
Didn't Use The Skill?

'It should be done in a week,' Haru folded his arms while looking at everyone in his group.

Sang-ah calmed down Hee-won getting her off Nam-woon and they were placing the lunchboxes in bags with Queresha arranging them orderly. Hyun-sung was taking note of the stock left to get an estimate of how long it would last and if they should consider finding another shop.

Gil-young was sitting on the floor with the cockroach in his hand giving him the information it had obtained from outside the store. Gil-young looked at Haru and shook his head, meaning there were no monsters in the vicinity outside the store.

And Nam-woon...

"Give me the dark element," He was asking his sponsor to give him a new skill.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'No'.]

"Ah C'mon, Almighty Super Stylish Black Flame Dragon God, This is your chance to show that you are the true ruler of darkness," Nam-woon said full of passion.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying he will think about it.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"Sweet," Nam-woon punched the air.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is in disbelief.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic judge of Fire' is left speechless.]

[The members of the Nebulae 'Black Cloud' are silent.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

The constellations were as loud as ever while watching over what was happening.

"So are we done here?" Haru asked since the bags were packed neatly and they still had enough food to go for a few more days if you included the biscuits and instant noodles.

"All done with the food," Hee-won looked at the four bags which were packed to the brim. They didn't pack more since battles would be harder on their way back if they have too much to carry.

The group walked out of the basement along with the bags before placing them in front of the counter.

"Why are we stopping here?" Nam-woon asked since there was no one here to do checkout.

"Don't you need some clothes?" Haru said while looking at Nam-woon who had a lot of blood on his clothes. This guy fought with little care about the blood, which led to him having a lot of blood splatters on him.

"Yes these feel sticky and they stink," Nam-woon agreed.

"A clothing shop is right across the road there is also an electronic shop on the second floor, we'll need flashlights and batteries as well," Haru said and Hyun-sung nodded because the lights aside from the platform's lights the others were switched off to save the remaining power they had.

And Hyun-sung also had some blood on him so he wanted a change of clothes as well.

Nam-woon and Hyun-sung followed Haru but Nam-woon stopped before looking back.

"Why aren't you all coming?" Nam-woon asked Hee-won, Queresha, and Sang-ah who didn't move.

"Hey Nam-woon did you have a female friend at school?" hee-won asked.

"No, why are you asking?" Nam-woon felt a little irritated by her question.

"No wonder you didn't have any, look at Haru and Hyun-sung learn from them and be a little considerate," Hee-won said.

"I'll kill you," Nam-woon was about to jump at the snickering Hee-won but was dragged out by Haru.

'I don't know what they are doing, but I should probably not talk about it,' Hyun-sung thought while following Haru.

"We can't take too much time, quickly get what you need," Queresha said and the three started to look through the store.

Gil-young was also in the convenience store eating chocolate while looking at the three women gathering supplies and adding four extra bags of goods they had to take back.

After about 30 minutes the group was ready to go back, Queresha had two bags of the supplies she gathered with the other two as Gil-young held one, the bag was light so the kid had no problem holding it.

Sang-ah held one of the bags that had food in it since Hee-won, Hyun-sung, Nam-woon, and Haru didn't let monsters get past them, the other three learned quickly and Sang-ah didn't need to worry too much about fighting since Queresha was also helping out in clearing out the monsters with her magic.

"Haru-ssi, Are you sure about holding three bags?" Sang-ah asked Haru who held three bags in one hand without any problems she thought it might hinder him and wanted to take one or two bags off him so that he doesn't get hurt.

"I think he will be fine, He hasn't even used his second hand during the whole time you know," Hee-won said while hitting Haru's back. Sang-ah also realized that what Hee-won said was true, Haru didn't even use two hands let alone the sword.

"I am fine thank you for asking Sang-ah-ssi," Haru said with a small smile as he moved away from Hee-won who just kept hitting him on his back for no reason.

"It is nothing," Sang-ah said and everyone started to make their way back to the station at a slow but steady pace fighting with monsters that attacked them.


Hyun-sung finished off the last wolf with the makeshift spear made of metal pipe from the clothing store. He still had his crowbar but he preferred the makeshift spear over the former.

"Phew* How long did we take?" Hee-won sighed as they walked down the stairs of exit no 2.

"It took us two hours, it was because we encountered the wolves and rats quite some times on our way back, it might've been because of the monster we killed on our way to the store," Hyun-sung has been keeping track of things, they had to fight monsters about 12 times in those 2 hours there were outside 4 times on the way to the store and 8 times on their way back.

"Also if you aren't going to use that katana give it to me next time," Hee-won looked at Haru who didn't even it once the entire time.

"No," Haru refused.

"Cheapskate," Hee-won grumbled unhappily she just wanted to try out a real katana since she had learned kendo when she was a kid.

"Maybe I'll give it to you sometime later," Haru said with a smile.

"I don't trust you," Hee-won looked at Haru with narrowed eyes thinking he was just pulling her leg.

"Come on how can you not trust someone as good as me," Haru looked quite hurt and Hee-won just ignored it.

Even while joking around the two looked around the exit to make sure no monsters have followed them back and climbed down the stairs that led to the shutters.

"I am tired as hell, I want to take a shower so badly," Hee-won's shoulders sagged as she knew it wasn't possible right now.

"Hey Ahjussi, you didn't use your skill even once right?" Nam-woon asked as they reached the closed shutters.

"Didn't use it, why?" Haru asked looking back at him, the others also didn't understand why he would ask such a thing.

"Last night your eyes were bleeding a lot, even the handkerchief you used had a lot of blood on it, How many times did you use your skill last night?" Nam-woon's words caused the eyes of the others to widen. They haven't seen Haru use his skill once and they made a full round from the convenience store.

But according to Nam-woon last night Haru's eyes were bleeding which was a side effect of him using his skill. So if his eyes were bleeding badly, then he must've used it a lot of times last night.

"There weren't as many monsters as last night right now and that mantis also didn't show up because I sent him to the next district when it was chasing me last night, I had to use the skill quite a few times to make sure it didn't stick around the exit, because then it would be harder to get food for us, Plus I also couldn't wipe my eyes with bags in my hand you know," Haru said but the others weren't able to respond back.

"Sigh* I guess we need to step up our game then," Hee-won said while shaking her head, no matter how they brood over it.

"Also we can conclude that monsters don't attack in larger numbers during the daytime," Hyun-sung said what has been on his mind for a while.

"I hope that is true," Haru said as he turned around ready to open the shutters.

"…..What do you mean?" Hee-won asked.

"You remember what I said about the bodies, right?" Haru said without looking back.

"Yes, You did say there…were...far lesser..." Hee-won's voice got smaller and smaller as she stopped talking. It didn't take a wise man to figure out what Haru was pointing at.

Maybe most of the monsters have had their fill and aren't coming out or it could be what Hyun-sung said, their theory about monsters not attacking en masse during the daytime might be true. But they could only be certain about it tomorrow.

Suddenly it didn't feel good to be able to make it back safely.

"Alright let's go in, we shouldn't stay outside for longer," Haru said as he opened the shutter and everyone entered it as they closed it down again.

The lights were off and they used their flashlights to make their way over to the locker where they found a group of people standing next to the locker they left their items in. Hee-won gripped her crowbar tightly ready to attack while the others also got alert.

The people turned their flashlights to Haru's group.

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