
Walking Away

When the Mexican blonde got home, he turned on his TV slotted in the tape, and Kate's naked breasts, face writhing in ecstasy, and vagina being penetrated by a unanimous penis showed up. It was an adventurous sex tape of forty five minutes, and in the end it was only Kate that was displayed. Her partner remained unknown. The Mexican blonde shook his head, fed a cigar to his lips and lit up to smoke.

"My client will hunger for this one," he spoke in Mexican. "If they price anything less than its value I'll abrogate their fucking ass. Who wouldn't die for a white pussy as this," he said within himself. And then to the gold watch he sat to it and gave a bemused smile as the gold shone into his eyes. "Dumb ass," he cursed Tony and rubbed his hands before the expensive piece. "You wanna drink from the cup of your boss and remain a debtor," he said in English this time. "Puta," he cursed angrily this time and smoked on. "This shit ain't going anywhere now. It will remain with me and add to my asset, hmm," he groaned and kissed it "Thirty carat gold is like housing hundred bitches and expected not to smell of pussy." he said in Mexican and let a cloudy smoke through his mouth.

"I don't know why he wants to leave for Miami," said Brian's father to his wife and grinning at the cup of coffee before him.

He was in the kitchen with the wife discussing Brains decision to leave for Miami where his grandmother was.

"Initially when I asked him his reason he was ambivalent until later when he complained about some gangsters threatening to take his life," said his mother taking the seat opposite her husband.

Mr. Coleman raised a brow, "Some gangsters?" he said and sighed what would have been an outburst of anger. "I have advised him to get a gun."Mrs. Coleman shot a refuting face at him "You wouldn't advise our son to get a gun because he's trying to fix the hood."

He smiled, "Now tell me who's gonna fix heaven and earth without being a fire-consuming God? You approach gangsters with a Bible and a gun and let them decided which to understand." He gulped his coffee and stood up. "I got to break words with him." He went away.

Mrs. Coleman stood gaping through the window beholding as the vegetations fell beyond the roofs of houses and into the horizon and the soaring birds perching on twigs. At the moment she wailed inside and gaping upon nature was the only thing that stopped her from crying out. She wasn't ready to lose her son to gangsters and advising Brian against his ambition wasn't easy either. She was scared to her pulse and she would turn deaf ears to anyone at this pressing need telling her not to call the police.

Brian had packed his stuff and got his bags ready when Mr. Coleman opened the door. When he saw that it was his father he almost murmured about anybody keeping at bay for now as he took his decision. He had fallen out of grace of love and everything and the world of love he had struggled to build fell down at his feet. Kate had crushed him beyond remolding and love was an entity that needed twice the energy of making up to break up. Suddenly Kate had become the needle in his veins; the night after she accosted him threatening to involve the police, she had rained curses on him through an Instagram chat. Annoyingly the curses extended across Facebook and Whassapp; 'an eye for an eye. You are as good as dead. Fuck your love,', the chat said.

"You have every right to your decisions, son," Said Mr. Coleman. I know you may be facing some debacle right now which you don't want to tell us,"

Brian broke down in tears. "Let me be dad and don't think I'm gonna tell you anything. I just want to be left alone."

He drew closer and sat in the bed, "That's the reason you want to run into grandma's arms, good. Nobody is gonna stop you, I promise you that . I just want to know if you are returning that's all."

Brian was sobbing now, "I don't know and I don't care," he cried , "No one should come for me."

"What about school?"Coleman inquired.

"I can decide to start life afresh in Miami or quit school. I just want to be alone," he yelled and turned his back to him, breathing hard.

Mr. Coleman felt an urge to cry but fought it off. He sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Whosoever that put my son in disrepute is not going to get away with it, such offender must pay." Now he was under duress to cry and a tear leaked through the corner of his eyes. "I love you, son," he said behind Brian.

"I love you dad." He responded in a weak voice, and about having a hug a police siren blared outside and interrupted them as they hastened to the window to behold a party of police men walking into the lobby.

"Police?" asked Brian

"Yeah police, real ones."

"Who called the police?" he queried confusedly.

"I don't know."

They ran downstairs and the inspector amongst the police said, "I am inspector Fred and these are my colleagues. Sorry to disturb your warm morning. We got a call from this apartment

"Call?" Mr. Coleman asked.

"Yes I did," that was Mrs. Coleman's voice from the bar she had been there waiting for the arrival of the police. "My son feels threatened by some gangsters"

"Nobody feels threatened by anyone," shouted Brain, "Listen up police, I extol your concern and I wouldn't want you to waste your time on a boy that needs some privacy. I was on my way out when you guys came, so if you don't mind," he pointed to the door.

"But son you told us you were threatened by some damn ass gangsters."

He shook his head abruptly, "Uh, mom, you're just impossible."

The inspector said "ok, the Coleman so sorry for interfering into some privacy of your son. If you don't mind we could be on our way."

"God speed police," added Mr. Coleman. As soon as the party of police men left he said to his wife in the bluntest way, "You were faster than a train in inviting them."

"I would be faster than a jet if these gangsters dare my son," her eyes rolled.

Mr. Coleman fetched himself a coffee, "Trust me I'll wipe them gangsters if they dare our son. But you know this is more than a gangster thing," he stared around, "Where is he, Brian," he called.

But Brian had disappeared and dashed out with his bag.

"Are you actually leaving for Miami, son?" asked Mrs. Coleman and Brian was mute.

"I don't have issues with his leaving," he paused to sip at his coffee and immediately he did that he added, "You know grandma has HIV and AIDs."

"Oh damn you Coleman," cursed his wife, "Damn you. Are you still stigmatizing my momma?" she asked.

"Hell no. I'm only advertising your momma to our son. I am just putting him in the know. He got to be aware of the virus.

"Put your ass in the know," she fired.

They were quarreling when Brian had a walk to the taxi outside and they comported at once and joined him. They never saw it coming. But Brian had made up his mind to leave all in obscured past – all yes kate was all – his saving her from fatal drunkenness and washing her up was all- his keeping down the urge to rape her that night was all – his punching Tony was all. He had made a fool of himself. When the taxi drove past kate's house with his eyes on the window to her room, marked an end to his past and beginning of a new dawn.

"I am gonna miss him," Said Mr. Coleman.

"I will miss him more," added his wife.

They stared until the taxi disappeared into the horizon.

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