down and sighed. "Thankfully, they are just big enough not to bother me while fighting. Right at the limit. To be honest, wielding daggers or other similar weapons sometimes is bothersome." 

Estrella laughed. "Is that why you use large weapons with broad striking motions?"

Yasenia raised her eyebrow. "You dare laugh? Some female dragons have a serious problem because they are just too busty! It's not something to laugh at!"

Tatyana and Estrella burst into laughter. 

The dragoness leaned back with a smile and she asked. "So, Estrella, why a Scythe? I have tried them in the past, but they feel somewhat limiting. A broadsword is like a scythe, but better."

Estrella blinked. "It looks cool."

Tatyana and Yasenia deadpanned. Tatyana asked, confused. "That's all?"

Estrella nodded. "That and because I find it quite comfortable. Dual longswords are more or less at the same level of comfortableness, but the Scythe just… clicked." She explained. "When using weapons, I usually have an instinct on how to use them and move with them. Yet, when I picked up the scythe, more like an instinct, it was like a voice in my head was telling me how to move."

Yasenia blinked. "That's quite nice. I don't have that."

Tatyana agreed with a laugh. "Something like that would've saved me quite a few centuries on learning sword arts, haha."

Estrella tilted her head. "Really?"

The dragoness snorted. "Why would I lie?" Then, she waved her hand. "Anyway, come here, I'll wash your hair."

Estrella swam forward, approaching her mother, and smiled. "Okay~."

The bath was relaxing, and Tatyana and Yasenia spent it asking Estrella about the years they missed and other things. Hearing Estrella talk happily about everything made both of them feel a sense of calm and satisfaction. 

After the bath, they put on comfortable nightwear and went to bed. Tired from the long and busy day, Estrella yawned. Yasenia and Tatyana smiled, and Tatyana asked, "Say, Estrella, are you happy?"

Estrella nodded with a big smile. "I am. I love you, Mama. I love you, Mommy."

Tatyana hummed and commented. "Estrella, how much do you know about us?"

Estrella blinked and looked between them. "I know that my Mommy is the Sect Master of the strongest sect in the World. Then… Hm?" Estrella looked at Tatyana and asked, puzzled. "What do you usually do, Mama?"

Tatyana laughed faintly. "Do you want to know a bit more about me?"

Estrella nodded, and Tatyana pondered. "How about I start with my position?"


Then, Tatyana dropped a bomb. "I am known as the [Death Empress] in the Sky Continent, your Mommy's birthplace. My cultivation realm is also very high compared to everyone here."

Estrella blinked a few times, confused. "Huh? Isn't the Sky Continent a place where Transcendent Realm seniors roam quite freely all over the place?"

Tatyana laughed. "Yes, and yet I am one of the strongest people there."

"Hm…" Estrella was confused. "I don't understand. Aren't you a peak-level fifth realm cultivator?"

"Well, that's true for this body of mine. My main body is back in the Sky Continent, breaking through."

Estrella rubbed her forehead. "Ha? I don't understand."

Yasenia chuckled. "The Tatyana in front of you is your mother's second body. A single mind controls both, by the way. Don't worry about having been raised by a fake Tatyana or anything."

Estrella looked between them and then flopped backward onto the pillow, looking at the ceiling. "... This is so much to process."

Tatyana hummed. "Then, telling you that I am Yasenia's mother might be too much."

Estrella laughed. "That I already knew about. Mommy has slipped and called you Mom from time to time."

Tatyana raised her eyebrow. "Oh? It doesn't bother you?"

The young dragon woman asked, puzzled. "Why should it? It's not like your love is valued less because of that. Anyone who has seen the love you both share would be stupid to think that it is a bad thing."

Yasenia smiled. "But remember that it is not correct in most cases, love. There are some complications if incest happens before the fifth realm."

Estrella snorted. "I've already been taught of that! Don't worry." Then, she added with a smile. "I still have a lot to process, but thank you both for being truthful about these things." 

Yasenia and Tatyana smiled, and each of them planted a kiss on her cheeks. Yasenia used her tail to coil around both of them and commented. "Now, love, sleep. If you ever have a question about anything, ask us."

Estrella closed her eyes with a hum and quickly fell asleep.

After Estrella's coming-of-age ceremony, the other children's turn arrived quickly. Unlike Estrella, though, some of them actually went through the tribulation because they were mature enough. The ones that did were the human-born children, Dawn, Aurelia, and Skye. 

First, it was Aurelia's turn. Aurelia was the second eldest, followed by Skye and Dawn. 

After the ceremony, Aurelia was accompanied by Angel and Yasenia. The child had grown into a gorgeous woman. Her hair took after Angel, displaying a gorgeous blonde color that looked like gold threads. Her golden slit eyes and white skin made her look like a holy woman. 

While her height was nearly 164 centimeters tall, slightly taller than Angel's, she was on the shorter side of the family. Of course, with Angel and Yasenia as parents, being short didn't stop her from having a body of sin. Her curves were pronounced enough to give vertigo to anyone looking. 

Looking at her serious face, Aurelia's presence had a certain weight and authority beyond her beauty. Even with her body, a look from her might make those lustful think twice before acting. 

Aurelia looked up at Yasenia and asked, her tone calm and serious. "Mommy, do you think I can overcome my tribulation? I will be breaking through into the Spiritual Path, right?"

Yasenia smiled. "Don't worry, love. You are very strong. You will first breakthrough into the Meridian and Dantian Creation Realm. Then, remember that you need to cultivate the Spiritual path to the limit, and when you reach the half-step, you will break through both the Body and Spiritual paths at once. The Tribulation will be stronger than usual. However, the benefits are many and well worth the risk."

Aurelia asked. "Even if I have a higher risk of dying?"

Yasenia leaned down to kiss her forehead and said. "Aurelia, you are very clever. However, remember this and remember it well. Sometimes, we need to not look at things so rationally and use our instincts. Gamble if you feel sure of a result; that's not being irrational, but instead being confident."

Aurelia pondered and nodded. "Okay, Mommy."

Angel spoke softly. "Aurelia, you are talented and strong. Do as usual, and not even Heaven will be able to stop you." Then, she grabbed her hand and guided her toward the teleportation formation. They needed to be in Distancia to break through, after all.

Yasenia spoke while seeing them leave. "I will be watching, Aurelia. Good luck."


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