
Training Regime

"Let me answer this one sister Kurokami. The answer may vary, but I think there is a good chance, though it would probably take a couple of years before that happens. Because right now, she doesn't have a gun made for her that is strong enough to her liking, she's probably even designing one right now, but it's just not complete." When Fumiko saw that Kurokami couldn't answer her grandmother's question she stepped in and answered the question for her

Kurokami only looked at her before smiling happily as she was glad that she didn't have to answer that question because she didn't have an answer to it as she also didn't know, and she didn't want to lie to her grandmother. So she merely hugged Fumiko before thanking her quietly.

"Oh… is that so? No wait… you just said that she's designing her weapon, does that mean that she only uses a weapon that she made herself?" Skadi asked in a somewhat shaky voice as if she was afraid of what the answer might be, but this only caused the two to be confused.

"Yeah? Is there a problem with that? I mean… it may sound arrogant, but Yuki thinks that if she is going to buy something that she didn't create or at least designed herself, it better be the best there is. That is why she designs and makes everything that she uses, though of course there are some times when she is forced to use other's works, but that is just because she doesn't have much choice." Fumiko said with a confused look on her face and her words already shocked Skadi so much that she was left speechless.

But then, just as she thought that it was everything, Kurokami opened her mouth to add something to what Fumiko had said.

"Grandmother, you can call her a blacksmith at this point already. Do you remember the Dual Katana that she was using? She actually got that as a gift from someone and she used it since she thought that it was good, but then as time went on, she decided to make it better, it's actually what you saw. If I remember correctly, it was only a Blue Rank weapon, but she made it to a Red Rank.." Kurokami said with a hint of pride in her tone as she was proud of what she said about Yuki.

Meanwhile, Skadi felt that her ears were ringing because this was the first time she had heard something like that in her whole life. Upgrading a weapon was a common thing as a cultivator, but upgrading a weapon to become a Soul-Type weapon was something she hadn't even heard was possible.

She even suddenly felt inferior in front of Yuki because of this, because even if she had her fair amount of weapons that she upgraded herself when looking at the weapons that Yuki upgraded, it didn't even come close to it. It was just too heaven-defying at most. Just the jump of Ranks alone made her jealous of her abilities, but to make it a Soul Weapon was a completely different matter.

"Ahhh… is there still more to what that woman is hiding?" Skadi said helplessly. The more that she gets to know Yuki, the more shocked and amazed she is to see her real abilities. She knows that she is just a year old and yet her achievements in her life already surpassed those who have lived for more than a thousand years.

If news were to ever leak about Yuki, there was no doubt in her mind that people would swarm over her to try and poach her into their family, sect, and even guild. She is simply too precious to be all alone in the world, but of course, they are only doing this to get some fame for themselves and make their group even more powerful.

"Well… if I'm going to be honest, there is still some more to Yuki that we don't know about. So I guess you can say that we are on the same boat, it's just that we know more than you of course since we know her more." Kurokami explained lightly as she then turned around to only see Yuki waiting for them inside the house.

After saying all those words, Kurokami said her goodbye before turning around to go inside and have a meal and a shower after such intense training. When she thinks about it again, she realizes that it was still not done as what they had done was just the physical and magic training, there was still the ability training which she needs to learn more Skills from her. This thought made her depressed as she only felt her body getting heavier and heavier by the second.

Fumiko also said goodbye to Skadi before following Kurokami inside, but she was not as depressed as her even though she knew that her training with Skadi was still not over for the day. She was used to intense schedules in one day, so she just accepted her fate.

Skadi was simply speechless about all this so she also followed behind to eat her share of food, but what she didn't expect was that when she got inside, there was not a single food even cooked yet. But before she could ask the reason why, she heard Yuki's voice.

"You two, quickly take your shower so that we can start the training, and yes… both of you will not be able to eat unless it's night," Yuki said without looking up as she just continued to write something in her notebook.

"What!? Why!? Please have mercy Yuki, don't implement the training that you do to your people to us! We are not like them!" Fumiko's face paled as she immediately understood that Yuki was also training them by setting up them like this.

She knows how terrifying it was and how hard it was to follow the training regime of the "God's Worst Nightmare" as she read it once, and when she read it she felt pity for those people who had to follow it. They are only allowed to sleep 3-4 hours a day and they can only eat once a day, but that wasn't even the hardest part about it as they need to follow that every single day.

"Oh, after reading the training regime that I have set up, it seems that you have a trauma for that. But you don't have to worry about that though, you will not follow it. I just didn't cook for our lunch that is why we don't have any food to eat, but that doesn't mean that I also won't train you on my own. I will send you a paper that you will have to follow and I expect that both of you will do it every single day~" Yuki smiled as she then handed them the paper that she had written a few seconds ago.

When the two finished reading the contents of the paper, they paled as they couldn't believe that Yuki actually wanted them to follow it. Especially Fumiko, even though Yuki was right that it wasn't the same, it was still a hell of training for them to follow. But she was still at least glad that they had the weekends for themselves, but the thing that they had to follow on five straight days was hell.

"Let me see that," Skadi said as she took the paper in Kurokami's hands, and when she read it, she also couldn't help but pale as the things that she was reading were simply too unbelievable to be done in a single day.

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