
Gift Of The Night Fury

We skim across a dark, wild ocean. Giant, ice-covered shards of rock jut out of the calm water. We approach a snowy island, Berk.

"This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite in your spleen." Hiccup (V.O.)

We drift over the village. It's empty, save for the smoke of early morning fires. We settle on Stoick's house.

"The one upside is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog. Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over..." Hela (V.O.)

In Hela's bedroom. Hela and Astrid are sleeping in her bed, their sword and axe are resting on the bedpost. Hela's eyes open slowly before looking at Astrid whose head is comfortably resting on her chest.

...and dragons living amongst us, this year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember." Hiccup (V.O.)

Hela smiles at how adorable Astrid looks asleep. She thinks of how 4 days from now they'll be exchanging betrothal gifts 'I have to make/think of something to give her as a betrothal gift' Hela thought. She gently moves Astrid trying to not wake her up before getting out of bed slowly.

She grabs her sword which she straps to the left side of her belt as walks towards the door, before she exits the room she looks back at Astrid who has a slight frown on her face missing the warmth next to her making Hela chuckle before walking out closing the door quietly.

"Morning Hela, you're up early, well earlier than usual," Stoick says his voice being a bit loud making Hela shush him as she points to her room.

"Oh, sorry," he says quietly. They move away from her room and go outside.

"So where are you headed," Stoick asks.

"I was thinking of heading to the workshop to make my betrothal gift to Astrid seeing as in 4 days it'll be 6 moons since we announced our betrothal," Hela tells him making him nod.

"I see, wait here I have something to give you," Stoick says as he heads back in. He walks to his room and kneels next to his bed to remove a loose floorboard before looking inside, his eyes softening as he reaches in and takes out a small wooden chest covered in dust.

"Valka, I wish you were here to give this to our daughter like you were supposed to instead of me," He says, his eyes glossing before he closes them and takes a deep breath to calm down. He stands up and blows the dust off of the chest before walking back outside where Hela was waiting.

"Here," Stoick says as he hands her the chest.

Hela takes the wooden chest and opens it, inside she finds a necklace with a depiction of the world tree Yggdrasil. "It's beautiful,"

"Aye, it is," Stoick says, "That necklace was your mother's betrothal gift to me."

"Dad I can't take this from you," Hela says seeing how much this necklace means to him but he shakes his head.

"She was the one that was supposed to give it to you seeing as she got it from her mother and her mother got it from her mother, but since she's no longer with us that responsibility falls onto me so it's yours," He tells her with a smile as he uses his thumb to wipe away the tear that rolled down Hela's cheek before she hugs him.

"Thanks, Dad, " She tells him.

"You're welcome," Stoick says as he hugs her back. They stayed like that for a bit before he backs up, "well, I have a busy day ahead of me so I'll be off"

"Don't you two know it's rude to eavesdrop on people," Hela says, looking up at the two Night furies, as Stoick walks away. "and what are you doing up on the roof,"

"I came up here to wake up Hiccup to go on our morning flight," Toothless says making Hela's eye twitch 'So that was the banging I heard the other day' she thought annoyed.

"And I came up here to stop this fledgling from waking up the whole village," Troels says.

"Hey, I'm not a fledgling" Toothless growls in protest.

"You are if you act like one," Troels tells him as he jumps down.

"You're both annoying in your own way, now I'm gonna go stretch my wings you can join me if you like," She tells Troels before turning to Toothless, "and you get down from the roof and go wake him up like a normal dragon"

"Fine" Toothless says as he jumps down," Buzzkill" He whispers as he passes Troels only to get a tail whip to the head.

"That's no way to talk to your elders little fledgling," Troels says making Toothless growl in annoyance as he walks away.


Two figures shoot through the clouds to the sky above. Troels and Hela twist in the air, swooping across the cloud bank.

They nosedive parallel to a mountain cliff, pulling up just before he would hit the water. Hela lets out a loud woohoo before laughing, enjoying the euphoric feeling of the wind going through her hair and brushing over the scales of her wings.

"This never gets old," she says before diving into the ocean with Troels to catch some fish. They fly out of the ocean with Hela holding on to a fish and Troels having a mouth full, he eats them in one bite while Hela breathes fire on hers before eating it.


Vikings scurry from house to house, preparing decorations, dragons beside them. In the center of the square, is a Snoggletog tree made of painted wood and shields.

