
Chapter 341 Zhang Wei's Sophistry, The Final Witness!



Lan Zhengye believed his move was a checkmate.

He didn't bother with Qian Zhisui's own testimony, nor with his grudge against Chen Xianfeng.

He merely pointed out one thing, the starting point of Qian Zhisui's illegal actions, which is the purpose.

Since you say that you did it for the millions of Parkinson's disease sufferers around the world, shouldn't you have made the information public the moment you obtained the data?

But you didn't, why?

Isn't it because in your heart, you thought of overcoming Parkinson's disease, of becoming famous and celebrated?

Dare you say you didn't?

Lan Zhengye was in luck.

Qian Zhisui did not deny this and even fell into his trap!

"I... this... I..." When asked like this, Qian Zhisui was at a loss for words.

"Doctor Qian, back to the same question, why did you have to choose the Northern Laboratory, just because they didn't care about patents and were able to provide funding?"


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