
Physical Strength Part 1

"Nah… I know that it is clear to us that this woman is very powerful, but I think that you are still forgetting that the tournament is all about the Power and Abilities of the person." One person interjected but his words were soon shut down by the laughter of everyone in the room because all of them that he was some kind of stupid person.

"Power and Ability? Are you serious? If you don't have a good and strong base, you're basically useless since you are just an empty vase. But look at her, she has all of that, and it is clear in our minds that she has a pretty good chance of winning. But! There is still that chance that she might lose because even if she has a good and strong foundation, she will still ultimately lose to someone more powerful who has better feats like those people who are practically now regular in this Tournament. Those are the true Monsters of the event.

Everyone knows this, but the excitement that it would bring to see that they have practically seen the birth of another Legend made them very excited. Now they can expect something from the Tournament and not the regular event that they will see every Tournament that was getting boring as time passes

The Reqiuem of the Vampire Goddess just lets anyone join unless have won five consecutive times. That was the limit, but in order for that to happen they would need to win five times in a row which was just basically impossible because in every Tournament, everyone just keeps getting stronger. But if someone really did manage to win five consecutive times, they would be considered a living legend and that person would get a reward from the Primordial Vampire Goddess herself which of course no one has seen it themselves since no one has done it yet.

The closest someone has ever gotten was winning two times in a row and that was in, but ultimately she failed because someone defeated her. Once she was defeated, people began to think that feat was simply impossible to achieve because winning that much in a tournament was simply too hard, it was close to impossible.

"Tournament… I remember that she said that to me, can someone remind me what is going to start again?" Yuki asked casually as she finished her break and was all refreshed now. She was not deaf so of course she heard everyone since they were basically speaking so loud. Since the topic was already about the Tournament and she was already planning to join, she asked for some more information since Skadi basically told her nothing about it.

"It will start two months of time from now, so there is still a lot of time left. But if you are planning to join, I will strongly advise you to get stronger quickly. Because even if you manage to top the Legend 10, it is not enough." Damian answered with a straight face as he stared at her not even surprised that she asked that question.

"Alright… how about we continue this Test then? Would all of you like to watch?" Yuki asked as she then turned towards the huge crowd of people if they would like to watch how she completed this Test.

"Wait… you're telling me that you are still unregistered? How is that possible? You are so strong already, but you are not yet an adventurer, I thought you were just trying the Machine." A woman whispered because she was shocked to hear that Yuki was trying to be an adventurer.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Yuki chuckled as she merely enjoyed all of their reaction after hearing her answer.

"Yeah, let's go. Let's go now to the next room where we will hold your Physical Strength Test." Damian said and Yuki just nodded her head as she followed Damian through the next room and just as she and Damian expected, there were quite a of people who decided to follow since they were not even more curious to see how powerful Yuki was.

It was normal for a Cultivator to only focus on one, so more than half of them were expecting that Yuki would flop the Physical Strength. But if they only knew who Yuki truly was, they might have just swallowed their words because of how wrong they were.

When Yuki got inside she was expecting to see some normal stuff that she had already used in the Mystic Dragon Heaven and just as she expected, she was right. All of the machines inside were basically the same except for one machine that looked unfamiliar to Yuki, but as for the rest, everything was all too familiar to her.

"Alright, this is your next Test. In this test, it is chopped up into three parts which are: Stamina and Endurance, Speed, and Raw Strength. That is all, you can start in whatever you are most comfortable with." Damian gave out a short explanation as he took a chair to sit down since this Test was the most time-consuming, but mainly because of the Stamina as it would calculate how long a person can last under extreme pressure.

"Alright, I guess I'll start with Raw Strenght first. I'm assuming that machine is for Raw Srenght, right?" Yuki just guessed as she pointed at the very strange machine that she saw when she entered.

"Yes, that is the machine that you are using. Think of it basically as a punching bag, but harder. You just need to strike it with one punch, one kick, and one weapon of your choice that is presented here. Then there is a number that will pop up on top and it will tell you how heavy your attacks are. To pass, you simply need to achieve a 10,000 kg attack. Very simple, right?" Damian answered Yuki's question with a slight smile on his face when he saw that Yuki was just being quiet.

"Oh, before you do that though. I need you to wear this Anti-Magic bracelet so that you won't cheat. I mean I already know that you are not planning, but that is the part of regulations that we need to follow." Damian quickly said before Yuki could say something he then handed her the bracelet to wear.

Yuki just stared at it for a few seconds before removing the invisible bracelet that she was wearing and placing it on the table and when she did, the table cracked under pressure as it sunk on the bottom. It was clear to everyone that it couldn't hold the weight of the four bracelets that Yuki placed on top of it.

"What in the actual fuck?"

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