

Maximus Sinnoh pov

I'm on my way back to the castle in a carriage with my father and my son Leo and pondering what just happened…..

Good lord.... I figured my father was over stating that storm boy but.....arceus above, i thought at most he would humble my son a little but this.....

To have an evolution of the rhydon line that's unheard of would have shaken nearly every noble family that specialises in ground and rock Pokémon, but to also have a champion ranked metagross, they aren't called pseudo legendaries for show....I can only how imagine the psychic noble family's are going to respond to this…

And that gyarados... to have a gyarados tamed is already a miracle in of itself, but to have a champion ranked one WITH the kings blood flowing through its veins …. The strength I felt from that thing will give me nightmares, I know that any coastline that thing lives will become untouchable….

And that's not even mentioning it can use aura!!!, aura for mews sake!!!, a gyarados, the aura guardians are going to have a melt down over this, they would normally respond with a join us or disappear mentality, a very hard stance when it comes to anything aura, but if they wanted to make Gideon storm bend to their wills..... I can only imagine they amount of power they would have to put into to even have a chance, especially with how father described his personality.

Kane " seems he was a tad stronger than I predicted, did you see the face of all those nobles, hahahahah!"

Leo " yeah that was insane…."

Maximus " a tad stronger!?, you saw what I just saw right!? I thought you were just getting senile when you said a 15 year old had at least 4 champion ranked Pokémon!, even if he only had that gyarados he would be a major power in the political game...."

Kane " don't forget his people, I know he has at least 9 king rank Pokémon and a few dozen elites in his employ"

Maximus " that alone puts him even above the offical strength of my brother the grand duke….. this might be troublesome"

Kane " yeah he seemed to ruffle a few feathers back there with his Pokémon and his general attitude, really made a small scene"

Maximus " small scene!?, he basically lit the whole place on fire and took a giant deification on every noble there!"

Kane " I know it was hilarious!!, the way he told the nobles voicing their "complaints" to "go eat a bag of dicks", I swear he has some strange sayings, but some are quiet funny"

Maximus " it's turned from a political headache to a political shitstorm....*sigh* how do you think the aura guardians are going to respond?"

Kane " same as usual….. try and lull him in with sweet but always empty promises, and when that doesn't work, they will switch to intimation....and that won't work out well for them I can tel you, and after that backfires, back to the old cloak and dagger, assassination attempts, trying to block his businesses, you know, the classics"

Maximus " indeed, well we just have to wait and see how people move, I would normally offer the boy something for such feats, but it would cause more trouble then it's worth, so I'll have to meet him in private"

Kane " either way it's not bad for us... I like the kid, and I have confidence in him, when people start to move against him, they will soon realise that he doesn't play the same game they do, he doesn't strike me as the cloak and dagger with subtlety type, more like send a barrage of hyper beams toward his enemy's and ask questions later type"

Maximus " indeed"


Aura guardian Orion temple POV

how is that possible…. I've never seen anything like it before, that boy...he has to be under aura guardians control.....or he needs to die...

That gyarados, the guardians must own it, it knows how to use aura, and only guardians can have Pokémon who can use aura, it's in our code, and the boy's knowledge…..if we can learn how to tame gyarados we could control all sea routes increasing our revenue exponentially, and if we control that particular gyarados it will make it many times easier.

And the boys aura…..I have never seen anyone with even close to that amount or purity, it's like he is aura itself….

He would be to powerful to let into the guardians as it is…. We would have to cripple him somehow, with the aura he has it would be too easy for him to usurp our grandmasters positions, that is if we don't get his knowledge and kill him first, he is to much of a threat.

The guardians lent a lucario to the first prince to make sure he won todays bout, and that lucario was at the edge of champion rank, it even spars with our hidden champion ranked Pokémon and holds its own…..to be defeated so easily just goes to show that power should be in our hands.

To think that useless pawn of a prince was able to bring our attention to something so wonderfull, even though he lost, he brought to light so real opportunities to the church.. we will still make him suffer to bringing harm to a precious lucario…..but the punishment won't be as harsh…

I will have to discuss with some of the other grandmasters about how to first approach this, first impressions make a big difference, we will lure him in with false promises and sweet whispers…. I'm sure he will be just like everyone else…..and fall right into our hands.

The only issue is how are we going to go about it?... well as I thought, I will have to discuss it with the other grandmasters..

Just you wait Gideon storm, the aura guardians always get what they want…..



What a fucking day..... it's more or less my first human battle, and it was a total stomp, crushed that electabuzz and crippled those little psychos family scyther, and had my fish dunk on that uppity shitzu, man the look on that things face was amazing, from smug to terror….

After the battle ended, I had almost every noble there swarm me asking to either marry their daughter, threaten me to tell them about Rhyperior,a lot of people asking how I tamed a gyarados, one shady dude even tried to stab me…..and lost and hand for it, gengar plays for keeps, people backed off after that.

I don't think they knew gyarados was champion rank…. Just a hunch though

I seen a dude with aura throwing shady and possessive vibes to my and gyarados's way, probably an aura guardian jelly of gyarados's aura

Kane left with a smile, took it well, Magnus though.... Had a small mental breakdown, accused me of "borrowing" Pokémon saying the bet was invalid, the shit I thought he would say….

Kane shut him right up, saying the bet was good, and he had to pay up within a month, so good for me, not so good for him, the egg will be fun, always liked torterra.

Even shuckle came out of snoozing around my neck to watch, he was awestruck, I told him he can play with the big boys some day and he seemed stoked, well he made weird noises and jiggled his leg things around, but I was getting happy vibes so alls good.

I understand people are going to make shit harder for me for awhile, but I just gotta hit back unreasonably hard when they do, and eventually they would learn, or I would die, but having another shot at life when I do seems to take the edge off.

Speaking off eggs I gotta get home and distribute those eggs, I put noibat in an incubator, he's got 3 months before he pops out, most of those eggs were shinx, elekid and electrike there was even a voltorb and magnemite.

People are going nuts for Rhyperior, I'll raise a couple magnezone and electivire for fun, just as a little bonus fuck you to the random blonde noble who lent that little prick that electabuzz….

I make it home without much trouble, pops was with me the whole time, he didn't say anything...he just kinda sat there, I think he may have fainted..

Well anyways I pop my little ball of murder happy sunshine out of her ball and get her to roll a few victory blunts, gotta celebrate the right way

The kitchen cooked up a feast, my people seem on a happy mood, a couple of em even came to watch.

I did notice a lot of thirsty looks from some of the women in the crowd, I'm pretty sure they are most thirsty for "political power" for their family's or themselves and willing so go to town on me to get it…..but…..

With the combination of post nut clarity and generally not giving a fuck about their feelings knowing what they are after, also aura reading people helps...… there will be a clappening….as was foretold…..

So the academy thing might not be so horrible after all…..

Next chapter