
Glad I came today

-Cynthia pov-

"MOONNNSSTTERRRRR!!!!!" I managed to scream out as I woke from my slumber….I look around in a panic only to notice I seemed to be back in Gideons manor in the capital….I guess I passed out…..again...before I met Gideon I was someone who believed herself to have a strong character and heart....but it seems not as much as I thought….

I mean….I can count on one hand on my lifetime how many times I've fainted before meeting him…..and in less than a year I've fainted at least 3 times from terror and countless time from…..well I'll stick to the terror faintings for now…

But if we are back in the capital….that means…..he struck a deal with that...thing….he was powerful before but now he's unstoppable if he managed to get that snorlax on side…..I only took one look at it and that was all I could handle…..

I'm still not 100% used to being around more than 1 champion ranked Pokémon at a time without it making my skin itch a bit…and with Gideon having so many, I find my skin irritated more often than not…..but his gyarados….I can't be near it without my skin feeling like it's on fire…..and it was almost twice as bad for that gigantic snorlax we went to meet, from what I can remember anyway…. My consciousness did last much after laying eyes on her…

I'll ask Gideon how it all went later, but for now I have to see my family again to make sure they aren't doing anything stupid...Gideon has made a lot of enemies for himself just being himself, and those enemies pay the price for every action they take against him…..I don't want my family to have to pay that price. So I'll have to go and make sure they aren't part of the problem….

I won't be telling them anything that Gideon could take as betrayal, but I will make sure that they "stay in their lane" ill mostly have to talk to my uncle….father can be kind of…..stupid and prideful…..

My little brother also tried to join a noble youth gathering of those against Gideon awhile ago…..I put that thought out of his head immediately with what Gideon likes to say some "good ol fashion violence", even though all they really do is meet up to discuss how much they dislike him…..they are harmless…..but Gideon makes solid arguments for things like this like…. Like….one of them will eventually bring up something stupid….and some more will agree to his stupidity….they will try their "plan", they will fail and he will show them no mercy…..so no….my brother will not be part of that…..

I guess my first step would be to get out of these soaked pyjamas, have a shower, have some food, find anna and then head of to the Blaine estate to see what the family is up too…

So I left myself out of bed to head to the shower and find another maid outside the room waiting for me….

She informs me that Anna only woke up a little bit before me and is currently in the shower and if I wished, food would be ready for when we got out…..Blaine family servants almost seem incompetent compared to Gideons... Anna doesn't count, yes she is my attendant but she's been more of a friend who helps me out than a servant….

So I met with Anna and we shared a shower…..the shower takes up half a room….you have room to truely walk around while still being in the warm water….I'm sure 10 people could fit in here comfortably and not have to touch someone else….

So we finish up and head down for a godly breakfast….I can't go back to non Gideon food now...I just can't….

I ask the staff where Gideon is at the moment and it seems he's out in the back garden trying to get shuckle to stop being so depressed…..they said shuckle is near catatonic with its eyes dead…..

So we just leave him to it without saying goodbye as I could imagine shuckle being a handful with his obsession with snorlax…..so me and Anna are off to the Blaine family estate to make sure nothing is happening….

It didn't take long for us to arrive via carriage, and luck seemed to be on our side today as my father and uncle were in, I really have to get them to see Gideon as someone who shouldn't be messed with…..I don't want them to scheme something idiotic and force me into choosing to either stand with or against Gideon….

We were escorted into fathers study where father and uncle seemed to be discussing something…

Father seemed to light up with his usual carefree and borderline idiotic smile " Cynthia my dear you're home!! Oh how have you been?, me and Damien were just discussing you and your plans to steal the secrets to magmars evolution…..I still think we should get on board with the nobles gathering against him and just force it out of him...but your uncle seems to think that's a horrible idea…..come Cynthia, let him know that I'm right and we should put our boots to his neck and force what we want out of him!!"

I'm so glad I came today….father is dancing on a knifes edge and doesn't even know it….*sigh*….. and I can't tell him why because it could possibly be betraying Gideon unknowingly….

"Yes Cynthia it is wonderful to see you again my dear, please sit with us and tell your father just how stupid his possible decision is and how it could possibly ruin us…..I've been fighting tooth and nail to stop this nincompoop from trying his very best to lead us into that shit storm that surrounds the boy…." My uncle looks dead on his feet….fathers enthusiasm is very hard to steer when he's motivated….again….I'm glad I came today…..

So I take a seat next to uncle facing my father who sits across from us at his desk.

"Father...uncle is right…..I can't give you details at the moment, but let me assure you if you try and take action against Gideon he will weather what ever you throw at him and even if you somehow throw him off balance….. when he stabilises himself again…..he will retaliate against everyone back with 0 regard for tittles or rank and turn it into a blood bath….And considering his strength I would very much like to avoid the Blaine family being in that particular bath…." I say what I think is reasonable without letting them know exact details of his strength…but a hint that it should be enough to ward off those noble….

