
Justice is Served Thanks to Karma


"And who might that be?"

Mr. Dai was seen ruffling some papers. She then received a phone notification. He had sent her a pdf file and a photograph of the cop.

"His name is Huening Delan," the man introduced himself.

She examined his photograph and read his bio, "I see. I believe in your investigative abilities, so I'll turn over the evidence to this Officer Delan guy."

"I hope everything works out," sighed Mr. Dai.

"Oh, don't worry," Wen said, smirking, "I will make sure it does."

She was willing to go to any length to ensure justice was served. Not just for her sister but for the other students as well. She drove to the Qingzou Police Station the next day. When she arrived, she let out a long sigh.


'Please let everything work out,' she silently prayed.

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