
~Itches of Guilt~   

Chapter 194 

~Itches of Guilt~ 

Mr. Coleman, grandma and Brian were midway having dinner when Mr. Coleman noticed Brian had been playing with his food, worst still his fallen countenance. With the corner of his eyes, he stole a glance at Brian and saw that his pasta had not been touched for straight thirty minutes they had spent at the dining, Brian had been digging his fork into the dish of pasta and pretended to be eating. His lips paused, jaw clenched, face went crimson and his brow often furrowed at his pasta; Mr. Coleman need not be told his son was being possessed by heavy thought.

Grandma noticed same thing with Brian but it wasn't something she would love to deal with at the time. She committed herself to the discussion she was having with Coleman about his job, enjoyed the pasta in front of her, sat back in her chair, kept mute and watched Brian do nothing about his food.

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