Gobber yells out to a Viking hanging decorations riding a Gronckle.

"Here?" Viking woman asks.

"Yes, yes... No, no. That one a wee bit higher." Gobber tells her.


"There. That's the spot." Gobber says satisfied with the placement.

Stoick stands next to Gobber, and approvingly slaps him on the shoulder.

A child in a dragon costume runs toward a Gronckle, roaring. The good-natured Gronckle roars back, sending the child into a fit of giggles.

Fishlegs stands on a ladder, watching the Gronckle.

"Attaboy, Meatlug," Fishlegs says.


Astrid is pacing back and forth worried about what to give Hela as her Betrothal gift.

"Are you going to help or not?" Dawn says bringing Astrid out of her thoughts.

"Oh, right" she grabs a shield and holds it out to Stormfly before she throws them up and Stormfly whips her tail, throwing tail spikes that nail the shields to the tree.

"Are you alright, you've been distracted since this morning," Dawn asks concerned.

"I'm fine it's just that in 4 days it'll be six moons since I and Hela were betrothed and I don't have anything to give her as a betrothal gift, I mean what can I even get her that she doesn't have or want she's the daughter of the chief, she's going to be the Dragon Queen someday, she even has a flaming sword and a crown for Odin's sake... " Astrid rants as she starts pacing again.

"Hey, look at me," Dawn says as she stops her sister and faces her, "You overthinking it isn't going to help, and like you said you still have 4 more days to figure something out and I'm sure that whatever it is Hela will love it, so stop worrying so much,"

"Thanks, sis I needed that," Astrid says with a smile calming down a little.

"You're welcome, plus if you don't have anything to give her you can ask Hiccup to make you something..." Before she can continue Astrid hugs her tightly.

"Dawn you're a genius I love you" She exclaims before running off to look for Hiccup.

Stoick and Gobber stroll side by side around the tree, watching everyone work together.

"By Odin's beard, Gobber, Vikings spending the winter holiday with dragons. What would our fathers say?" Stoick says.

"They'd think we'd lost our minds," Gobber says making Stoick chuckle before he faces the crowd.

"Well done. Well done. All of you. I never thought I'd live to see this day, peace on the island of Berk. This will surely be the greatest holiday we've ever seen." Stoick says as the crowd laughs and cheers.

A distant moan from a dragon pierces through the cheering.

"What the...?" Stoick says shocked.

Berk's dragons chitter and screech. They look into the sky. Eyes narrow. Claws extend. Their animal nature taking over.

"What in Thor's name?" Gobber says

A Monstrous Nightmare perched on a roof lets out a savage roar. Snotlout yells out to it, "Come back! What are you doing?"

"Oh! Meatlug!" Fishlegs exclaims in worry as descends the ladder in a hurry.

Worry spreads across the crowd, and they yell at each other.

"What's going on?" Ruffnut asks

"What's happening?" Tuffnut asks.

Dawn looks up to the skies in search.

"Where's Hiccup?" Dawn asks worriedly.


Hela who is now riding on Troels back lets out a content sigh.

"well, that was fun. We should do this more often" She says when suddenly they both feel something calling to them making them turn their heads in that direction.

"Tell me you feel that?" Hela asks.

"Yes, I feel it too," Troels answers but before they can investigate and follow this feeling they hear something a bit far from them. When they turned to the direction of the sound they see a lot of dragons flying in one direction with Hiccup and Toothless nosediving after Hiccup's helmet. They fly toward them and level next to them.

"Hela, what's going on? Where are the dragons going?" Hiccup asks.

"I'm as surprised you are brother, but I'm going to find out. You head back to Berk and make sure that they are not panicking" Hela tells him. Hiccup nods and he and Toothless fly off.

"Hela you go after the dragons and I'll follow whatever that calling us," Troels says.

"Are you sure, we don't know what's waiting for you on the other side, it could be dangerous," Hela tells him worriedly.

"I don't know if it's dangerous or not, but I have a feeling that it's something important" Troels tells her.

"sigh, just be careful," she says as she brings out her wings and gets off Troels back, "and come back to me safe alright that's an order"

"I will my queen," Troels says before he flies off following the pull.


All across Berk, the Vikings' dragons are taking flight. Vikings try to stop them but to no avail.

