
18: Like mother, like daughter

Around 12 in the afternoon, Kevin gets ready to go to Stewart's house. Bring along with him a new set of scarves and some desserts. He is bringing them out of courtesy, not to please them.

Yuki sends off his lover to the door with a heavy heart. He carries the bag of desserts and won't give it to Kevin.

"Come on, give it to me. The faster I go, the faster we can go on a date together." Kevin coax.

Yuki lifts his head and blinks repeatedly. "Date?"

Kevin hums. "Yes, we will go out after this. So now, go and get ready. I'll bring you to a special place later on."

Yuki's eyes light up. He immediately pushed the bag towards Kevin. "Okay!" He tiptoes and pecks on Kevin's right cheek. Then, he runs to the bedroom.

Kevin also wastes no time. Starts the engine then steps on the gas, speeds up to Stewart's house. He looks like a guy who cannot wait to meet his lover and parents-in-law but his face says otherwise.

The twenty minute journey became 30 minutes due to the traffic. Kevin drives up to the guard of Stewart's villa. After he mentioned his name, the guard immediately opened the gate for him.

Kevin parks his car and takes the gifts with him before getting off of the car. He rings the bell twice and waits right in front of the front door.

"Yes? How may I help you?" A young maid opened the door and her face flushed when she saw the handsome man.

"Tell your boss Tsujihara Kevin is here."

It's been years since Kevin came to this villa so of course, the new maid won't recognize him. If it's the previous or old maid, they might know him at a glance.

"O- ok..." The maid stutters. Hearing the voice as deep as the ocean only makes her heart flutter even more.

A few seconds later, Kevin can hear the loud and fast footsteps even from behind the door.

"Oh, my! Kevin!" Maria pulls him into a hug.

Kevin's eyes twitched.

"So glad to see you here. Come, come in." The woman in her late forties pulls Kevin into the villa.

"Aunty, here. All for you." Kevin passes the gift bag to Maria and the latter's face beams in happiness.

"That's so sweet of you! You don't have to bring me all these. Your presence alone is enough." But still, she takes out the scarf from the box and checks for the quality. When she is sure the scarf is from a famous brand, her smile becomes wider.

As she saw the paper bag of a famous bakery, her eyes can't stop gleaming.

"Kevin, how have you been doing lately? Still busy at the company?" She asked after asking the maid to put the scarf in her room and bring tea and snacks for the special guest.

"Same as usual. There is no job that won't be busy." Kevin answers flatly.

A moment later, Douglas walks down the staircase and he hears his wife say, "Well, you know you should find a better and competent PA or secretary. With an excellent secretary, your work will be more organised."

Kevin smiles but actually doesn't smile. 'What is this old hag babbling? You think I will waste my money on someone who can't do their job properly?'

"Kevin dear, you know...April has a bachelor's degree in business administration. She's excellent in management. Maybe you can..."

"That's enough, Maria." Douglas slightly raises his voice. He already knew his wife wanted to say this.

"Kevin is taking his time to come here just to say hi not to listen to you promoting your daughter like in an auction." Douglas went to Kevin, tapping his back before taking a seat beside his wife.

"You! How could you say that?! Do you think our daughter is a thing that can be sold and bought?! She is a treasure! A pure gem!"

"Don't you know people selling treasure in an auction? Luckily I said an auction, not a market. At least people will buy with the highest price."

Maria huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. She can never win in the verbal fight against her husband.

Douglas ignores his wife and turns to Kevin. Kevin faintly smiles at him and lightly nods.

April still didn't know Kevin's presence in her house. She usually cooped up in her room if she is not out with her friends or...men.

Maria glances between the bedroom and Kevin. She clears her throat, "Both of you go on and talk. I'm going up for a while."

In an instant, she went up to her daughter's room. She knocks impatiently as April still didn't open her door after more than ten knocks.

"What?" April said with an annoying voice and twisted face. She hates when someone disturbs her peace.

Maria pushed her inside and closed the door. April frowns looking at her mom's excitedness.

"Girl, go and wear something pretty right now! Kevin came here! He is downstairs talking with your dad."

April's eyes bulge. She looks at her mom in disbelief. "Are you kidding, mommy? Why would Kevin suddenly come here?"

Maria hits on April's bare arm. "Why would I lie to you?! I say hurry up! Or else Kevin will go home soon!"

Without wasting time, April goes to her wardrobe room. Taking off her hot pants and singlet, changed into a mini tight white dress. The dress fitted into her curvy body, showing the cleavage.

She dabbed some cushion foundation and nude lipstick. Taking a handbag with her as if she is about to go out.

Maria already returns to the living room when April is busy with her makeup. She is getting anxious when he notices Kevin is about to take his leave but April still didn't come down.

"Stay here longer, Kevin. Y- you know it has been a while since we got together like this, right?" She stiffly smiles and her eyes still steal a glance at the staircase.

"Sorry, aunty. But I need to go somewhere else." Kevin glanced at his watch. 30 minutes past, 'Yuki must be waiting for me.'

