

"The past?" Lulu tilted her head in confusion, what is the geezer blabbing about?

"Well, there's no point in thinking about that, just do your job probably." Zilean ignored her remark as he had already done his job, it's up to her to connect the dots.

"MO..." Lulu pouts but didn't insist any further, she knows his attitude very well, the old man was just too stubborn!

"No wonder you're single even after living for eons." She spat out some mean words as her wand fluctuated with Arcane particles. A door emerged out of nowhere, she went in and slammed it behind as they (pix) both disappeared. Leaving only the dumbfounded Zilean. Why did she pick on him?

"Family, huh..." Zilean muttered with his eyes closed, reminiscing about the certain past. Who said he was single? He used to have a family... a happily family.... but alas.

Only he survived the ruthlessness of Time. Throughout the world, he could brag with his nose up about the fact that he might be older than most living creatures, but... at what cost? Is it worth it?

He shook his head with a bitter expression, there's no point in thinking about the past. His master had shown him hope, hope to achieve what he really wanted. All he needs to do is to do his job probably.

"Talk about time, I should undo the bind." He suddenly remembered about Jayce's situation, he forgot to unbind the timeline!

"Time wrap!"

Back to Jayce,

The scene was the same before the time collapsed, Jayce and Caitlyn in the Ferris wheel, fireworks being shot out, they explode in the figure of flowers.

The time resume...

Jayce who was originally gazed at the firework suddenly felt lightheaded. The scene, everything seems so.... familiar, but at the same time, it's not.

'DeJa'Vu?' That's the only conceivable way he could think of. Nonetheless, he didn't put too much thought into it as he suddenly feel a premonition, something bad is going to happen!

He doesn't know why he couldn't feel it before, but he now realized that they were in imminent danger!

With no time to spare, he reaches out his and mid-air as he summons an item within the system's inventory.

The Zhoyna's hourglass!

Name: Zhoyna Hourglass

Description: A special item made from an unknown entity, it had existed since the beginning of time, Genesis.

Usage: User can manipulate the river of time

Error: Due to insufficient power, Player is restricted to limited access.

Usage (new): Pause time for 10 seconds; everything, including the time itself, will be in stasis for the duration, excluding the holders.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Caitlyn who was in Jayce's embrace felt his body shake, then she saw him take out an item out of thin air.

"Jayce, what happe-…" her question was interrupted when Jayce suddenly pecked her lips.

"Sorry Cait, no time to waste, I'll explain to you later!" Jayce said, separating their lips as he marvel at the item in his hand.

The hourglass isn't looking different than any other ones. With two glass bulbs that connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows the sand to flow. If not for his hindsight, one would mistake such an ordinary-looking item for useless junk.

'If it works like a normal hourglass, so I just flip it over?' That's the logical thing he could think of, and he did just that.

The moment the hourglass got flipped, a 3-dimensional screen appeared on top of the glass, and something magical happened.

*ZING* An invisible wave swept through the universe as everything pauses in its path.


A little girl dropped her lump of ice cream, but it got froze midair.

A man banging his wife froze mid-stroke.

Outside Runeterra, within the distance space.

A gigantic entity with galaxies revolving around its body, floating in the void as it heads towards a certain direction.

Suddenly, its body shook hysterically.

"How..How could this be!?" The terrifying being roared out with horror, as it tried to run, but alas... it couldn't outrun time, as it also got frozen in the timeline.


The river of time had halted its track, causing panic and amuck throughout the universe, but also...greediness!


"How is it? Did you find the source?" In a random corner of the universe, a monstrous-looking being with tentacles wriggling under their chin spoke out to the underlings before it.

*shook* A miniature version of the creature stood before its leader, shaking its head.

"Tubulub tututbululu"

"An interference? Mhm..."

"At least we know the general location, SET OUT!"



In another corner of the universe,

A gigantic, majestic being with its scale covered in gold, 5 claws sticking out of its body and a dragon head, opened its eyes, looking in a certain direction.

"A treasure, a big treasure!" With greediness in its eye, the unknown entity disappeared from the spot,


Within the alternate world, Runeterra.

Inside the floating castle, within the throne room.

The same unknown entity with his face voided out, sitting on the throne with his left hand propped up to the face, abruptly stood up.

"The same thing still repeats huh..." The being spoke out in his cold, emotionless voice.

"But it'll be different this time..." his body disappeared, just to appear outside of space.

"Chronoshispire!" His aura surged as unknown energies emerged, creating a gigantic magic circle that enveloped the whole Runeterra.

"It'll buy us some times..." He muttered as he turned his head, looking at the beautiful blue planet that is currently enveloped in a translucent barrier that only he could see.

"It's up to you now...let's see the choices you'll make...."


Back to Jayce

When the hourglass had been flipped, a timer hologram appeared on the screen.


Seeing the time tickling down, Jayce hurriedly picks up Caitlyn in a princess carry, making the girl yelp in surprise.

[AN: There is a reason I put "holders", meaning there can be multiple people unbound to the time freeze effect.]

