
Provocative in Nature


"Buckle up, little Bai!" she ushered Bai, who obeyed immediately.

She pressed her foot on the pedal and drove away.

"Grab the blue remote in my left pocket!" she told him, "Hurry and press it!"

Bai put his hand in her pocket and pulled out a blue remote, pressing it immediately.


Shufen pressed her foot on the accelerator, increasing the car's speed. She quickly checked her rearview mirror and saw the warehouse on fire. She checked her side mirrors and realized they weren't being pursued yet.


She took a shortcut to avoid encountering other bad guys on the main road. She stopped at a gas station, and they got out of the car. She held onto his hand, and they took off running.

Leaving the car at the gas station, which most likely had a tracker on it.

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