"Nonsense girl….has he somehow deluded you into believing his Pokémon are more powerful than they really are? I know you have your gift for measuring a Pokémon's strength but he must have found a way to fool it…he has at most 1 king Pokémon which is that frightful beast of a gyarados I've heard about…..and his "retaliation?"….BAH!…. What could such a weakling do with 1 king ranked Pokémon against an alliance of nobles!? Nothing that's what!!…I've heard the "rumours" of his "retaliations" against a few nobles who have messed with his businesses, but they are just that….rumours…..I spoke to count Borden about what happened to his family estate after he assailed that commoners store….he said he barely lost a few Pokémon and a handful of coins….and it's the same story with all the nobles involved in these "rumours"….so it's no problem what so ever…"

I look to my uncle with a "is he serious?" Look and my uncle just sighs and looks to be ready to give up…..of course those blithering fools wouldn't admit when someone destroys them from the ground up...is this why they keep attempting to attack Gideon?….because these idiots are to proud to admit what happened to them?…..so when other nobles hear the "rumours" but go to confirm it and the victim just laughs and claims they are false? So it starts all over again?…..like some sort of idiotically driven wheel…..

....I've been trying to cover for nobles faults with Gideon since we first started seeing each other….trying to explain to him their behaviours…..but it's getting harder and harder….I think he might actually be right about them….they might all just be "fucking retarded" as Gideon claims...I don't know how else to describe it but foolish pride leading them all further into nooses of their own making...I have to stop father….

" well anyways my dear Cynthia I think you should talk to your younger brother before trying to actively convince my idiotic brother about the state of things…..that "noble youth gathering" he has been going to seems to be planning something and I heard they were going to act this week….I'm unsure of what it is….and your brother being a smaller version of your father wouldn't heed my advice has decided he wanted to be a part of this "plan" so please…..talk some sense into him….."

HE IS WHAT!?!?….that little idiot is still going to that stupid little gathering of incompetent overly arrogant children!? And they plan to act against Gideon this week!?...I'm going to have to....talk.....with him again...he want be able to participate with broken legs will he??…..I'm even starting to sound like Gideon…..

" Cynthia you seem awfully concerned about this "commoner", he hasn't gotten under your skin has he? Because that would defeat the whole purpose of trying to steal his secrets….."

My father seemed to get a little serious at that last question…..Gotta act haughty and arrogant to throw him off the truth

"Of course not father…..how could a mere commoner ever hope to have a noble such as i to feel anything but pity for him!!?"

Uugghhh it never used to feel so dirty coming out of my mouth….I guess Gideon had kind of warped how I see everything now…

"Good…..I was afraid I would have had to pull you out of there….but it's good that you know where he stands...and if somehow this thing fails with the noble gathering…it's always good to have a back up plan just in case….so do your best to keep him wrapped around your finger my sweet…..having the monopoly on magmar evolution could skyrocket our family's prestige and reputation…."

Knowing Gideons actual strength…..it makes my father sound even dumber than usual….I think my uncle might have caught onto a small part of Gideons actual strength so he's trying to actively steer father away from genuine conflict with him….which is good, but he needs some help…..

"If you would excuse me father…..I need to go and speak with my brother about a couple of things, we seemed to have a bit to catch up about…."

"Of course my dear…..I'm sure your brother would be delighted to see you again..."

So I said my goodbyes to my father and uncle and head out the door...

It seems I need to re-educate my little brother….

I'm again glad I came today…..


-Gideon pov-

" cmon buddy cheer up…..it's only for a week….and you'll be with them again….you can feed them and brush them to your hearts desire…but they had some things to do buddy you know that…."

Shuckle isn't even coming out of his shell…..he's genuinely shell shocked he can't be with the snorlax right now...even his voice sounds like he's on deaths door…

"Shuck shuckle shuck....."

" because she would have eaten you buddy….she hasn't had a proper meal in like 150 years and you would would have just been in the way...don't make it sound like I was trying to hurt your feelings…."


" I know everything you ever dreamed about was right there buddy….and it still is...as I said big man, they had some things to do….and you didn't have the strength to help them out this time…..but when they are finished you will have more snorlax to brush than you know what to do with..."


" you're not useless and weak….you're just young…..but you have been growing stronger everyday…..but there is something about the situation you haven't considered….."

He pops his head out of his shell slightly and looks at me….wow he looks depressed…


"Think of it like this…..you really love those snorlax right?"

He nods


"Well...use this week to practice your grooming and feeding skills...I'll even buy you a full professional set of grooming brushes so you can take care of them properly….and not that toy brush you have been using….AND you can use this week to find out which berrys you would think they would like, and I'll buy as many as you want…..and don't forget there was a whole cave of baby snorlax that will need grooming….you are seriously underprepared for something like that….."


"Shuckle shuck shuck shuckle!!?!?"

" that's right bud!!, you nearly lost your preparation time, how about we head down to the market right now…..just you and me and pick you out some brushes and berrys aye?"


He's done a full 180 and he's all fired up….he needs to be ready for all them baby snorlax as he calls them…tried telling him they're called muchlax but he wasn't hearing it….they were baby snorlax and that was final….

"Alrighty big man, let's head on down and see what we can find…."

So me and shuckle head on down to the main market in noble freezon to see what we could see…

Next chapter