"Uncle, aunty, I-"

An excited high-pitched voice cuts his words. His mood was depleted.

"Kevin!" April walks to Kevin's side and shamelessly links their arms together.

"What a surprise to see you here! But are you already going to leave? Won't you stay longer with my parents? You know, it's been a while since you spent time with them."

Kevin holds back his laugh. 'Wow. Like mother, like daughter. Even the script is the same. Did they practice beforehand?'

Before Kevin could say anything, he was interrupted again but now by the mother. "Seems like Kevin can't stay for long. He said he needs to go somewhere else."

The eye contact between mother and daughter failed to be noticed by Kevin but from the way they talk, he can already guess their intention.

"Oh, really? Then, can you send me to the mall? I'm going to meet my friend there but my car broke down." Her hand keeps moving up and down, rubbing Kevin's arm coquettishly.

"Then, April can just take daddy's ca-!" Douglas, who was about to offer his car, was pinched on his side.

"Yes, Kevin. Can you help to send April to meet her friends? She's not used to riding a taxi. Plus, taxi drivers nowadays cannot be trusted. It is so dangerous!"

In front of April's parents' eyes, Kevin yanks his arm making April slightly stumble and almost lose her balance. All of them were shocked.

"You're going to meet your friends right? Then ask your friends to pick you up. I'm busy." Kevin shot a deathly glare at April making her flinched.

Kevin turns to Uncle Stewart and bobs his head, "Uncle, aunty, I'm going first." With that, he turns to leave.

Looking at the disappearing back, Maria ushered her daughter to chase him.

"Kevin, wait!"

Kevin keeps on walking to the entrance door. April had to double speed up her steps to catch up to him. She stands in front of the door and spreads her arms, preventing Kevin from leaving.

April is on the verge of bursting but she holds back her anger and speaks gently. "Hey, don't be like this. It's just sending me off, nothing else. I promise I won't demand other things, okay? Just help me to get to the cafe at the mall. Not that...a big deal right?"

Kevin smirks. He knows the Stewart couple is still at the back, trying to hear the conversation. Therefore, he purposely raises his voice. "Sorry, Miss April. It is a big deal. Today, I have promised MY BOYFRIEND that I will take him out and now I am already late. So, I cannot waste any more time. Just call your friend or just take a bus if you're so afraid of being alone together with the taxi driver. I'm busy so get out of my way."

Kevin seizes the chance with April, who is still in shock and pushes her away. He leaves immediately and doesn't give time for the mother and daughter to delay his date.

Maria was lost for words. She can't believe what she heard just now. Even April still stands rigid. Douglas watches his wife and daughter, he sighs then turns to leave them.

After a minute, Maria finally out of her daze and noticed her husband was already watching the TV leisurely. She struts towards him.

"Douglas, what is the meaning of this? How can Kevin suddenly have a boyfriend?! He is engaged to our daughter! Is he trying to cheat on April?!"

Douglas looks at his wife as if she suddenly grows horns on her head. "Since when did he get engaged to our daughter? When is the ceremony? Where is the ring?"

"You! How can you say that?! Me and Kevin's mother already promised to let our children marry each other. Shouldn't we fulfil her wish?!"

Douglas scoffs. "That's just an empty wish that you forced her to agree. You know Kevin's mother is a good lady who can never say no when someone begged her and you took advantage of it."

Maria feels something off with her husband's words. "Wait! Did you know that Kevin already had a boyfriend?!"

"So what if I did? He is not my son so what right do I have to forbid him from having a boyfriend or girlfriend? Even if he is my son, I will let him choose anyone who will make him happy. That's what a parent should do."

Maria clenches her fist. She knows how her husband is always going against everything she did but he rarely talks back like now. Most of her words, he will just disagree and won't say anything.

"You say parents should let their children choose whoever that will make them happy but now why are you against the idea of uniting our daughter and Kevin?! Don't you know how much April loves Kevin? She's been in love with him since they were young. How can you ignore how sad she will feel?!"

April is already stomping her legs, running to her room. She can no longer hear her parents' fight.

"Yes, I want our daughter to be happy but not by destroying other people's happiness. Love cannot be forced. If Kevin cannot accept her, we cannot force him to do so."

"Just try to talk or coax him. He is Tsujihara's sole heir. If he is dating a man, how can he get an heir to pass down the company and assets?"

Again, Douglas looks at his wife as if she just grew a tail.

"Tsujihara's matter, how does it get anything to do with you? Whoever he wants to give his assets to, it is up to him. You're an OUTSIDER. Don't speak as if you're someone important that he needs to listen to."

Couldn't bear to hear his wife's nonsense anymore, Douglas turns off the TV and grabs his car key.

"Where are you going?!" Maria shouted.

"Golf club."

"Golf.Golf.Golf. That's all you know. Or... you're meeting your mistress?!"

Douglas rolls his eyes. His wife and her overthinking are inseparable. "Well, if you insist, I'll find one."

Maria screams hysterically and throws the sofa pillow but Douglas has walked far so it just landed on the floor.

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