"What's the matter? Where are you going?"

Astrid's Nadder--Stormfly--waddles away and leaps into the sky.

"No, no! Don't leave, Stormfly. Don't go! Please?" Astrid pleads but Stormfly flies off all the same.

Toothless lands on Berk. Hiccup jumps off and runs into Astrid.

"Astrid!" Hiccup exclaims.

"Hiccup! Where's Hela? Does she know what's going on? Where are they going?" Astrid asks but before he can answer confused and desperate Vikings approach Him, the second dragon expert, demanding answers.

"Why did they leave?" A Viking man asks him.

"What's happening?" A woman asks right after the man.

"What does Hela have to say about this" Someone asked from the back.

"Stop, please!" Hiccup says but they keep bombarding him with questions.

Stoick easily brushes the crowd aside to get to Hiccup.

"Calm down! Give him a chance to speak!" Stoick says before turning to Hiccup, "Hiccup, where are all of our dragons going and where is your sister?"

"Dad, I don't know where the dragons are going but Hela went after them to find out," Hiccup says.

Stormfly leaves the pack to urge Toothless to come along. But Toothless can't. She flies away.

Hiccup watches in dismay.


A dark, cavernous room covered in drawings of conquered dragons. Vikings surround the central fire pit, talking loudly in groups.

"Where did they go? Snoggletog is ruined!" Someone says among the crowd.

Stoick climbs into the center of the room.

"It's not ruined! We're Vikings! Now we've been perfectly happy celebrating without dragons for generations, and there's no reason we can't do it again." Stoick tells them.

In the corner, the teens are sulking. They're not exactly soaking up Stoick's optimism like the others.

"Now we don't know where they've gone off to, but we have to believe in my daughter that she'll bring them back soon. Am I right?" Stoick says.

"You're right! We are Vikings! We're tough!" Gobber says standing in the corner of the room, wearing decorated antler horns and a bell-covered arm. The bells jingle.

"...Most of the time." He adds when he realizes what he's wearing.

The teens sigh and leave the last thing they hear....

"Let's sing some Snoggletog songs!"


The teens walk side by side in the streets. It's nighttime on Berk, but the streets are unusually quiet without the dragons.

"That was depressing," Ruffnut says.

"I know. I was looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly." Astrid says sadly making Dawn feel bad for them since she doesn't know what it's like to have a dragon companion.

But Fishlegs ignores them, whistling to himself.

"What are you so happy about? Don't you miss Meatlug?" Tuffnut asks him.

"Me?" Fishlegs says before he puts on a show of sadness, fake tears and all, "Oh, yeah. I miss him so much...."

"Well, good night!" He breaks character and runs off but the teens ignore him. Dawn gets an idea to cheer them up.

"I've got an idea. Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions. You know, to bury the sadness." She says.

"Great idea sister, I have an idea that could work,"  Astrid says agreeing with her sister but the teens groan not up for it so Astrid and Dawn give Hiccup a cold stare urging him to agree, Hiccup immediately perks up.

"Actually, Astrid and Dawn might be on to something,"  He says trying to avoid the wrath of his crush and future sister-in-law.

"Easy for you to say. Your dragon can't go anywhere without you." Tuffnut tells him.

"Must be nice" Ruffnut adds with a venomous tone.

Hiccup looks off into the distance, watching Toothless as he stands on the very same cliff. Does he want to fly off himself? Hiccup frowns, thinking.

"Hey, um, Hiccup," Astrid says breaking him out of his thoughts, "I was wondering if you could make something for me," she asks gaining his interest.



Viking children are building a snow-Gronckle, a sad replacement for the real thing. A girl hugs it.

Astrid and Dawn walk past them, cheerily, carrying mugs on a stone tray.

"Yaknog! Get your Yaknog!" Dawn says out loud.

"Come on, get a frothy, delicious cup of cheer!" Astrid adds.

They spot Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut walking casually. Astrid runs up to them with Dawn following.

"Hey, you guys! Try this tasty new beverage we made for the holiday." Astrid says.

"What's that smell?" Tuffnut asks before turning to his twin sister, "is that you?"

"It's Yaknog" Dawn says as she pours him a mug of Yak-flavored sludge of delight. Tuffnut stares at it in disgust.

"Ew, if I drink that, I'm gonna yaknog all over the place," Tuffnut says.

"Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?" Astrid says.

"Astrid, Dawn, it sounds delightful. I'd love a mug." Snotlout says trying to earn some points with Dawn.

He grabs a mug and takes a large gulp and he gags.

"Ugh, you can really taste the yak." He says as he stubbornly swallows.

Fishlegs pushes Ruffnut out of the way.

"Yum, what is that," He asks.

"You wanna try some? It's our new traditional drink." Astrid tells him.

Snotlout pops behind Astrid, and shakes his head, warning Fishlegs silently not to drink it. Fishlegs carefully backs away.

"Oh, you know, um, I have suddenly and, uh, inexplicably changed my mind." He says.

"Well, you don't know what you're missing. I bet Hiccup will love this." Dawn says as she and Astrid walk away from the group.

Snotlout is holding his stomach in pain.

"Are you crying?" Ruffnut asks.


On a multicolored cove in the ocean with Prismatic Spring. Huddled around the water on several rock tiers of the cliff are hundreds of dragons: Gronckles, Zipplebacks, Nightmares, and all their eggs

Hela is looking around amazed at the sight in front of her.

"So all the dragons come here to lay eggs?" Hela asks a Grey colored Nadder who built a Nest right next to Stormfly who was out hunting for fish.

"Yes, every dragon that lives on or near dragon island comes here when they're ready to have eggs."  The dragon says.

"But why here what's so special about this place," Hela asked.

"Well, normally our eggs hatch in 4 days and they usually explode when they hatch which is dangerous even to us but if you provide them with heat it'll speed up the incubation period plus we found that hatching the eggs underwater counters the deadly explosion and this island provides us with both,"  she tells Hela.

"I see, so the springs provide you with enough heat to speed up the incubation plus water pressure that reduces the explosion from the eggs,"  Hela says with a nod.



Hiccup lies in bed sleeplessly. There's a familiar rattle from above. He sits up. Another rattle. He pulls back the covers and jumps out of bed.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouts excitedly as he runs outside, "I knew you'd come back! Whoa!" He slips on a patch of ice beside the house and falls on his back.

There is no dragon on his roof. Just his father.

"Morning, son!" Stoick says.

"Oh, hey, dad" Hiccup replies.

"Glad you're up, I was looking for your helmet, I already found Hela's in her room even though she never wears it," Stoick says.

"My... my helmet?" Hiccup says knowing he lost it at sea.

"Odin needs a place to put your goodies," Stoick says.

"Yeah, right, I'll... get on that. Great." Hiccup says as he starts to walk away.

"Hold on! Hold on." Stoick says as he gets down from the roof, "All right, come on. What's on your mind? Out with it."

"Well, it's just...it's been three days, Dad. I just thought Hela or Toothless would be back by now." Hiccup says sadly.

"I'm sure they're together with the other dragons," Stoick says.

"Yeah? I wish I could be that sure." Hiccup says.

"Listen, I know what it's like to miss someone you love this time of year. But what do we do when they can't be here for the holiday? We celebrate them. And I imagine that's exactly what They would want you to do. Right?" Stoick tells him.

"You're right," Hiccup said.

"Good!" Stoick said as he gives him a friendly shove, almost knocking Hiccup off balance. He begins to walk away, getting away from the situation quickly.

"Now go get that helmet. We've had enough disappointment around here." Stoick tells him as he goes back up the roof.


Vikings walking around, talking, no dragons to be seen. Hiccup carries a set of oars through the village until he bumps into Fishlegs, who is carrying a giant basket of fish.

"Oh, Fishlegs, you hungry? There's enough fish there to feed a dragon." Hiccup says before they get into an awkward pause. Fishlegs breaks into nervous laughter.

"A dragon? That's... " He turns and runs before he even finishes speaking. He quickly slips through the door to his shed. Hiccup watches with a raised eyebrow.

Fishlegs opens the shed door a crack, and peers out. He quietly slips out, without the fish. Hiccup approaches the shed, placing his oars by the door and slowly opening it to find...

An angry Gronckle flew straight for him. CLINK! The chain securing Meatlug to the wall snaps and Meatlug collides head-on with Hiccup. Together they soar over the edge of the cliff.

"Meatlug!" Hiccup says surprised. They pass over Dawn who ducks to avoid the flying dragon.

"Whoa, Hiccup? Where are you going?" She shouts after them.

