
A bugs life

So after an all you can eat breakfast, I make my way into my little village, feeling a little better but could use another nap, just gotta get this out of the way…

I was heading to our combee hives to check it out today, no problems or anything just a general check in, the vespiquen was "technically" mine we haven't bonded or anything it's kinda like pops with azumarill, just wasn't his cup of tea, she's great and I still treat her the same as the others but that spark isn't there, and she feels the same…. plus she's not really a fighter so we have it arranged like, she gets a safe place to make a hive and we get honey….

And vespiquen honey was worth more than it's weight in gold, due to them being SUPER rare, combee arnt rare though, vespiquen are, and that's because they need two things to exist. One the combee has to be female, and two they have to have at least blue grade potential, which is crazy rare..

And it doesn't matter if you find one in the wild, they can't be tamed unless you had her as a combee first, something about royal pride or some shit.

I bought a young female combee with red potential on the cheap, with an orb or two, my combee becomes Eligible to become queen, easy as that

There IS beedrill honey, and it's pretty expensive and hard to get your hands on….mostly because they are fucked to deal with

There are no small beedrill colony, and they are VERY aggressive and vindictive, so if you fuck with a beedrill nest, every village in a certain radius of the colony or anyone in their general area gets the dick for the immediate future, basically till you wipe out the nest.

But they are tameable, a few noble family's with light green hair are around. But it's still hard to get the honey

Combee on the other hand... doesn't matter how light green your hair is or how many nets you own, unless you have a vespiquen they don't produce honey, and to have a vespiquen, you need a female combee with blue potential, so vis a vee, get fucked you bug nerd fucks, we gotz the honey

As you can probably tell, I'm not to fond of some certain light green haired noble twins who visited my brothers.

I'm sure I'll meet them when I go to that bullshit school, but what ever.

As I pull up to the hive I see it alive with activity, combee zooming around doing what they do and ignoring me, combee are a chill species unless you actually try to threaten their queen.

Their hive is HUGE like 2 story house huge, but I walk in and see vespiquen just chilling on a honeycomb like throne.

Gideon " hey, just checking in and seeing if you guys are all good, doing the rounds today to see if there are any more issues with those pests"

By pests I mean zigzagoon, them and the rattata line are a fucking plague I swear, they are a kill on site Pokémon, and some people would be like 'oh no save the Pokémon!"...

Fuck those people, they breed like no ones business, and try to fucking destroy everything, and for the last little while they tried messing with my combee hive, well it didn't work out so great for them, between my goons hunting them down and just gutter stomping them and houndoom, who was more then happy to end some life went balls to the walls extermination.

And a lot of my guards, who were orphans but now are respected personal goons to me have a Persian, I chose that as a more standard Pokémon for the guards.

And here you might be thinking there are better Pokémon for guards, but I can say this with confidence….fuck off you have no idea.

At first it was was lilipup line we used, but they are so fucking loud, bark at anything that moves and are just general noise pollution type Pokémon….

Within the first 3 months of having herdier and Stoutland I almost sent houndoom out 6 times to silence them permanently…

Middle of the night? And you hear a tree shake? Better alert everyone it's a code fucking red!!! Sound the alarms!!!! Oh it's just the wind?…. Well we already started the alarms so let's keep them going!!!

And once one starts barking….they all start, and it happened a lot….. so no more night shift for those asshole moustached dogs.

While Persian are subtle as can be, deal with everything with haste and tact wether on Normal ground or across roofs, natural predators to Vermin pokemon, quite strong when trained right, being normal type are immune to ghost energy, and I know lilipup is too but they don't have as good as senses as cat Pokémon, all that and to top it off they can learn shadow claw, thunderbolt AND power gem and a menagerie of other moves….. so a fantastic allrounder guard Pokémon..

And Persian are not the lap cats they were in the anime, or Giovanni had a dwarf one, they are the size of tigers….

And you might be thinking but purugly is better, bigger move pool and all, and the answer to that is, their fucking ugly and I don't like looking at them.

Anyways with that done we head to the silk ranch, where you can see some beautifly and butterfree getting around, again same deal with vespiquen, juiced up but never clicked so we use them for silk, the higher the talent grade the higher grade silk, most of them are green potential but their leaders are purple so, best silk on the market by miles.

As I finish up walking around the bug money makers, I head into the little town as I see pops carriage has arrived, hmmm I wonder what he wants to talk about….

Next chapter