

The Silver Fang Tundra, for the most part, actually resides in the Lasia region. A small portion of it, the Western part, resides at the Northern end of Annura, and then it goes East between the Skyward Forest and the Crimson Desert before widening into the massive region that is Lasia. Almost all of the Lasia region is a desolate tundra other than the North Western side and the Southern end of it.

Up in the North West of Lasia is the Blood Marsh which is on the Northern coast, and beside it to the West is Lasia's portion of the Skyward Forest. On the South end of Lasia is a small portion of the Crimson Desert.

Gänhir lead Dagon and the others across the Skyward Forest and into the Lasia region, then into the Eastern Tundra, going North East until they stopped in a small town beside the Eshla Lake, part of the Eshla river which snakes through the Lasia, Annura and Malletriad regions before splitting in two paths in the North end of Lasia and then into the ocean.

The town was called Nepla Town. It was small and had an even smaller community. Altogether there were maybe only ten buildings within the town and one inn. Even for the small size, the town was quite wealthy and had richly designed homes. This was in part because it is the only town in Lasia, other than it, the only settlement is the Leina Kingdom. This meant that Nepla was the only trading town in Lasia and all the trade routes were connected to it, so it made lots of profit.

The town even had a special area of the inn, which was a massive building made from stone, in which dragons and riders could rest together.

When Dagon and Sephtis landed in Nepla, he noticed that, walking through the town, he could see both humans and Dragon Kin.

"Where did these Dragon Kin come from? I thought they were all dead.." Dagon asked Gänhir.

"That was what you thought, and that was the point. In truth, many of them were hidden away. It was my plan, I had all the Dragon Kin who wished to survive come with me and I hid them all away from the eyes of the Kingdoms. The rest of the Dragon Kin all decided to go to war beside your father. Only now can these Kin walk free, now that I am king."

"You saved all of them..?" Dagon asked in awe.

"Yes, and there are even more in the kingdom. Just wait and see. The only thing we are missing now is dragons for each of the Kin. If we had enough dragons, we could give each of them to a Dragon Kin and then we'd be able to go to war and have a better chance."

"How many Kinships do you have in the Kingdom?" Bella asked.

"Total? Only thirty-four." Gänhir spoke.

"That's it? And you honestly think we can win a war?" Bella asked in shock.

"Don't worry, I have a plan. It will all go well, trust me."

"You keep saying you have a plan, but you've yet to tell us what it is." Ellira hissed.

"There is a time and place for everything. This is not the time nor the place to discuss such details." Shiratt said in response.

"Are we staying here overnight?" Dagon asked.

"Yes, it would be dangerous to traverse the tundra at night. We'd most certainly freeze to death. At least you would. You've no clothes. I imagine you've been freezing this entire time." Gänhir spoke.

"Well.. kind of. But I never really think of it, there is nothing I can do about it after all."

"Mm. I will get you a personal tailor when we return to the kingdom, but until then we will get you some commoner clothes." He hopped down from his dragon. "Go to the Dragon Chambers, we will meet you there in a bit."

Shiratt hummed in response, then headed down the street of the town toward the inn.

"The other dragons should go as well." He added. "Riders with me."

Dagon got down from Sephtis's back, placing his hand on his dragon's side. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Don't be in too much of a hurry." Sephtis grumbled before following after the other dragons.

"Be careful, Dagon." Gena spoke. "Stay aware of everything."

"Calm down, Gena. Nothing will happen, I'll be fine." Dagon said.

"And that assumption will one day kill you." Is the last thing she said before walking off.

Bella bid her own dragon away and walked over to Dagon and Gänhir. The other two riders who had been with them joined as well.

"Who are these two?" Bella asked.

"This one is my son, Enric, and the other one is his wife, Aleaya." Gänhir spoke, putting his arm around his son and playfully holding him in a choke hold.

Enric had his father's cold blue eyes, but his hair was jet black and hung past his eyes. His skin was pale and, while he was not as large as his father, he was still muscular and toned.

Enric bowed, "It is an honor to make your acquaintance, son of Ayden."

"Why so formal..?" Dagon asked.

"Yeah, stop treating him like a king. It will get to his head." Bella scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Well, in truth, Dagon is a prince, and he should be king at this moment. His father was the late king of the Dragon Kin after all."

"As I've heard.." Dagon mumbled. "It seems there is a lot Gena has been hiding from me. Did you know my father was in a Kinship with Elderren?"

"The Dragon God King?" Aleaya asked, "Yes, everyone knows that. That is why he was king." She lifted from a bow, as did Enric.

"Yeah, well I didn't." Dagon said, then he shivered, his bare feet going numb in the snow.

"We can discuss all this later tonight." Gänhir said, "We will have plenty of time, but first, let's get you some proper attire."

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