
Chapter – 90 (God VS Pseudo-God (Part-2))

(*A/N: Here goes 3/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Primis put his hand down as he looked at the direction of explosion. Even though he knew that he has successfully hit Ishtar, he didn't let his guard down. Well, in the first place, he never did as long as he is not in his "Home" as he has explained before.

[This time she took a full blunt of your "Chaotic Cero". That's why you got 30 drops of God's blood.]

Primis also agrees with that. Last time, at the last moment before "Chaotic Cero" could hit her she brought her left-arm in front to block it but this this she took the full blow of it. After some time, dust clouds started to settle down and Ishtar came into view. And just like Primis and Twilight guessed, this time she has injuries on her body. Though they are just some minor injuries. And these injuries have already started to heal at a speed which can be seen by naked eyes. Primis is looking at her expression which is still calm as before.

'Primis: Her personality has changed ever since she has released her Arcanum.'

[Can't deny that. Before releasing her Arcanum, her personality was very distorted. She cold-hearted and cruel and started to lose her temper when things won't go according to her plan. But this time, she is still calm even after becoming injured like this.]

Primis didn't respond but he also agrees. By this time, all of Ishtar injuries have healed. She then raises her Great-Sword with both of her hands. Divine power condensed into it and then she released it at Primis at extreme speed. Attack appears in front of Primis in an instant. Primis knows that if he gets hit by this attack then and he will become severely injured. So, he used his "Trust-Essence Steps" to the limit to dodge it.


Primis succeed in dodging it at the last moment by moving to his left. But before he could take next action, another attack full of divine power reached Primis left. After observing Primis for some time, Ishtar has already predicted that Primis will be able to dodge her first attack. That's why she hides the real attack behind her first attack. This attack is a lot stronger and faster than the previous one Primis dodged. Primis has already realized that he can't dodge this.

'Primis: Shit.'


The attack hit Primis and he was thrown away again. He was thrown like an artillery and he collides with some buildings, destroying them before he hit the ground.


Cracks appeared around the area where Primis fall and a crater was made upon impact. Ishtar is still standing at her spot and looking at the crater with calm look. She knew this type of attack is not enough to kill Primis, after fighting him all this time. And just like she guessed, ground started to tremble and all the debris were thrown away with a great force of explosion.



Primis emerged out of the crater. He is looking at Ishtar as his left-arm is dangling down. Just before the attack could hit him, he brought his left-arm in front and covered it with Chaos. As a result, even though this prevented his left-arm from disappearing completely, it still destroyed all bones, tissues, blood vessels and so on, making it completely useless now.

That's what Ishtar aim was in the first place. After taking the hit of "Chaotic Cero" two times, Ishtar is already wary of it. So, since Primis use his right-hand to held his sword and left-hand to use Cero. Ishtar decided to destroy his left-arm so that he can't use it. But she didn't that expected that it still won't disappear but since its useless now she doesn't mind much.

Primis of course was aware of what Ishtar is aiming at but he still decided to go with it. Since Ishtar thinks that his left-arm is useless, she doesn't know that his body "The Primordial One" gave him very high regeneration. It will take time to heal. But after that he can again use "Chaotic Cero". But Primis decided to remain silent because he wanted to use it as an element of surprise.

Fighting with Ishtar all this time, Primis realizes that he can't use the same attack on her twice. Because when he used them for the first time, she already finds a way to counter it for the next time. Just like how she decided to use a Weapon so that she can't get hit by his Elucidator. As a result, the circular hole at the edge of her Great-Sword is no more since she knew that Primis can use it for his advantage.

Primis took a deep breath, holds his Elucidator tighter ad moved. One-hand is all he needs for his swordsmanship. Primis appeared in front of Ishtar in an instant and swings his Elucidator at her. Ishtar block it with her Great-Sword.



Shockwaves released when their attack collides. Since Ishtar only used her Great-Sword to block instead of attack, Primis wasn't thrown away like before. Primis started his non-stop assault. Ishtar didn't attack and just keeps on blocking all of his attacks while standing on the same spot.









No matter from which angle Primis attack, Ishtar would always block it. Then all of a sudden, she moved and attack Primis. Primis saw that miles ago with his Sharingan(Eye of Insight) and dodge it. After dodging he counters it but still Ishtar block it. As their confrontation is going on, frown started to appear on Ishtar forehead. It's obvious that all of her stats are higher than Primis but no matter what she does, she failed to earn any advantage over him.

Primis swordsmanship, movement, experience and the future prediction ability(Sharingan, Eye of Insight) is helping him to fight Ishtar on Equal grounds all this time. Both of them know that if this keeps on going then it will become battle of attrition and Primis know that he will lose in that area since Ishtar divine power expanse is much more than him.

But no matter what he did, Ishtar is always able to keep up against his Skills with her Stats. As time went by, burden in his mind keeps on increasing. He has been fighting with his full-power for an hour non-stop and also trying to find the way to counter her. His left-arm has long been healed but he is still keeping it secret for surprise attack. If it was some else like another Pseudo-God or Pseudo-Gods then he won't have problem fighting for even days, weeks or months.