"Sorry Cait, no time to waste!" He kicks open the door to the cabin as he took a powerful jump.


Although he had already jumped out of the Ferris wheel's range. his sense still picks up danger alerts! He circulates his pure essence as blue wings emerged from his back.

Rune Line ability: Phase Rush.

Description: User get an increase in speed, up to 200%

Cost: 100 AP/Min

200%! Depending on his speed stats, his movement speed will triple!

12030! A speed of a B ranker! If it were to translate in Earth's terms, his speed is faster than the most advanced bullet train!


"Hold on tight." He hugs Caitlyn closer to his chest as his momentum started to rise, he took a jump and it send him flying into the distance.


The amusement park wasn't small, it was originally created to be the main landmark of the kingdom, to attract tourists and potential customers from various parts of Runeterra. Its length alone is approximately 10 miles. So even with his speed, the size of the park is not something he could cross over in an instant.

"I feel sick..." Caitlyn who is in his arm feel extremely nauseous. Her face paled as she put hands over her mouth, holding back the incoming vomits.

But the final straw broke when Jayce landed on the ground, shaking her up within his embrace.

*WEAH* She pukes all over him, drenching his clothes with her vomits.

…. *silence*

"I...I... sorry..." Cait lowered her head in embarrassment, on the verge of crying as tears brimmed her eyes, but Jayce didn't even pay attention to the fiasco as he got more important debate going on.

'DING! Player, please pick the following options.

Leave the premise alone, the probability of Caitlyn's death: 98%. Reward: Ultimate Dao (Dao of creation)

Leave the premise with Caitlyn, the probability of Caitlyn's death: 2%. Reward: hidden memories unlock.

Name: Dao of Creation

Description: An ultimate Dao that represents the peak power of the multiverse.

Usage: Manipulate the law of creation, user can create "ANYTHING" with sufficient Pure essences

Cost: Permanent loss of the required Pure essences.

[AN: He has 902 pure essences so far.]

Alternate world, floating castle...

"So, it has come to this point, huh...."

"What will you choose...I wonder..."

"Power or friendship."



"..... *sigh*" Jayce took deep breaths after a moment of silence. The Dao of creation... as a former avid reader, how could he not understand the concept of such an ability. Creation... as it implies...he could create ANYTHING! Essentially, being a living god as long he has the necessary energies... If given time, he would be able to stand atop the multiverse! An ultimate goal of many living beings.


'Hidden memories, huh' this could have many meanings. One of which is that memories he had forgotten, which is not possible since he basically has photographic memory given his high, dense pure essences, then the other only possible thing that he could think of is that someone or something had forcefully erased his memories!


After a few moments, he made up his mind as he looks at Caitlyn in his embrace with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, Cait...."


"What...?" Caitlyn muttered with a confused expression, but the next second she felt gravity shift.




Kiramman's mansion...

"Ah ah ah ah, faster honey!"- Cassandra

"Oh, fuck...this is hard, darling...."- Tobias

In the master room, an activity is being engaged between two individuals, a very hot, sweaty, activity...

"It's so slippery... oh, fuck *heavily pants*" Tobias

"Ahh! It is so hot and sticky!"-Cassandra

As the camera zoomed in the room, they found the figure of Tobias giving Cassandra a slippery, sticky, stroking.... massage...?

"Can you rub it harder you sissy!" Cassandra angrily complains as she lay on a massage table, but her expression changed into one of rapturous ecstasy as hot, sticky, and slippery liquid is being squished against her back by her husband's hands.

"Give me a break already, honey. I'm a businessman, not an athlete! This is too hard!" Tobias complains as he heavily breathes out some rough breaths. He's currently giving his wife a massage but with a twist... his left leg is propped up with a rope, hanging from the ceiling, he can only give massages to his wife with his remaining leg! Such activity is not something his old bones could handle for long!

'Sigh, what had gone wrong? I was such a handsome young man with limitless potential! Why did I end up with this lioness!?' As Tobias complained and contemplated about his life choices, he didn't realize that his wife is currently trembling.

"cait..." Her small voice woke him up from his stupor.

"Honey? -…"

"CAITLYN!" She abruptly sits up, hitting Tobias on the nose with the back of her head.

"Honey? What is wrong with you..." Tobias rubs his nose, he was about to complain when he sees hot tears, dripping down from his wife's eyes. Without a pause, he hurriedly over, putting her head on his chest as he caresses the back of her hair.

"I..I... Something is wrong...I FE-"




A loud explosion, followed by the shockwave as the whole mansion shook with intensity. Luckily, they and most of the noble houses are made up of hard materials, otherwise, their fate would be underneath the collapsed rubbles...Just like some of the other unfortunate people...

"Oh..no... CAITLYN, CAI- huuh" She collapsed on her husband, unconscious.

"cass? CASS!? CASS! MEN! BRING THE DOCTORS, HURRY!" Tobias saw his wife suddenly collapse, yelled out hysterically.


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