

Next morning in leon's room — "I am taking a liking to this new room at least its better than my previous room, but right now there are still important matters in front of me to solve.I have to select an escort today itself.A butler came earlier today to inform me that grandfather had order to start my education from tomorrow onwards, and edward will be the one taking my private tuitions.All children of Britannia takes education within the estate and don't attend royal academy, but I will take lessons in private.Well it's obvious that I will study in private as it can arose suspicion on duke's sudden interest in half — blood child".

So before attending lessons I have to select an escort.I have already made up my mind, I will not choose a knight of Britannia.As I want someone who will remain loyal to me not to Britannia as I will be the matter of my safety, so I can't trust anyone on this matter so I will have to be careful.Come to think of it if I remember correctly there was someone in the novel who could be the right person for this work.I should make my move before it turns out late" Leon in his mind.

Leon rings the bell he had and hearing it haze enters,"Haze, please ready the carriage there is a place which I have to visit" Leon said.

"yes as you wish young master"haze replied.

"Come to think of it, after what happened tomorrow, haze had come back to her original self with more energy.I think one really needs a open heart talks sometime" Leon talks in his mind with a smile on his face.

As Leon and haze move out in carriage they reach a shady black alley and the carriage stops and Leon and haze comes out of the carriage.

"Young Master are you sure this is the right place, it looks dangerous"haze asks with a bit of hesitation and alertness.

"Yes it is, haze can you wait here I want to go there by myself"Leon reply.

"Young master how could I do that, leaving you alone at such dangerous place its not safe"haze said.

"I know haze that's why I brought two palace guards with us, one will escort you and the other will protect me its safe" Leon replies with a smile.

"But...okay you can go but if you feel something wrong just come back"haze said with worry on her face.

"Yes"Leon reply.Leon started walking in deep of the alley with a guard.

"If I remember correctly he should be somewhere right here"Leon in his mind.

While Leon was looking for someone his eyes fall on twelve year old kid who was lying on the ground badly beaten, bruises all over his body and half conscious.

"Ah...found him, red hair kid cover up in bruises, look likes the luck really is on my side.He is definitely none other than one of the most powerful side character of the novel — 'The Mad-dog Jared'. The nickname mad dog was something he earned because of his cruelty towards his opponents and crazy passion for war.Born as a commoner in the back alley off Britannia, his life was like a nightmare.His mother left him after he was born and his father was a drunkard.He use to beat jared every day pretty badly.One day jared's father lost a large sum of amount in gambling.So he sold jared as a slave to clear the debt.His life become more and more miserable as slave.But he wasn't alone there were kids like him there.As he notice some guards with sword training he took interest in it, and started to watch their training secretly and practice it at midnight.After getting close with other slave kid he made plan and seeing an opportunity he run away with his friends.He started self training in swordsmanship and aura and lived in hiding.As time passed by and his companions increased he started invading small lands.He had natural talent in swordsmanship and his aura was very powerful that no one was able to stand against him.Within two years he took control all over the east of wales. Arthur was the crown prince at that time, and he was given the task by the emperor to defeat jared.Both Arthur and jared were amazing swordsman.But Arthur was more powerful then jared.Arthur not just defeated jared but beheaded him and present his head to the emperor as the symbol of his victory.'Why is the world so unfair' these were the last words of jared.

If you look from jared's point of view he did nothing wrong.He just wanted to prove the world his existence.But what will happen if world gives him a chance, what will he choose I am curious.Well I am on time seeing him here means he is still not a slave yet.I will have to just make the right move" Leon in his mind.

"Hey are you okay?"Leon ask.

"Who are you, what do you want from me?I did nothing wrong"jared said in half consciousness.

"I know you did not do anything.Actually I need your help.Will you be my personal knight" Leon ask with a smile.

"This kid what does he means by personal knight.He looks like a noble kid.He is just playing with me as I am a commoner.I know its just a trap" jared in his mind.

"You look like you need help,I can help you"Leon said it while offering his hand.Getting helped, and relying on someone, jared never thought that someone would say such words to him.As soon as he hears it he feel that he can also seek for help.

"I don't know if its a trap or not but just once help...help me and I will become your personal knight"saying this jared faints there.

"Sure, guard take this kid with us and give him proper treatment"Leon orders.

In the guest room-the fainted jared opens his eyes and sees Leon standing near window looking at him.

"you are finally awake,I was waiting for you.You should just rest for some time the doctors have treated your wounds and they will heal soon.You just have to consume good food.Oh sorry I should introduce myself first,I am Leon Britannia and this is the guest house of Britannia mansion just incase if you are curious, what's your name?" Leon asks.

"I am jared" he reply in low voice."Why...why did you help me and ask me to become your personal knight when you don't even know my name.I thought you will be gone when I will open my eyes, instead you bring me to Britannia mansion.You have everything and powerful people around you to protect you than why did you choose a nobody commoner like me who doesn't even know how to wield a sword" jared ask with sad tone.

"I help you because it looked like you needed it.And what's so big issue of not knowing how to use a sword you can just learn it but if you don't want to I won't force you" Leon reply with ease.

Jared tightened grip of his hand and replies,"No, you were the first person to help me so I will do it.I jared accept you as my master and vows to protect you and serve you with loyalty till my last breath by my soul and body".

"Okay then my knight have some rest.I have inform the commander of knights to start your special training as soon as you recover" Leon said and leaves the room.

"I don't know how things will be from now on, but this kid inspite being a high-class noble he helped a commoner like me.He came like a ray of light in darkness in my life.As his personal knight I will become stronger to serve and protect my master" jared in his mind.



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