"I have no idea" Hiccup replies.

"Meatlug! What about presents?" Fishlegs says.


The teens, minus Hiccup, are standing inside the prisonous environment of Fishlegs's shed.

"I can't believe him," Fishlegs says referring to Hiccup.

"You can't believe him? You kidnapped your dragon!" Astrid says.

"That makes it sound mean," Fishlegs says.

"He flew away the second he was unleashed!" Dawn adds taking her sister's side.

Meanwhile, Ruffnut and Tuffnut uncover a pile of hay. They gasp.

"I'm seventy-two percent sure he wanted to stay." Fishlegs say looking anywhere but their glaring eyes.

"Guys!" Tuffnut shouts gaining their attention.

"Whoa, Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks!" Fishlegs says.

Lying in the hay are a dozen or so small, blue, rocky spheroids. Dawn grabs one and holds it up.

"You're such an idiot. Those aren't rocks. Your dragon laid eggs." Ruffnut says.

"Hey, wait. I bet that's why the dragons left. To lay their eggs." Astrid says as she realizes.

"But boy dragons don't lay eggs," Fishlegs says.

"Yeah, your boy dragon is a girl dragon," Ruffnut tells him.

"Okay. That actually explains a few things." Fishlegs says awkwardly.

Astrid pops up in front of the teens and dashes off.

"Hey! Everyone's missing their dragons, right?" She says.

"Ugh, here it comes," Snotlout says.

Dawn snags a ribbon and hands it to Astrid who wraps it around the egg.

"I've got an idea. It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition!" Astrid says as she holds it up for all to see.


The teens sneak out of the shed, arms full of Gronckle eggs with red bow ties. They break apart, each heading for a different section of the village.

"Oh this is gonna be so great," Dawn says excitedly.

Each teen sneaks into a Viking home and places their egg in an empty Snoggletog helmet.


Hiccup is sitting upright on Meatlug, who is flying uncontrollably through a thick fog. Giant rock columns appear out of nowhere, and Meatlug narrowly misses them.

"Whoa! Meatlug, where are you taking me?" Hiccup asks.

The mast of a shipwrecked Viking boat suddenly appears out of the fog. Hiccup pulls up violently on Meatlug, and they soar upward, into the clouds.

The cloud cover disappears, and Hiccup looks down at a giant, rocky ocean island. It's a beautiful multicolor cove, with intense Prismatic Springs.

Meatlug descends, skims across the water, and lands, skidding to a stop on the island. Hiccup dismounts. He looks around.

"Hiccup?" Hela says surprised to see her brother here. Hiccup turns around at the sound of his sister's voice before running toward her and giving her a hug which she returns.

"What are you doing here and how did you get here exactly?" She asks him as she pulls back.

"Meatlug kind of brought me here," He says before looking around, "So these guys come here to have babies"

"Yeah, it's amazing," Hela says as she looks over to Stormfly and the other Nadder walking over to their nests, full of baby Nadders, and regurgitating into their mouth to feed them.

"Whoa..." Hiccup says as he looks on amazed.

Hiccup notices a Gronckle knocking a couple of its eggs into a hot spring. He slides down the side of the rock to get a better look, narrowly missing some baby dragons playing and running past him. Hela follows him with a smile before laughing as the baby dragons jump on her back, she sits down as they start to run around her.

The Gronckle eggs drop to the bottom of the hot spring, fizzling. Then, suddenly, they burst open, releasing a bubble of flames. Baby Gronckles swim back to the surface and tumble out onto land in front of Hiccup.

"Aww, wow," Hiccup says.

"It's magical isn't it,"  Hela says as one of the babies jumps on her head making her chuckle. Hiccup nods as he chuckles before looking back but his eye catches a single unhatched egg, laying next to the opening.

"Hey, look over here. You missed one." Hiccup says as he walks over to it Hela notices her eyes widen as the mother Gronckle can't away.

"Hiccup, don't...." Too late the egg explodes in a giant ball of fire, knocking Hiccup back onto the ground. The baby is launched into the air, and Hela catches it before it can hit the ground. It yawns.

"Hiccup, are you ok," Hela asks as she puts the baby down and starts checking him for any injury caused by the explosion.

"I'm alright, sister" Hiccup says making Hela sigh in relief, "Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk."

