
Chapter 452 Are They All Losing Money? Disclaiming Involvement

On the way back, Zhang Wei received a court notice.

"The pre-trial starts this afternoon, and the court session is tomorrow. Isn't this a bit rushed?"

"Right, who's the presiding judge?"

"Old Chen? How could it be him?"

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue looked at each other in dismay.

Choosing Old Chen as the presiding judge meant that the court clerk would be his own mother-in-law.

Had the city court stopped caring, not even worrying about him pulling strings through his mother-in-law?

But on second thought, what power does a clerk really have?

Li Qinghua couldn't possibly influence Old Chen's decisions.

And the trial, when it comes down to it, is about influencing the jury. Old Chen is just one judge after all.

"Looks like I'll be squaring off against Old Zhao today or tomorrow!"

Muttering to himself, Zhang Wei stepped out of the subway station with Xia Qianyue.

"Zhang Wei..."

But as they were leaving the subway exit, Xia Qianyue suddenly grabbed the hem of Zhang Wei's coat.


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