
I want to slap you

"I want to know what happened to Lia," she sounded like she said, eager.

"Why? Because her situation sounds just like yours or because her name is the short form of your name?"

"No, I want to know if she drank the poison."

"She didn't, turned out Tan was taking her to a beautiful place which was his home. So after finding his home, he came back for his best friend and through the window saw the old lady planning to kill his friends.

With the help of his family who came with him, he was able to save his friend, Lia. 'I'm sorry' Lia apologizes for leaving him. 'No, it was my fault' Tan explained. 'I should have let you cry when you wanted, I should have comforted you in front of the old lady when she took you but I shouted at you. I am supposed to be sorry'

Lia burst into tears hearing him and Tan had no choice but to hug her tightly as he always does.

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