
Penguin skin jacket

As i wake up the next morning and look to my left and right I see Cynthia and her attendant Anna, you would think they would look like beautiful princesses while they were asleep... you would be wrong, they look like they've been through a war zone but instead of soot on their faces it's....doesn't matter...hair all frazzled and drooling like simpletons with mouths wide open and muttering something every now and then, and not ahego face with their tongues out, they just look like when they sleep I guess?

I smile as I think about the two little freaks and their little "awakening" last night

So I get myself out of the pile of limbs and head to the shower, got a battle with shuckle this afternoon and tomorrow as well, so should be fun. We ended up staying in Little town for the night, things got hot and heavy on the shower and we didn't want to stop, so we stayed here, not that it matters 1 teleport and we're there.

I also had someone teleport to the capital last night and see the betting odds and see who I'm fighting and what their mon is, it was all told to me when I agreed to the "official academy battle" But I couldn't be bothered to listen, and kind of forgot about it till yesterday.

As I finish my shower I head downstairs for some breakfast and to start my day, honestly I could go back to sleep…..but that's not what's gonna happen, I have shit to do.

As I get downstairs a buffet style breakfast is waiting for me with Logan waiting at the table with his Persian to his side, and I so I simply sit down and start eating.

Awhile after I start eating I ask Logan about any results on the odds of the match today, and his answer was annoying but not entirely unexpected, I have been dunking on these nobles in a showy fashion, there would be some push back eventually.

He lets me know that my opponent has piplup, royal starter Pokémon...that has in the brief amount of time since it's birth miraculously has been trained into a mid advanced rank empoleon, so yeah it's pushback time.

If it was an elite rank I would probably be a lot more nervous but my turtle bug should be fine…..and the betting odds?…..60-1.... And I thought I made bank before, this is just to easy.

While Pokémon get stronger from beginner to advanced rank, each rank can still deal damage to their high ranked opponents, that changes at elite rank….. say an intermediate rank Pokémon would do decent damage with a super effect attack against an advanced rank Pokémon….it could still win if you played your cards right.

But elite is where that shit stops, what would be a super effect attack normally would barely be able to scratch it, so elite and advanced seem close, 1 stage apart but in reality its an entirely different game.

So in conclusion shuckles going to be bringing home a penguin skin jacket, it's just that those snotty pricks don't know it yet...and for this little stunt of theirs, I'm going to dunk on them extra hard this time and REALLY rub it in their faces…..heh heh heh…..

So after breakfast I head outside and tug on the connection of metagross, and he appears almost instantly.

Gideon " I need a ride back to the capital bud, I'll take bell, houndoom and gengar with me, the rest of you are free to do what you want...except gyarados, tell him he needs to rest until next week, the guy has been going at it far to hard and he needs some chill time to let his body recover naturally"

Metagross just agrees and just before he goes to teleport me he stops and looks like he thought of something….ok... what's this about?

He suddenly lets me know he wants food….

Gideon " are you not getting enough to eat buddy? You only had to ask you don't need to hold back on that front, you can have as much as you want"

He just shakes his head, seems he gets enough food….he thinks for a second and shows me some images of a group of snorlax and a mountain of food stacked in the warehouse, and then a few scenes of him and some of my mons fighting against some snorlax, but not in a kill each other kind of way more just sparing…

Even images of bellossom and Rhyperior fighting different snorlax…

I managed to interpret what he's saying without much trouble.

Gideon " you want me to make a mountain of snorlax food to pay off some snorlax as sparing partners?"

He does a full body nod, that seems to be it, no issues then...so before we teleport I make a literal hill of snorlax food so he can just teleport it to where ever the snorlax are….. those snorlax were champion ranked...I wonder where he found them?

I let Logan know to have everyone bet the maximum amount on shuckle for the academy battle, and also to tell them to go in packs fully ready for a fight, and to take no shit from the bookies if they decide not to pay after the loss, I told them to bleed them dry if they had to, but get what we are owed.

So with that out of the way I'm back in the capital, I have a whole before I need to be at the academy, so I guess I'll spend some time with shuckle and just go over a few things with him.

But as metagross was about to teleport back to little town I had a thought.

Gideon " wait up a minute metagross, you mind waiting around for Cynthia and Anna to wake up and give them a lift back to the capital when their ready? I know other people could do it, but I trust you more, I don't want some clusterfuck situation to happen if anything happened to them somehow, sorry if it ruins your plans a little but I would appreciate it"

He seemed to be fine with it, he agreed without any hesitation and suddenly teleported back to little town to sort the food out I'd say, oh well time to give shuckle a pep talk….. where is his snorlax bear by the way?

-a couple hours later-

I'm on my way to the academy, Cynthia and Anna have been back during that time and said their goodbyes as they headed back to Blaine family mansion in the capital and they said they would be back tonight, I guess Cynthia just needed some clothes and to talk to the family about everything.

But as I make my way to the academy, no one stops me or bothers me....probably because houndoom is snarling and glaring at everything with 10 feet of me…..well 1 "pack" of nobles approached me looking quiet self important, but before they could speak houndoom used his oh so flexible tail to whip the leader of their gang in the balls which left him screaming in a higher pitch than I was comfortable with.

Everyone man in the vicinity inverted their knees with their both hands over their crotches as they saw it was so bad they almost got phantom pains, but no one approached me after that…..well Leo did and houndoom just let him pass.

I have a class and then I'm going to watch shuckle crush the hopes of these cheating noble asshats while I take all their gold….

