
~Brian meets with Fred~  

Chapter 313

~Brian meets with Fred~

At twilight Ken knocked on the door of Mrs. Fanny but got no reply. He knocked harder and impatiently heaved on the door only to see Mrs. Fanny hanging from a noose at the ceiling, with her tongue stuck out and her feet dangling off the floor. She had committed suicide with a written note on the floor:

You have been a nice husband

I have been the bitch. Go back to your ex-wife Jacy,

while I go back to the grave where I belong

-your estranged bitch…

Mrs. Fanny

Ken read the written note repeatedly and when he swirled around, Blueeyes was standing at the door, staring at the remains of Mrs. Fanny as it hung from the ceiling, dangling in the air.

"We got to call 911," said Blueeyes folding his arms and shaking his head in pity.

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