
A strange man; He can't hear her

The next day soon came to an end, so fast. Liliana drove into her house and spotted Tristan with girls surrounding him again. She threw to them an exasperated look as she climbed out of her car.

The next day which would be Sunday was the day she'd planned to arrive at the market to get some food items because her kitchen was turning empty already.

That was what was on her mind throughout the drive to her house, but after sighting Tristan with those girls, something in her heart tightened, and she suddenly felt unhappy about it. It spoiled her mood, well…her mood wasn't so good before, she was already exhausted and was actually used to feeling exhausted, but not used to feeling upset about seeing Tristan with so many girls.

Wait… Why was she feeling this way about her jerk neighbor's behavior? Could it actually be something else? She shouldn't forget that he hurt her days ago. Liliana laughed absurdly as she stared at the girls touching him with Tristan returning the pleasure to them by wrapping them around him.

Liliana convinced herself with creased eyebrows and that irritated look, that she'd definitely feel the same way for any other man because it was the wrong thing to do. And wasn't acceptable, but she couldn't confront Tristan right now, she imagined the look the girls would throw at her and the stupid smirk on Tristan's face when she leaves them, feeling defeated. She shook off and squelched those thoughts out of her head.

He could do whatever he wants during his one-year stay at her house.

Tristan could see her upset and disgusted look so he smirked to himself. He let those women into his house with desire in his eyes.

Liliana was now able to lock her car door because she hadn't been concentrating on inserting the key in the keyhole.

Boiling, she entered her house and took her bath before going to cook something, she'd filled her gas and the gas pipe.

Liliana, thoughts then wandered, how did the pipe get removed from its cylinder? Something wasn't right but instead of Liliana investigating deeply on it, she postponed her investigations. She made herself spaghetti and meat sauce, ate and went to bed.

She laid in bed thinking of what Tristan might be doing…Of course, he'd be having fun with those women. Thinking and imagining what they might-will be doing, she felt displeased. She rolled over and covered herself with the white bedsheet she had up to her burst, her hand was out of the cover. She stared at the window that was opposite Tristan's room. Should she go try if she could see what they were doing?

Hell! Liliana…are you out of your mind?! She rolled over to the other side of her bed, now staring at the big photo containing her and her parents framed on the wall, she was in the middle as they form a triangular shape, meaning a perfect family. They all had sweet genuine smiles on their faces when they took the picture.

She remembered how many times she ruined the makeup on her face before the shoot, she also recalled the argument her parents had because they were in haste to take the photo. She smiled with tears in her eyes before closing her eyes and falling into her imaginary world before sleeping.

Morning arrived, she woke up like she was summoned out of her sleep. Liliana yawned before sitting up. She folded her fingers together and said something with her eyes closed. She thanked God for another morning.

She expelled a sigh from her mouth, it was Sunday and her day off, so she decided to shop and also buy some food items. Thinking of how the day will be she scratched her forehead before raking her fingers through her hair.

She wished, she could just spend the day at home and rest as she was exhausted but she gathered all the energy she had and climbed down from her bed.

"Oh, I've forgotten about that… Have a nice day, see you tomorrow," Liliana said to Raquel on the phone and then hung up as she descended the stairs outside her door. She thought Raquel also had a day off, turned out she thought wrong.

She sighed when she was down the stairs and looked up to see Tristan reading the newspaper. What was so good about it? Always reading a boring newspaper.

Last night, Tristan had a not-so-good night, Yes, he did do what could satisfy his sexual needs but doing that really didn't satisfy him at all. He wanted something more than that, but as he went on, he felt irritated and sent them all away. Last night, he didn't sleep.

He could hear her thoughts about him as he read the newspaper which was more about politics and the business world and the killings of some citizens.

Liliana said she didn't want to go to the market alone, but she had to, she didn't have any friends that could go with her now. Most of her friends were from the church and the hospital.

She then saw Tristan standing up on his feet before entering his house. She couldn't even ask if he could come along. No, not him! She went her way, this time, and didn't take her car. She wanted to walk and take the bus, it would be fun, but not one hundred percent fun. She went anyway.

Tristan changed to something better, a blue T-shirt with a fitted Jean. He trailed his landlady and followed her without her awareness. He was surprised, she took the bus, he did too and sat behind her, far behind her.

Liliana toyed with her phone while he watched her until they got to the market. He followed her to a shop to get bags and then to the veggies shop, the grains shop, the spices shop, and the fruits, and got some new kitchen utensils. The bags were just so heavy for her to carry altogether.

Tristan fought with his feelings to go help, but before he could take any step, a man in his early twenties, or maybe he was just too handsome that he looked younger than his age and there was something about the man that approached his landlady. Their gazes met, but he was quick to avert his before having a light conversation with his landlady.

Tristan couldn't hear what they were discussing but soon she followed him into his black car with her bags filled with groceries and all food items.

He found a good spot to teleport back to his house and sat on the chair by his door, outside.

Tristan had a comic with him this time when a car drove in and parked by the roadside. With his gaze on the comic, he peeked at Liliana with the strange man. The man helped her with the bag, and she thanked him, but he requested something, her contact.

Liliana was hesitant to, she turned around to see Tristan's face covered by the book he was reading. "Sure," she agreed and gave her contact info to him. He called her and she immediately saved his contact.

"See you, Liliana, have a nice evening," he waved before entering his car.

Liliana watched the car drive away and then turned to her bags, she glanced at Tristan who already had the book off his face. She said something in her mind. He had not been hearing her ever since she met that man and now he could hear that she needed a helping hand.

He rolled his eyes subconsciously before standing up on his feet to offer the helping hand she required.

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