
~Honey moon for two now~                                                    

Chapter 261

~Honey moon for two now~

"And so fucking what if your husband is around" Teddy snapped , and let out a jestful  laugh that died off as soon as his frown crept back to his face. "You think you can deceive me? You think you can break the bond between me and that baby in your womb? You cunt!" he cursed and started drifting forward, gently and cautiously.

And Mrs Fanny felt pinned at her spot , unable to act upon what she agreed to do should Teddy advance close to her. For the first time she was bold even though  scared but not so scared as of her previous experience with him; maybe her heart was made up to end all with Teddy by revealing everything to Ken; so she could have her peace.

Teddy was close to her now but an inch farther from her if not for the baby bump. He shot his angry looks at her right into her eyes and barked. 

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