
How to make a phoenix 101 2/3

Author note:

Well, I suppose I need to place a similar warning to the one I had on the other chapter of this 'side story'. This one is a bit more messed up so be warned.




"Hmm..." muttered a red-headed woman while rubbing her chin, her eyes focused on the inwards of the open man in front of her who was tied up to a table. "As expected, you have ran out of value. Well, I will just have to move on to the next test subject."

As she left, the man continued to look at her with hatred in his eyes as he slowly died, this time with no ring on his finger.

Passing many cages with different animals and chimeras, the woman eventually arrived at a cage much bigger than the others, inside it were several people, all chained down.

"Get the small one." said the woman while looking at one of her assistants.

The woman in maid clothes nodded and entered the cage before coming out from it with the child on her arms. The little girl had puffy eyes, indicating she had been crying, however she remained silent as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"Clean up the table and put her there." said the red-haired woman before leaving to grab her tools.

The girl grew afraid as she was strapped to a cold table, tears flowing from her eyes while the steps of the red-haired woman got louder, indicating she was close.

"Let's get started with this then." said the woman, placing a ring on the girls finger. "Feel free to not scream, I am not in the mood for loud noises today." continued the woman before crouching down and grabbing a container of oil.

As the liquid came in contact with the girl, she couldn't help but feel more scared. Her sobs grew into cries as she began calling out for her father.

"Dad!" she screamed as her tears mixed with the oil that covered her face and body.

The red-haired woman sighed and decided to ignore the cries. She went to the table and grabbed a match. Lighting it up, she saw realisation dawn in the girl's face as she realised what was about to happen despite her young age.

"Now, be a dear and survive for a long time." said the red-haired woman.

Minutes went by of screams until the girl finally died. The red-haired woman nodded and ended the fire before writing down some things in her notebook.

"Okey." she said, standing up and going to check on the girl who had finally woken up and was currently screaming. "Now we can begin with the actual operation."

Cutting the girl open, the woman began taking out her inwards, making the kid scream and move around in agony.

"Stop moving already." said the woman with her usual stoic expression. "Besides, it's not like you necessarily need this organs 'inside' your body and I am just taking them out while leaving them attacked so stop complaining."

The girl looked down at her organs which were placed across the table, still attached to her body, and passed out.

The woman ignored the situation and proceeded to bring several other organs and placing them on the table.

"Okey, we will begin with the two new heart that will go in your body." she said, grabbing the relatively small hearts of a peacock and an eagle.

Placing them inside the girl's body, the woman proceeded to connect them to the girl's heart by creating new arteries and veins on the human heart. "This should give you the characteristics of the animals I am trying to combine while also accelerating your heart rate, making the blood flow faster and regulating your temperature better." explained the woman, though in truth she was just talking to herself, reviewing the steps aloud to not get confused.

"Now I will move on to the feathers." she said, bringing out the corpses of a peacock and an eagle. "I will be fusing you with this two birds, so you will most likely wake up. Try not to scream too much or you will distract me."

Placing both birds down on two different transmutation circles, the woman brought the girl out of her chains and placed her on a third transmutation circle.

The structure of the three circles was similar to the one Dio used when changing himself by combining his body with the body of a homunculi, however this process was slightly more complex due to the nature of the combination. The three test subjects that were being combined lacked any actual similarities between them and, while the peacock and the eagle could be considered similar to each other, they were being fused into a human.

The red-haired woman took a step back and focused on the seven circles that were painted on the floor. The overall design gave the appearance of a star of David, with each point of one triangle containing a test subject. The other three points of the second triangle were much smaller in size, indicating they wouldn't be containing a test subject but instead they would be holding the actual means to keep the result on fire, healing itself constantly, and giving it the ability to come back to life. On the middle of the star was a seventh circle, on which the final result of the experiment would appear.

Of course this resulting 'phoenix' would actually have the appearance of a hybrid between human and bird, but it was a very solid step in the right direction.

Placing a green gem on one of the small circles, which was meant to keep the bird healing, the woman took step back once again and nodded.

Looking at the entrance of the room, where a maid stood, the woman nodded.

The maid simply left for a moment before returning with two more maids and standing around the circle, ready to hold in place the creation.

The red-haired woman placed a philosopher's stone on another small circle and finally placed a third gem on the third circle.

Getting back, the woman began chanting a spell and all the circles lighted up, forcing the three test subjects to slightly melt and deform before slowly moving through the lines until they arrived at the circle in the centre. The three stones disappeared under the glowing light and teleported to the new creature.

Opening its eyes, the experiment let out an inhuman sound, something between human speech and an eagle's call.

Fire appeared on the hybrid, making it panic and move around while screeching in pain.

"Chain it down." said the red-haired woman, to which the three maids nodded. With a single movement of their hands, chains appeared from the floor and held the creature in place.

The woman remained looking at the beast for hours, until she realised that the experiment was a success. A smile grew on her face as she began understanding what she had been missing all along.

"Kill it." she said.

One of the maids moved quickly and ended the hybrid's life from afar. The woman continued to stare with excitement as she saw the experiment rise back up, alive once again.

"Good." she said. "Very good."

To her, this was a very good advancement. The hybrid maintained its appearance despite being on fire, due to its extremely high regeneration. All she had to do was disconnect the pain receptors form the creatures brain and the screams should stop.

Next chapter