
~Happy ending~

Chapter 325

~Happy ending~

It was bizarre to every onlooker including Kate was aghast at the final verdict. She sat in the front pew alongside Eva, Mary, the police detective, the parents of late Doctor Frank while Tony was being arraigned at the court of law.

Seeing Tony handcuffed and being led by a party of prison warden was a dream come true for Kate. She watched with her mouth gaping as the judge pronounced judgment upon Tony.

"Having conducted preliminary assertion about the culprit and having countless incriminating evidence that adduced that the culprit t is guilty of the said charges the honorable court hereby sentence Tony Rightman to life imprisonment for murder, drug peddling, and nuisance to society ," the judge groaned across the entire audience.

Pandemonium and rambling went across the entire court room as they watched Tony being led away by the prison warden.