Hela's eyes widen again as she remembers Hiccup saying that Meatlug brought him here meaning she laid her eggs on berk.

"Oh for the love of...



Now finished, the four teens meet back with Astrid and Dawn.

"Wasn't this a great idea?" Astrid says.

"Uh-huh. Everyone is gonna be so surprised!" Fishlegs says.

BOOM! A baby Gronckle bursts through a nearby door in a ball of fire, hitting Fishlegs on the head and knocking him back.

"Surprise!" Snotlout says but no one cared, The teens crowd around the Gronckle, watching it blink and yawn.

Astrid and Dawn, look at the egg with wide-eyed fear.

"The eggs explode?" Astrid questions still shocked.

BOOM! A second Gronckle bursts out of an attic. BOOM! Another one through a house's roof.

"The eggs explode!" Dawn shouts as it finally sets in.

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! Vikings run, yelling, from their houses, into the town square.

BLAM! A ball of fire bursts through a roof, leaving a giant hole. Another Gronckle soars past the tip of the Snoggletog tree, setting it alight.

"Save us!" someone yells.

One by one, as if on a timer, three houses explode in a row. Gronckles crash through the Snoggletog tree, ripping off wood and lighting giant patches of fire.

Astrid and Dawn are paralyzed with fear. The others watch in awe.

"Awesome" Ruffnut says.

"Wow" Tuffnut adds.

"This is your best idea yet!" Snotloud tells them.

Stoick and the other Vikings crowd around the Snoggletog tree, which is slowly burning to the ground.

"What in Thor's name is going on?!" Stoick asks.

"The eggs explode," Astrid says.

BLAM! The final egg explodes in a house behind her. Astrid winces.


Hiccup is wandering around looking for Toothless desperately.

"He's not here," Hela tells him.

"I'm starting to see that," Hiccup says sadly, "Come on, Toothless, where are you?"

He wanders a little more before he makes it to the edge of the cliff, Hookfang, Stormfly, and the other Nadder reside there with their children. Hookfang's head snaps up, noticing Hiccup first.

"Hookfang!" Hiccup says as he runs up to hug Hookfang before making his way over to Stormfly, who greets him happily.

"This one smells like you, my Queen," the Nadder says to Hela.

"He's my brother," Hela says and the Nadder nods in understanding.

"He needs to eat a lot," She says making Hela laugh which gets Hiccup's attention.

"What did she say," He asks.

"Oh, nothing important," Hela says knowing that her brother is self-conscience about this thin body even if he's used to people reminding him about it. He nods his head before turning back to Hookfang and Stormfly. He notices their babies.

"You have... babies? Aw, look at you guys, all happy together! Who knew you were leaving to celebrate your own, sort of... holiday?" He says before realizing, "I should get back to my holiday."

He looks over at Hookfang, "So, what do you say, Hookfang? You think you can give me a ride home?"

Hookfang growls in agreement. and Hiccup climbs on before Hookfang takes to the skies, hovering over the island.

"Hiccup what are you doing,"  Hela asks with a frown.

"I'm heading back aren't you coming with me," He says.

"Hiccup land that dragon before..." she sighs as All the adult dragons immediately take flight, hovering over the island as well. She glares at her brother.

"Sorry" Hiccup says making her sigh again.

"The baby dragons can fly but they're not strong enough to fly in this strong wind," Hela tells him.

"What are we gonna do,"  He asks.

"Well, if I strain myself a bit I can increase my body size to half the size of the red death, so here goes nothing," Hela says before closing her eyes before shifting.

Her body started to increase as she lets out groans occasionally when she finally stops growing she lays down and opens her wings. The babies started getting on her back after a while from the base of her horns and all over her back became full of baby dragons.

She stands up and lifts her wings before taking off slowly her horns and the spikes all over her neck and back protected the babies from the strong winds plus she was flying slowly.



A dozen or so baby Gronckles lie sleeping beside a house. Vikings are walking across the town with wood and supplies, helping each other clean up.

Stoick and Gobber look on with dismay.

"Gobber, this is a disaster," Stoick says.

"It's not so bad," Gobber says.

"Not that bad? The village is destroyed, the dragons have gone and left us.... Let's face it: this holiday is a complete...." Stoick walks right into a crowd of Vikings. They're all looking up into the sky. A massive dark figure appears from behind the clouds.

