
Freshly laundered towel

-Gideon pov-

As I'm about viciously and verbally abuse whatever just busted through whatever was left of my mansion with every possible colourful and degrading insult I could feasibly remember at this moment...I slowly get confused….

It's a 10 foot tall humanoid hammerhead shark….so a Garchomp, and looking at it I can tell it's champion ranked and and looking for a fight as it roars in rage as it looks toward our little group…

I quickly look back at everyone gathered and notice that pops looks like he's about to faint, Cynthia and Anna are both out of commission, but to my surprise Rick, Salva, Ronny and Logan all without hesitation pull out 2 pokeballs each and throw them as the all shout at the same time "PROTECT LORD STORM!!"

In a flash of light a big beefy Nidoking and a two tailed purple monkey, Ambipom pop out from ricks balls

A milotic and Persian pop out from Logan's, I guess he returned his big cat at one point?

From Ronny's balls popped out is what I'm convinced is Tom sellecks reincarnation in dog form, Stoutland and a big tubby beanbag of pink, purple and mist musharna…

And Salva released a rather big orange, black and white puppy growlithe and a a weird looking cross between a Lilly pad and a dog, an electrike…

Everyone's Pokémon release instantly made a beeline for me to try and set up a defensive perimeter to try and protect me but were blocked by an invisible wall..

And me being as easily distracted as I am I didn't even notice when my crew was already surrounding me glaring in loathing at the land shark/dragon that busted through whatever was left of my humble abode and looking our way with fury and a hint of cockiness in its eyes…

With a grunt from metagross to which I can roughly translate as 'take care of your own masters first weaklings', the Pokémon that my guys sent to protect me returned to their trainers sides looking a little hesitant as they glance garchomps way…..not that I could blame them….

King ranked Pokémon are some of the strongest Pokémon around but against a champion ranked? Not to sound to cliche but high class cannon fodder would be an apt description….

So those snivelling little turd burglars really did have a better plan and more powerful pokemon than they let on?, and caught on to me catching onto them? Seems I really underestimated how cunning they could actually be….well played…..

We're in kind a sketchy situation though….a battle between champion ranked Pokémon is going to cause massive collateral damage here and the surrounding areas, it would be best if we could push this fight somewhere else….and this being a pseudo legendary on top of a dragon type is going to making this harder than it needs to be….

And just as I was thinking on how to go about this it gets worse…

A monkey with hair aflame bursts through the air and lands on top of the mulched ruins of my once beautiful house with a roar sending shockwaves through my yard again, but this time we were prepared as everyone was covered by a barrier….

….this day just feels like one big shit show being bled straight into the next, or maybe it's just one big shit show with snack breaks?..….point is this day is just fucked….This thing is champion ranked as well….I really dropped the ball this time…how did those Ninnies get their hands on a champion ranked DRAGON and a champion ranked Infernape….

Our makeshift Mexican stand off only lasts about 10 second before I started things off quietly with a whisper" bell and azumarill take the garchomp, hit hard and fast don't give a chance to rest, pour on the ice and fairy damage, buff up now while given the time….and if given the chance lead him away from the city before you really let loose… houndoom you gotta keep that monkey on its toes, try and keep a distance and pepper him with sludgebombs and shadowballs….he's got you beat on typing but metagross can support you with some ranged attacks…."

I know metagross wont be leaving my side during this….even with gengar in my shadow there's no way in letting my means of bailing when shit hits the fan….like

More than it already is…and strongest shield get to far from me….houndoom is at a disadvantage type wise but I'm pretty sure he can handle that infernape without taking to much damage….

Taking no prisoners azumarill starts things off with a rather painful beating of her belly that leaves it looking red and bruised and instantly after I see a veil of crystal clear water form over her body….belly drum into aqua ring…nice choice

Bellossom bends down and instantly pushes green energy into the ground as what's left of grass around the area seems to glow and then she pulls her hand above her head while channeling a nearly unreasonable amount of pink energy into an oversized beach ball shaped sphere of fairy energy ready to shoot straight into the gullet of the offending party, garchomp

Who at this point has noticed the threat these adorable little gals posses as he seemed to lose that hint of cockiness to take this seriously…and starts to breath in as an ungodly amount of blue energy like flames gathers around his maw.