But against a God, he needs to use his everything like attack, dodge, counter and movement speed to his limit. That's also why he was able to keep on fighting with Ishtar to draw all this time. But now, his power is decreasing rapidly. Because of that his next attack slightly delayed. Ishtar didn't let go of this chance. She deflects his attack and her knee is already at the front of his chest. This time Primis didn't even have time to brought his Elucidator at front.


Primis: Guh!!!


[2 drop of God's blood acquired]

Ishtar: ...…



Primis was thrown away again and he hit the ground with a great force. Another crater was formed with Primis in the center. Because of impact the area around the crater has formed many cracks again. Ishtar has frown expression on her face as she held her chest. There is an injure on her chest. Even though the injury is almost negligible, it still hurts. She feels like she hurt herself.

Now Ishtar realizes that she can't attack Primis without weapon either. Otherwise, some of power of her attacks will be reflected back at her, which will also ignore her defenses. But this time, Ishtar is wrong because Primis "Damage Reflection" reflects back all types of attacks whether you will use weapon or not. Whether it is physical, magic, divine or so on. It will reflect them all.




Primis who was in the center of the crater stands up again. This time his condition is very serious. Because of slight delay in his action, he failed to put any kind defense and took a blunt of that attack. Right now, his entire body is covered in blood as it drips down on the ground. But just before he could move, he fell on one of knees and started to cough violently. Soon, he started to vomit blood.

Primis: *cough* *cough* *cough* Grph!!!!

After vomiting some blood, Primis holds his chest. He can tell that more 15 of ribs are broken and he is also having trouble breathing. After some time, he gets up again and look at Ishtar who didn't do anything and just wait for him to get up. Of Course, Primis knows that the reason Ishtar didn't make her move is not because she is generous but because she wanted to see how much Primis will struggle this inevitable.

Primis took a deep breath for a few times before becoming ready for the next round. He knew that when Ishtar hit him just now and when he falls here, that time he lost his consciousness for a second there. And the reason why he is still alive is because of his Midnight Coat. Midnight Coat "Invincibility" nullifies 15% of the damage and its "Damage Reflection" reflects another 15% of the damage. If you will stack them together then his Midnight Coat nullifies 30% of the damage. And then came the defense it provides. So, he dodged death at the last moment.

Even though his entire body is paining, Primis didn't even flinch. Primis moved again and reached Ishtar. Then he swings his Elucidator at her again. Ishtar dodged it by taking a step back and swings her Great-Sword at his head. Again because of his Sharingan(Eye of Insight) he already predicted it. But predicting it and countering it are two different things.

It's useless even if you predict your opponent attacks if you don't have strength to stop it. Primis knew if there was someone else in his position and even if he has the same predicting ability like his or even stronger, its still useless if he doesn't have the strength to stop the attack or the speed to dodge it or defense to take it head on. Let alone them even Primis doesn't have such attack, speed and defense against a God. But the thing he can rely on is his Grandmaster Rank skills and his experience of billions of years.


Elucidator met with Great-Sword. Primis is not trying to stop it or deflect it because he knew that Ishtar raw power is a lot higher than his. So, it's impossible to even parry it. What he is trying to do is to change its direction slightly to the left. That's all he needs. His Elucidator provides him with the ability of "Acute Reflexes" which increases his reflex speed by 30%.

So, because of his higher Swordsmanship he attacks the Great-Sword weak-point to change its direction. And then with the help of his Movement Skill i.e., Truth Essence Steps and with his reflexes speed he was able to dodge the attack at the last moment.


The ground shattered where Ishtar Great-Sword stuck. Primis decided to use this moment to give Ishtar some surprise attacks. Chaos power started to gather in his Elucidator. Ishtar saw that but before she could move to counter it, her eyes met with Primis and she stopped. She feels like her body has been impaled by many spikes which made her difficult to move.

Primis decided to use his Sharingan(Eye of Hypnotism) to put Ishtar into an illusion. Primis Sharingan had already become strong enough that even other Pseudo-Gods will have problem facing it. But since Ishtar is a God, her mind is a lot stronger. It can only hold her for at most a second. That's why Primis didn't use it before. Because if he did then Ishtar would already have thought of counter-measure against it.

Once Chaos power is gathered enough, Primis draws his Elucidator to back and right. Then he swings it horizontally from right to left.


[3 drops of God's Blood Acquired.]

A Slash appears on Ishtar chest. When Elucidator bounces back and after an instant of being held still at Primis left-side, he gave another Horizontal swing from left to right.


[6 drops of God's Blood Acquired.]

Previous slash become deeper and more God's Blood was Acquired this time. The force of his second slash sends Primis body spinning clockwise. With the Elucidator ending at his left flank, Primis unleashed another Horizontal Slash from left-right.


[9 drops of God's Blood Acquired.]

Primis didn't stop here and finished with a forehand strike from the right.


[12 drops of God's Blood Acquired.]

And then four swings draw a square of light that expands outward.

'Primis: Horizontal Square.'

Next chapter