Even shuckle seemed oddly okay with fighting today…. Guess the pep talks are starting to come through.


-Rick pov- (leader of ineeta gold)

Phewww... another pack of meddling thugs taught a lesson….. I think as we are disposing of their corpses outside the city near a well know serviper nest, which is a lot recently,it's come to the point where these greedy snake pokemon wait for us to deliver their meals lately…..

Lately the heat has really been turned up on our merchant company, if it's not nobles coming in to make trouble, it's gangs of thugs trying to intimidate us for one reason or another.

But as our lord requested we hav 0 tolerance and have permission to go "mad dog on their asses" and it's quiet effective normally, but lately it's just getting worse, if I had to guess there is someone behind it all.

Even the "karate dog club" have been rather insistent on having part ownership of ineeta gold lately, and while we politely refuse, they seem to be getting more aggressive each time.

It was only last night that the 3rd most powerful gang in the capital launched a full scale assault on our little home away from home, but as our lord requested we were always ready for their "bullshit sneak attacks" and we handled them without much fuss.

But we couldn't leave it at that after all that would go against our lords "mad dog tactics" so we quickly had someone teleport to little town to gather more members for an assault force, the wisdom of our lord is beyond comprehension…..truely....his wise words saved mine and my brothers and sisters lives last night.

Our lord taught us the first rule of attacking an enemy…. Know their forces before you begin a battle….. calculate the number of forces needed to prevail and then...his exact words were " then take 4 times as many as you think you need and fuck their shit up"

And that saved us a lot of heartache, they had more then twice the number of hidden forces that we predicted, with more king and elite ranked Pokémon as well.

But luckily we followed our lords advice and attacked with over 100 people and 300 Pokémon in our retaliation on their main "base" which was hidden in the slums, numerically we were out numbered, but strength wise we had them beat hands down.

They had 6 king ranked Pokémon and over 50 elite ranked Pokémon, but again our lords wisdom over the years has been proven again, our lord made it mandatory for all little town residents to learn how to properly groom and train their Pokémon, at minimum of training twice a week to keep them fit.

And we followed his will to the letter, everyone's Pokémon in little town are healthy and fit and ready to battle at any moment with full force.

"Dark type blood" as they called themselves, while having an impressive amount of "powerful" Pokémon, their Pokémon paled in comparison to our own within the same rank.

They were sluggish and undertrained for battle, and while they trained them some, they rarely fought, they were used as an intimidation tactic and sat around and got fat and rusty.

And while our assault force Pokémon and people had some injuries, some minor, some more severe we had 0 casualties and all injuries will be able to get healed back up to 100% in no time, we brought along a good contingent of healers for support just like our lord recommended in situations such as these.

And I said before "dark type blood" were the 3rd strongest gang in the capital and the keyword here is "were" as we left no survivors, and nabbed everything that wasn't nailed down, we have quiet a few psychic Pokémon in little town which made things a lot easier to not be spotted.

And I can see why bandits conduct raids now, we came away with more spoils then we ever thought they would have…between the gold, which is still being counted but I'll say it's quiet the tidy sum, rare Pokémon eggs, that would sell for insane amount of gold, art, jewellery, and everything in between.

We tossed all the corpses of our enemies and their Pokémon to the wild, and sent the volunteers who came from little town home and those injured to receive healing with little issue

Speaking of Pokémon eggs....our lord has been telling me about how he wanted a large flying type Pokémon....and I think we may have found one perfect for him...


-Cynthia pov-

After me and Anna woke up this morning we couldn't look each other in the eye…. For...….. reasons….

So we kept our silence went down stairs to have an amazing breakfast, it is quiet strange to wake up without the man I preformed such actions with two nights in a row, the other times with the other men they would stroke my hair and tell me how beautiful I was, so I don't know how to take it that he just leave before I wake up…

And when we were to leave they servants told us metagross would escort us back to the capital…..to have a champion ranked pseudo legendary as an escort is something only royalty receive... mixed signals indeed…

But once we were back we said our goodbyes to the servants and got into our carriage pulled by 2 rapidash back to the blaine manor in the capital…..and I must say the bumps in the road are sending jolts through my whole body…..starting from my groin....it's hard to not make noise...

I turn to Anna and see she is suffering the same as I…..I still don't know how to start a conversation with her at the moment.

Last night was…..something...it was the first time I've done the deed with another woman present, and I expected Anna to be meek and placid...…she was not...

She spoke words that should never leave a refined lady's lips, and what's worse was....those words excited me.....more than I will ever admit, and I got caught up in the heat of it and started using similar language…..

It started when I was taking a break from Gideons vigorous passions for awhile and laying there on my back watching him take her from behind…..when she suddenly turns back to Gideon and yells quiet aggressively "FUCK ME LIKE THE LITTLE WHORE THAT I AM!!!" But it didn't end there, she grabbed my legs with surprising strength and pulled me toward her and she use her mouth on my....lower half…..

And things just spiraled out of control from there.... Anna has been my attendant and friend since I was 13, and I never could imagine she had such....passion….

But I need to concentrate now, we are almost back at fathers manor, and I need to make sure I'm ready for any of the questions the family is going to throw at me and convince them I have Gideon under my thumb…..

And having a magmortar...no the only magmortar in existence…..will add a lot of credibility to my claims…..I'm absolutely sure things will go the way I want…

I see the manor now….ok Cynthia, time to get to work!!….

Next chapter