

-Gideon POV-

Pops walks over from behind his desk to one of the available lounges to take a seat still reeling from the shock of his sudden appearance and near heart attack….. I think he was more upset over the paperwork though…normally I would say I don't blame him with some sympathy of another noble who knows the horror of paperwork and it's ability to crush your soul….but…..I do fuck all paperwork...I make Logan or Rick do it…..I'm not a paperwork guy….

Some may think that's wrong and how I'm just avoiding my responsibility but fuck those people….. I'll sign like 3-4 things a week….and even that's a chore that I'm trying to avoid by having one of my smiths at little town make up something that prints my signature like a stamp... just for Logan though…

But what if Rick and Logan are corrupt and steal your gold or make changes to "ineeta gold" that could be harmful to you? others might ask….all I would have to say is...meh....for one…I'm 99.9% sure they would never do anything to harm me and my interests, I've been with them for almost 12 years and their loyalty is border line fanatical….and stealing gold? Well if the first reason wasn't enough…..I really don't care if they steal gold...I've told them time and again if they want a pay rise just give themselves one…..I practically handed them a blank cheque, but they refused…..they have access to my coffers and I've told them to take anything anytime they need without permission…..mainly so they don't have to bother me ever other day…..but they refused that as well saying something about it would be inappropriate...hence me having so sigh 3-4 pieces of paperwork that I don't even read a week…..

Some would say that's highly negligent and they would be right, but I honestly just don't care that much….I've never really been a guy who loves to hoard money, having a nest egg is nice sure but as long as I have my home, my mons and some decent food I'm pretty much set…..everything else is just a bonus

So after pops takes a minute to regain his bearings and even one is sort of in position after the girls place themselves to my sides pops looks at me and starts off our conversation " so Gideon since you've brought me here in such a hurry I can assume something with dire consequences has come to pass and you needed my help to see you through it?"

"Wellllllllll....kinda....Some things happened and I'm about to sort it out but I needed your blessing to carry out a certain part of said sorting out"

"Oh? And what would that certain part of your plan be to require my blessing?….." he looked both intrigued and worried…..not that he blame him, I've been known to be somewhat of a loose cannon during my childhood

This conversation was going to be way easier in my head….. and as much as I hate my brothers and having them dead would be make life easier I don't know if I can look this man in his eyes and ask him to let me murder his sons…..

He is actually a pretty good bloke when it comes down to it….horribly naive and far to trusting of people he cares about aka my brothers and their harpy mothers….less trusting since I outed them….but loves them all the same…..and he had for the last almost 12 years been trying to make it up to me for his negligence of letting me go through that shit...and those big innocent eyes that don't belong to a man of his age are really throwing me off…..

And his handle bar mustachios…..I will admit to being slightly jealous of just how well it frames his face...such a spectacular facial accessory that would look just weird on anyone else but its like its specifically designed for his face alone..."Gideon?"

Oh shit I'm in the middle of a conversation…" oh yeah sorry was just thinking about something again…..so pops…..here's the thing….you know how me and those pin heads you call my brothers have never gotten along so well?"..

" well of coarse….you two have been like serviper and zangoose since the day you told me about how they used to treat you when you were younger…..What's this about Gideon?...."

He's starting to look more and more concerned…."look...there's a plot I've discovered amongst some nobles that have made 'solid' plans to assassinate me and…"


Aaaand pops is up and moving around the room waving his arms around giving very a dramatic speech I've tuned out…..I'm so focused on his handlebar moustache that's somehow flared into life and moving animatedly during said speech...no, bad Gideon….focus…..I'm to high for this conversation….why hasn't anyone ever warned me about the side effect of drugs during serious conversations and how harmful they could be…..

As pops is waving his arms around ranting about how he's going to retaliate while his mustachios is somehow following his arm waving movements the I hear a muffled pop coming from out back and suddenly the room starts heating up while simultaneously turning ice cold as even pops stops his impassioned speech of vengeance and you could hear a pin drop in the room...everyone is starting to sweat and look nervous….. and you could hear something between a heavy tap and a thump in a pattern all too familiar to me by now getting closer and closer from the back of the mansion…

The doors to the entry way slowly open with a strained creak and we all look over and see beyond frame is just pitch black which was weird to see because it should be quite well lit….but as soon as the doors opened the heat really kicked up a notch and you can really feel that hatred and malice from beyond the darkness and I already knew what was there….it was the good boy back from his adventures in dead man's land….and very angry and full of hate at this moment…..

The darkness slowly fades as he slowly walks into the room with methodical steps and everyone in the room bar me is frozen with fear at the shear heat and malice radiating off houndoom...he's not snarling or nipping at anyone…..just an emotionless face…..oh boy I can't even imagine the amount of belly scratches this is going to take to calm him down…..but he feels like wrath incarnate as wisps of black smoke emit from his body as he walk closer to me that seem to fade away as it moves further away from his body

I lean to whisper to the girls sitting at my sides " I'm thinking you two should move he seems cranky and set on being near me at the moment and as much as I trust him with my safety...well…..probably just best to move away from me for now…."