But before he could even finish inhaling azumarill is already on him covered in a veil of blue darkish water like energy that made her move quicker than lightning with her fist covered in much lighter blue energy with some frost forming around her little nubby fists as she plants said fist straight into garchomps belly interrupting what I can assume was a dragon breath or dragon pulse meant for us..

Garchomp folded like a freshly laundered towel as he was launched straight back through the rubble he came from in an instant….like him even being there was an illusion and the only evidence he was ever standing there were two smoking footprints…..oh…and the sounds of carnage and destruction from the direction he was launched…..it sounds like he didn't stop at my property line, I'm guessing my neighbours will have a thing or two to day about that…..I hope they have insurance…..wait is insurance a thing yet?

Well I hope it is because I'm not paying for that...

And as quickly as azumarill launched her attack so did bellossom, her beach ball full of fairy death was launched in his general direction at a mind boggling speed as it disappeared beyond the wreckage and the only thing I could think of was….that was kind of let down from all her build u-



Ooooo that probably hurt just judging from that pained roar…..it was quiet the explosion but I know for a fact she held back a fair bit, so I'm glad they're kinda listening in the heat of the moment….

And just like that the gals launched themselves like above water torpedoes into the distance to manhandle the cocky intruder….with evidence of the act being in the form on mini earthquakes shaking the ground and bright lights being seen over the tall rubble

And it is at this point I would like to point out that trying to micro manage Pokémon on this level is a fools errand….they move so fast that the time you're ready to make a call they would have exchanged multiple attacks so, the best way to do it is giving general guidance and pray you raised your mon better

Oh it seemed that the fire monkey had taken exception to his "comrade" being launched and subsequently beat down by the dynamic duo of azumarill and bellossom…

Everyone else seemed to get the message this is above their pay grade as they all move as far away as their can, but I can feel the anxiousness radiating off them in their worry that I'll be ok…..salva has to be dragged away from trying to throw his life away just to have me see his loyalty…..that kids weird man…

And just as infernape looked to be gathering some fiery energy to launch in defence of his pal, he was suddenly lifted into the air surrounded by a pinkish glow much to his anger and confusion as he looks to focus on my glowing cyborg crab and readies his accumulated energy ready to send our way, but before he could he was pelted with multiple soccer ball sized ethereal purple orbs which seemed to throw him off as he grit his teeth in pain…

Houndoom never one to turn down a chance to inflict pain on things he hates…..which is everything except me and the crew, starts machine gunning out shadow balls with perfect aim at the stationary fire chimp much to its chagrin…..

Infernape struggles for about 30 seconds and just as I think about things going to be a lot easier than I thought they would be, well ignoring the obviously ludicrous amount of property damage being caused by my gals railroading the dragon through the capital outside our line of sight….suddenly infernape drops out of the psychic hold much to my confusion.

Which is immediately replace with pants wetting panic at the ground just around me and metagross shatters like glass and a small grunt from metagross as I look to my side and see about a foot away from me a mid sized furry fist with a metallic spike on top stopped mid air…..it was aiming for my head…..and looking up from the fist I see the owner of said appendage being a blue and black bipedal dog with eyes shifting between coldness and anger looming directly at me, and different from infernape and garchomp who showed up with the intention to battle….this thing…..it's purpose here was only to take my life... and I could tell it was mad it couldn't kill me with that strike…..and it's champion ranked as well

But at that moment is when I feel an overwhelming amount of fury and hatred….through my bond with my mons….gengar and metagross who are witnessing the attempt on my life are almost stunned from their own sheer desire to see this kung too canine die in the most painful way possible….

Me though? I like cool and collected on the outside but I'm about to shit myself from being so close to death…..death is scary…doesn't matter how tough you think you are….and before I could respond or my mons protecting me could unleash that aggression they planed on sharing with lucario we hear..



Had some time so I busted out another chapter….don't forget to leave a review if your enjoying the story so far :)

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