
35: Spacial Isolation


Another day passes, and it's currently Saturday, meaning that a certain raven-haired teen has some lessons with a certain Chairwoman.


In a spacious facility, we could see a beautiful, yet expressionless woman, her hair tied into a ponytail. A door was opened, and a young man sporting a smile came in, carrying a small duffel bag.

"I'm here, Master Jiyoung~," the young man said teasingly.

Jiyoung just sighed, and said, "Shinji..."

"Ah, I was just teasing you... Alright, how do we start?"

"First, let me tell you how it works, and I will demonstrate it after," she informed them.

The young man nodded, now much more serious. And Jiyoung, seeing the nod, started explaining.

"[Spacial Isolation] is a high-level technique to isolate yourself and others. While this technique is activated, you can prevent any collateral damage from both parties' Abilities. And in doing so, keeping regular civilians ignorant of the presence of the awakeners. But, I am sure you already know this information..."

"Yep! More or less..." he answered.

"Hmm. Alright. Now, I am going to explain how it works..." Jiyoung continues.

"On paper, it sounds simple, because you simply need to release your raw energy and make sure it is stable... But... Okay, first, can you try to do it?" she asked him, to which the teen nodded.

He straightened his body, pointing his arms sidewards. Suddenly, cold energy burst from him, slowly enveloping the whole room. When the energy made contact with the walls, they formed some cracks.

"There. As you can see, instead of preventing damage, your energy caused it. Now, let me demonstrate it." she said, clasping her hands together.

A burst of energy came from her and enveloped the whole room in less than seconds.

"It usually takes a long time to release the technique, but if you master it, you can create it in seconds. But, certain people have also Perfected this technique, such as your grandfather, to the point where they can create small versions of it to use on other people."

[A/N: As you saw in Shinji's and Jisuk's battle in the previous chapter.]

"But. Enough of the explanations. Now, let's move on to stabilizing your raw energy."


After a few hours of practicing...

{Shinji POV}

Alright... Ha... I think I have gotten the hang of it now. If I go at this pace every day, I think I'll be able to perform it decently two weeks from now? I'm not sure, but I won't be able to go on at this pace since I still have that experimentation about Awakened Animals...

But, since Spacial Isolation is a technique that I don't need right now, I guess it's alright.

So many things to do... I guess this is the life when you are a genius. Sighhhh.

Well, this still isn't bad... Since I'm going to spend more time with Jiyoung, then I have more time to woo her with my charms...

And, speaking of wooing...

"Hey, Jiyoung," I call out to her while wiping off the sweat that formed on my body.


"Since it's already evening, and we haven't eaten yet... Wanna grab a bite?" I tell her.


"Wait! Before you can refuse, we're going as friends! Or a teacher-student, whatever this is." I say reassuringly.

"Fine..." she relented.

"It's up to you if you think of it as a date~" I add, my voice taunting her.


{General POV}

After taking a bath in the Organization's building, Shinji changed out of his clothes into outdoor ones.

He waited outside of the building and after a few minutes, Jiyoung came out, wearing her usual outfit. Shinji recently got his License, so due to his persistence, he drove the car.

They went into a local restaurant and while eating, they talked about Shinji's experience in the World's Awakened Academy and Jiyoung's experience as the Shinhwa's Chairwoman.


Meanwhile in a house...

"Why am I here...?" asked a white-haired teen absentmindedly, while the person beside him giggled in joy.

"Hey, Jiwoo Seo, why do you keep giggling like that?" he asked in annoyance.

"Well, because this is the first time I've ever had friends over. I've never been to a friend's house or had friends come over, until now." Jiwoo replied, the smile of happiness never leaving his face.


"What about you, Wooin? Have you ever slept at a friend's house?" asked Jiwoo.

"No..." Wooin replied.

Jiwoo then looked at him with pity, and said, "I see."

'Fuck. Now it's all depressing and shit. These losers have no friends at all...' thought Jisuk.

"How about you, Jisuk?"

"What? Of course I..." he replied but trailed off as he realized something.

'I don't!... No! I can't be like these losers! I... I'm Jisuk Yoo!' he thought in panic.

"I see..." said Jiwoo, as both he and Wooin looked at Jisuk with sympathy.

"NO! It's not what you think! Shut up!"


In a building...

"Oi, Seongha..." called out a young woman.

"Hm? Oh. Subin. Why are you here?" the adult asked.

"I'm just here to ask where that bastard is..."

"Shinji?... Why?" questioned Seongha.

"Well, his little shit of a pet keeps bugging me. I wanted to teach it a lesson, but it keeps flying away!"

"Hmm. Well, I think he's going to be back from his lesson with Miss Jiyoung, any minute now..."


What did you think of the chapter?

I accidentally slammed a door on my fingers... When I try to move them, it hurts so damn bad. But, after a day of healing, it's better now... Still can't flip people off though...

I was in the zone man... I was back to pumping out chapters every day...

Anyway, I may need to take a day off tomorrow...

Next chapter