"What are these people looking at?" He says before looking up as well, "What is that?"

It was Hela in her dragon form followed by hundreds of dragons and Hiccup on Hookfang.

"It's Hela and Hiccup!" Stoick says.

"And our dragons," Astrid says.

The crowd cheers as Hela gets lower and lower in the sky until she lands on the icy ground of


Baby dragons emerge from all over her neck and back to an aww-ing crowd. The teens run up to meet them.

Meatlug hovers over to her sleeping babies.

"Meatlug!" Fishlegs yells before tackling the poor Gronckle.

Astrid runs up to her Nadder and hugs her.

"Stormfly! You're back! Oh, and there are babies!" Astrid says.

One baby Nadder waddles over to Dawn who kneels and picks her up.

"Aww aren't you the cutest little thing," she says before being surrounded by baby Nadders, and looking up she sees a gray adult Nadder eyeing.

"Is that your mommy?" She asks the babies who all chirp as if to say yes," Well, now I know you'll all grow up to be beautiful dragons like her"

"I like this one," she says as she walks over to Dawn and her babies.

Stoick lifts Hela and Hiccup off the ground in a giant, chest-compressing hug.

"Well done, kids," Stoick says.

"Thanks, dad," They say as he lets go, just then Troels lands next to Hela with a book in his mouth.

"I see you found something," Hela says as she takes the book, feeling connected to it. She tries to open it but it doesn't budge.

"It won't open," Troels says, "The Guardian said that it'll open eventually the more it stays next to the heir the faster the process will be, he said it was a safety feature"

"Well, then I'll have to keep it close then," Hela says before hugging him, "I'm glad you're back"

"Everyone, grab your dragons. To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate!" Stoick tells everyone.

Before following everyone Hiccup goes to the workshop with Astrid to get her betrothal gift for Hela.


It's a giant party, lit by glowing candle balls and decorated with shields and wreathes. And best of all, dragons are invited.

"This is the best holiday ever!" Fishlegs says as he plays with a baby Gronckle, "Who's a baby? Who's a cutie baby?"

Hiccup watches the others with a smile. Fishlegs hugs the baby Gronckles. Snotlout jumps back as his baby Nightmare releases a burst of fire. Kids play with a tiny Zippleback. A young girl squeezes a Terrible Terror into a hug.

Hiccup's smile fades. Dawn spots him, and walks over.

"Hiccup, I know this must be really hard for you, seeing everyone with their dragons. But you really did a wonderful thing! Thank you." She says she moves closer but hesitates a little before taking a chance and she kisses him taking him by surprise but in the end, he returned the kiss.

Hela and Astrid smile watching from a far before facing each other. Astrid blushes a bit before turning around,

"I'll ah, go get us something to drink" She before trying to walk towards the table where the food and drunks are but Hela grabs her hand.

"Wait," Hela says before turning her around as Troels walk over to them with the wooden chest between his teeth. Hela takes and opens it, she takes out the necklace and faces Astrid.

"This was my Mothers betrothal gift to my father" She says as she puts it around Astrid's who's blushing up a storm, "She was supposed to give it to me but since she can't my father gave it to me to give it to you"

"You are my best friend, my smile, my laugh, my soulmate, my everything and couldn't ask for someone better to spend the rest of eternity with, I love you, Astrid Hofferson with everything I have" Hela say before kissing Astrid who was in tears at this point, a few minutes later they separate and Astrid sighs as she looks away.

"what's wrong?" Hela asks.

"Nothing, it's just that my gift looks meaningless compared to this" She says she brings out the necklace she had Hiccup make.

Hela smiles as she bows slightly so Astrid can put the necklace around her neck.

"It means everything to me" Hela tells her before kissing her again but this time the whole great hall erupted in cheer Vikings and dragons included.



"Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go. And the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart." Hela (V. O.)

Hela and Astrid are in bed cuddling. The look into each other's eyes and smile the memories of last night flashing through their mind the necklaces around their necks.

"Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever. That year, I gave my best friend a pretty great gift." Hiccup (V.O.)

In the sky Hiccup and Toothless are free falling but Hiccup grabs hold of Toothless's saddle, and clicks the pedal. Toothless's wings extend, and he pulls up just in time. His wings slice snow off the top of two trees on the ground.

Toothless roars with excitement.

"He gave me a better one" Hiccup (V.O.)

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