The girls didn't need anything else as they shot up and away from me to the other side of the room quick smart and in a hurry as my big murder puppy with his emotionless wrathful Smokey self just climbs up on the lounge next to me and lays his head across my lap…..he's singeing the cushions...this why I can't have nice things….

So as I'm slowly stroking a very upset and very murder happy hell hound from the base of his skull down his back trying to calm him down...wow he's stiff like a board…..I slowly and calmly speak as to not agitate my very on edge doggo " ok well….now that that's out of the way let's get back into what I was saying...pops…..the thing is Richard and Kyle are pa-…."

With another muffled pop I felt metagross come back with bellossom….I hope he explained it better to her than he did to houndoom but judging from the brightness that seems to be come from the outside I doubt it…..and again with something coming down the hall but this time it's more tippy taps like a child running bearfoot on tiled floors….we all just freeze again and look to the now somehow closed again doors leading to the hall way, a stunning greenish light is come from the gaps of the doors as suddenly the doors fly open….basically splintered off their hinges and in its place a small green humanoid pokemon in a grass skirt and flowers on her head standing there with one foot out from her initial assault on my doors and and hands above her head looking deranged with a big psycho smile and her left eye lid half closed and...IS THAT A FUCKING SPIRIT BOMB ABOVER HER HEAD!?!?

Wait it's green…..that's a solar beam…..the biggest solar beam I've ever seen....and it's charged and primed to fire....FUCK!!

Once a solar beam is primed it has to be fired there is no way around it…..and my little plant gal has brought into my house a fully primed and ready to be unleashed cancer beam nuke….

Houndoom took it as well as you could have expected in this situation…..as soon as the door splintered off their hinges he was in front of me flames licking at his snout ready to unleash his fire fuckery upon whatever came in…..he calmed down slightly when he saw it was bellossom but seemed to become concerned when he also noticed the size and power of the before mentioned cancer bomb she brought in with her….

I noticed she was relived when she was I was ok….but also noticed that she looked to be struggling to keep the solar beam from vaporising an 8th of the capital and us along with it….well everyone else probably…pretty sure gengar would save me somehow.....so without much thought i ran over to her, sliding under the giant green ball of tumoury death and pick her up as one would a nappyless pissing baby and ran straight out back again with her while also noticing the walls of my mansion seemed to have been melted away…..fantastic…..so I sprint out back with only one word in my mind that seemed to be on repeat "shitshitshitshitshit"

God this solar beam was massive….a good 5 meters top to bottom..…..and everything it touched just seemed to melt away...but it only took 20 seconds of inner cursing to make it to the back yard and point my little greenery expert to the sky and yell " LET IT RIP!!"

And let it rip she did….. as I squinted my eyes she unleashed her beam upon the sky…..there was a small rainstorm gathering upon the capital on the sinnoh kingdom…..keyword there was "was"…..the beam was gigantic and with the power to more or less blow away the storm like it was an illusion…..that's gonna raise some questions me thinks…..a problem for future Gideon…..

The beam lasted a good minute before finally stopping…..that was a long ass minute though….the winder pressure alone shattered pretty much every window this side of the house and even uprooted a few trees….to say nothing of my poor cheeks and hair that were rag dolled like there was no tomorrow….fuck my cheeks are sore now…..

And as it was finished bellossom just slumped down in my outstretched arms in exhaustion….she just blew her load and was ready for a nap it looks like…..

I look back to the entryway and see pops and everyone else just standing there next to my nearly ruined mansion with a pale complexion….not that I blame them….they came pretty close to death a few times today….first with houndoom….they just knew he would roast them if they even breathed in a way he didn't like….not that I would let him but it's the thought that counts…..and second….my little herbologist nearly mega nuked the capital with us at ground 0…..so being a little on edge was pretty reasonable…..

Thank Christ I made sure gyarados didn't know about this…..he wouldn't have waited like bellossom….he would just start hyperbeaming everything as soon as he got here and trust gengar to keep me safe and kill everything that wasn't me or my crew….so yeah…..not telling him about this….

Houndoom walks up beside me and just waits there like the loyal guard he is….but if I want my mansion to be standing by the time we finish our talks I should probably hold the talks outside…..Rhyperior should be back soon and I'd rather not have him running through my pad….

"So…..that happened....and...well…. Logan buddy I think we should have these talks outside...mind getting an outdoor set up going for us?"

With a stoic nod he takes off to get a place set for us to have some talks about the whole assassination thing…..what an intense hour the last hour has been…..and now I'm completely sober which is probably a good thing…..

Everyone just just of stood there taking in just how close to death they all were as my servants got everything all set upon a corner of the now nearly torn out garden…..

But everything was eventually set up about 20 minutes later…..which was spent in complete silence and I started making my way over as everyone quietly followed so we could finish up or talks before anything else happened….

Next chapter