
Flying Jet and Watching Movies

After answering Rami's question, Yuki began lowering the hatch of the Black Lightning, and when it was finally closed, she started the engine. Because of how quiet it was, Rami didn't even realize that the Jet had already started to fly above the air, and just as she was about to ask why they were not leaving yet, she heard Yuki's warning. Without even wasting a second, Rami covered herself with her Qi to protect herself from the force.

As soon as the Jet began moving, Rami felt a force on her body that she hadn't felt. She felt her body sinking into the seat of the Jet, even with her Qi protecting her body, she could still feel it. It was shocking to her. After strengthening her Qi armor, she felt no pain in her body anymore, but she felt so nauseous that she felt like she was about to throw up, just as she was about to, something clicked in her mind.

She remembered how exotic-looking this treasure was, so she closed her mouth not daring to open it for a second as she was afraid that she might stain this treasure which definitely cost more than her entire savings. She even thinks that if she were to work all her life, she wouldn't be able to pay for the damage that she would cause.

"Do you still feel nauseous?" Yuki already deliberately flies slower because she knows that a person like Rami wouldn't feel sick, she wasn't like Amane who even though her powers were weakened, was still very powerful. If she were to feel what Amane felt when she was on Black Lightning, she would have definitely passed out already.

"If you feel that you can't take it, you can press the only blue button in front of you. It will make you comfortable." Yuki said and just as those words left her mouth, she heard a clicking sound which made her smile, and now that Rami had chosen to relieve herself by pressing the button, the Magic Circles that she made will now keep her safe.

As soon as Rami clicked the button, her whole body felt relief as she no longer felt any pain or sickness. She didn't even feel that Yuki was already flying at full speed because all of the discomfort that she had felt before already disappeared.

But even though they were flying at the speed of light they were very far away from the Capital, normally if Rami went there, she would notify her sister with a week's notice since that is how long it would take before she arrived at the Capital, that's not even adding the time for her to arrive at her sister's boutique.

But she still made a promise that she was going to finish within two days at most, that is why she is flying at max speed. At most, she will arrive at the Capital within 24 hours at most. It was still slow for her but if other people were to hear her say that, they would lash out at her because that was simply absurd. A normal week time is turned into a day of travel, and that kind of speed is only available to those beings who are really powerful and rich.

Even the Royal Family cannot do something like that even if they want to, because even if the Royal Family is considered the most powerful force in Nightingale, that is simply on the surface. But in the real world, they are not the most powerful, but they can still be considered as one of the most powerful forces.

From the time that Yuki has been staying here, she only learned this information for quite some time. She was not shocked at this because even in the Mortal Realm, you can't call the Government the most powerful force on Earth. It was her force that was the most powerful.

Their flight was a quiet one as no one was really talking, Yuki was focused on flying the Jet, and Rami was just sitting in the back. She was already bored, so she decided to sleep, but because she was not used to sleeping in a sitting position, she couldn't sleep properly. Yuki noticed this and without saying anything she clicked another button which made a hologram appear right in front of Rami.

"If you don't like what you are watching, you can swipe that video in front of you. Treat it as a recording stone, it shows you a video that you can watch." Yuki's voice rang in her head as she was confused as to why something suddenly appeared in front of her.

Naturally, she was curious about this, so she only nodded her head and began watching the hologram right in front of her. But she got bored instantly at the show she was watching, so just as Yuki instructed her, she touched the hologram even though she was afraid to change what was being shown.

After just switching one show, she was immediately hooked by what she was watching. Just from the opening scene alone won her heart. It was a scene where a bunch of people were robbing something and as they were robbing, betrayal happened as they killed each other until only one of them was alive who seemed to be the leader of the robbers.

"Heh… interesting~ Out of all the movies that are made in my time. That is probably the best one that I have seen." Yuki muttered to herself as just from one iconic sentence that she heard from the show that Rami was watching, she was able to tell what it was.

Just like that, Rami was no longer bored and Yuki too wasn't that bored since she could also watch it. But of course, she was still putting all of her attention into driving the Black Lightning since it would be extremely dangerous if they accidentally crashed because she was not focused on driving.

In a span of those 24 hours, Rami was able to finish every movie that was a series to the first movie she watched, and when she was finished is when they finally arrived at the Capital. She wanted to watch even more, but they finally arrived. Even though she wants to watch more, she knows that she can't.

"It seemed that you like my hologram that much. How about I give you one? So that you can watch more in your time." Yuki offered as she got off the Jet before assisting Rami to get out of the Jet and when she heard what Yuki said to her, she got so excited that she went forward to hug her, but she only hugged the air as Yuki dodged her.

"I'm sorry, I just got extremely excited. But thank you so much, is there anything that you want in return? Because this technology can definitely be a pioneer in our World because there hasn't been something like this made." Rami asked with still a happy and excited look on her face even though she was rejected by Yuki.

"No, you already introduced me to your sister… oh wait. There is something that you can do, maybe you can ask your sister to prioritize my work first. But of course, if there is a person who was first, then do them first. But after that, I hope that you can ask her to prioritize mine because I'm quite in a hurry."

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