
CH. 16: The Disastrous Walpurgis

He was reduced to memories.

Guy looked with shock at Clayman who just got erased from existence, with Testarossa showing no emotions of remorse nor sadness. Erasure was a terrifying technic that even he did not know about existed in this world.

Testarossa- "Well now that three demon lords have bid their Adieu, i guess you, perhaps, have enough place to welcome us in your council. Am i wrong?" She asked.

Carrera and Ultima looked both at Guy and waited for his response. After what seemed like an eternal silence, he was spoke up and said "I guess so.." and the three girls finally calmed down.

The demon lords were sad and angry at the moment but non of them had dared to speak anything in fear of one of the three girls ending them, they had shown immense capabilities such as neutralizing Milim who was the strongest and using unknown magic alongside super fast speed and mind reading, which had intimidated everyone present. Even Guy, who thought was the strongest, did not even come to one of three girls' feet.

Testarossa- "Kufufu~ Then, from now on, I, Carrera and Ultima are all part of the demon lords. I would have hoped for a higher position seeing our spectacular power level but Demon Lords are the most influential existences within the hierarchy so we won't mind that." She said.

Ultima then disappeared from beside Guy appeared beside Testarossa. Carrera walked and stopped beside Testarossa.

Testarossa raised her hands and spoke with authority.

Testarossa- "This Walpurgis is officially dismissed. Everyone may return to their rat holes and sit peacefully until we have any use for them." She said.

Velzard however, quickly ran towards the three and yelled at them in anger.

Velzard- "You won't get away with this so easily you three!! You may be strong but let's see how you'll perform in front of a true dragon!!" She yelled before roaring a loud dragon sound which resonated throughout the whole hall and made everyone shiver from the coldness of her breath.

Ultima's skirt got lifted a bit from the cold breath. She quickly held it down.

Ultima- "No no!! No one's allowed to glance!" She shouted.

Testarossa sighed.

Carrera however, looked at Velzard with an annoyed expression because her loud roar made her feel cold in her slender shoulders.

She desummoned her spectral gun and bullets but kept one single bullet which she held in her right hand.

Carrera- "Yeah no shit." She said throwing a spectral bullet with her bare hand at Velzard.

She threw it at her head and the impact made from it knocked the dragon and made her pass out.

Velzard fell on the ground and this only made the demon lords look at Carrera with an even more terrified face seeing how she was able to knock out a true dragon with nothing but the flick of a finger.

Ultima- "I hope everyone here learned his lesson~ Don't do anything funny or I will be the only one to laugh in the end, hehe~" She giggled cutely.

Some of the still conscious demon lords gulped with horror.

Testarossa- "Farewell." She said snapping her fingers.


Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima teleported away from the pocket dimension. And then the space around the demon lords started shattering, literally falling into pieces like glass. The borders of the room started falling like a collapsed building into the endless void while everyone gathered into the middle.

Guy- 'I can't believe they even destroyed my imaginary space!' He thought with a frustrated expression.

Luminous- "If we don't hurry up leaving this place we'll all die!!" She shouted.

Dino- "I should have stayed home today.." He said.

Dagruel slapped Dino across the face which made him throw away saliva.

Dagruel- "Get a hold of yourself will ya? We're about to be stuck in the void!.. Guy, do you have a solution?" He asked.

Guy grabbed Milim from the ground and spoke up.

Guy- "Everyone, hold yourselves!" He said casting a teleportation spell.

Light swarelled across every individual in the room before disappearing with everyone outside of the Walpurgis hall.

The imaginary space finished collapsing and all that was left was void.


Akira was just sitting on a bench while wearing sunglasses until he felt the three devil goddesses approaching. He stretched his arms and got up from his seat, he removed his sunglasses and looked at three colorful shouting stars falling down to the ground.

Akira- "Heh." He grinned in expectation.

The three flashing stars obliterated the ground below them and created a smoke screen around. Akira swinged gently his hand across the air and made all the smoke disappear and the ground regenerate. Three figures were revealed.

Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima all three kneeling down on the ground with happy expressions and closed eyes awaiting

Akira- "Tell me tell me! Did you antagonize the demon lords?!" He asked happily.

Testarossa raised her head but still kneeling down.

Testarossa- "Yes my Lor-- i mean *ahem* A-Akira~" She said it gently.

Akira's eyes widened in surprise, in all animes he had watched the subordinates would always call their lord by some fancy name even if he allows them to call him by his name, Testarossa was bold for doing that in the first try but it was good progress.

However, Ultima who did know anything about this, looked at Testarossa with a wide open mouth and suprise.

Ultima- 'Why is she calling my Lord by his name?!.. My Lord looks fine with it.. DID I MISS A PAGE?!' She thought.

Akira smiled gently, Testarossa blushed slightly because it looked like Akira was enjoying this. Without wasting a second, she continued.

Testarossa- "Yes, Akira~ The demon lords council is now under your control. It is the highest ranking nobility in this word so we can all say that the world is now under your control my Lor- i mean Akira~" She said.

Akira- "Hahaha, it's good to know that you've fulfilled your mission successfully. I don't think anything interesting will happen in the next few weeks so how about going somewhere else?" He asked.

The three girls looked at Akira with dumbfounded expressions.

Ultima- "Som-Somewhere else my Lord..?" She asked.

The two demon girls also looked stupefied as well.

Akira- "Yes, but with more detail, let's go to another world." He said.

Carrera looked astonished.

Carrera- "You mean that we're goin' somewhere outside of this world?!" She asked.

Testarossa put a smug face.

Testarossa- "I thought you acquired an infinite mind after your evolution Carrera.. Is it hard to believe that there's other worlds out there?~" She humiliated her.

Carrera- "Not all little Blanc, prepare to be sent to the world of the dead." She said creating a miniature super nova within her palm.

Akira giggled internally at their little fights, which could destroy this entire world within seconds if not stopped immediately.

Akira- "Stop it you three, you're not supposed to be fighting when all of you are so close together." He said.

Testarossa and Carrera both held hands and looked with joyful grins at Akira.

Carrera- "N-No Akira, we're just having a 'friendly' talk, nothin' tha worry about haha.." She said.

Testarossa- "Yes Akira, we've bonded very close ever since our 'physical bonding' Kukuku~" She said with a smile and little blush.


Akira facepalmed.

Akira- "Yeah.. Anyway, Ultima." He called her.

Ultima quickly got up and took a serious pose.

Ultima- "Y-YES MY LORD!!" She shouted.

Akira took a few seconds to look at Ultima, she had really changed ever since her evolution. She had gained a few inches, but still smaller than all the devils, her skin had became paler but in a healthy way. Her curves became more beautiful alongside her looks and the little signature, which was the purple devil mark around her eye. Golden yellow eyes and dark purple hair with a ponytail on the left. She wasn't the most gorgeous but really the most cute.

Akira- "Can i have a talk with you?" He asked.

A cold sweat formed on Ultima's forehead.

Ultima- "O-Of course my Lord." She said.

Carrera looked at Ultima with a teasing look.

Carrera- "Ooh~ Looks like somebody's getting yelled at." She teased her.

Akira however looked at Carrera with a piercing glance which made her apologize.

Ultima smiled a bit but still followed her Lord.


Thanks for Your Precious Lecture! Pa--treon.com/skyfall12 (Read ahead of everyone with the advanced chapters!)

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