
Get ‘em trained


I woke up early this morning, last night was the first decent nights sleep I have had since my parents went missing, I look over and see my sister still sleeping away, I smile at that... who would have thought the naked little child in the alley would turn out to be the actual son of viscount storm.

Last night was like a blur, when he told us he needed people to "take care of shit he doesn't want to do, and that's pretty much everything" I was stunned, he was a noble and could have gotten anyone to serve him but he chose 3 street rats…..

The meat we had last night was the first we have had in a very long time, and I've never tasted anything so good, must be great to be a noble, and after all was said and done and we swore to serve him, he went to take a bath and after he was done he told us to take one too, he said " I don't want you spreading your baby hobo germs around my temporary flat" and allowed us to take a bath as well

It was such bliss, and we could even use soap!!, my sister was over the moon, Logan was the same as usual with no facial reaction, but after being friends for years I can tell when he's happy, and last night he was practically beaming with joy

As I watched my sister softly sleeping, I thought about what serving a noble meant, I've heard rumors about the abuse they subject people to….. and I know young lord storm is just a child…..but I get a good feeling from him, I'm not sure why but I feel like we can trust him….even with his strange accent….

Well I'll let Leah sleep for a little longer and go see what Logan is doing, and see if young lord storm is awake

I feel like things are going to get better...


I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good, never been a morning person, and even with these life roids powering up my new body it hasn't changed, mornings are still shit, I get up and shuffle toward the door, and as I do 3 childish voices shout at me "GOOD MORNING MY!!-"


I almost shit myself, literally I was about to head to the toilet…. So I compose myself a little and get to the bottom of this….

Gideon " why the fuck would you scream at me like that the second I open the door first thing in the morning!?"

They looked panicked…. Except for Logan... but they were quick to explain

Rick " I'm so sorry my lord!!, we thought it was a servant's job to greet their master first thing in the morning, were we wrong?"

Rubbing my eyes and cooling my temper, I just look at em, I know it may not seem like it because I physically assaulted 2 kids within like 30 minutes of waking up in this world, but I do have a soft spot for kids with a bad hand dealt in life. not enough to run off an help every kid in the world, but if a kid was struggling in eyesight I would normally lend a hand

Gideon " well, just don't do it again right? I'm pretty sure it is their job to greet them, that was not a greeting, but you will learn what to do eventually...probably"

Rick " thank you, my lord! so what are we supposed to do today?"

Gideon " you 3?, I guess we'll go see pops and see if I can't get you trained up a bit, but me? I'll be out of town, apparently, they are starting construction today and I need to be there to point out where to build, after that me and my mon are gonna head into the forrest, get some training in…"

They seemed to like this idea, so works for me, I'll just go to the bathroom real quick, and speaking of, it's a literal shit hole…..just a hole with a seat above it, no toilet paper, oh no no, that would be too easy, they use silk squares, normally I wouldn't mind because it's not my money but, it just doesn't pick anything up, enough detail, let's just say it's messy and gross and you have to clean your hands thoroughly….

I get dressed for the day in some little black tauros leather booties, because Small feet, a black pair of silk long pants suited to a noble, and a swashbucklers style long shirt, looking pretty fly if you ask me

The kids only have their rags and my stuff is too small for them, so back into the rags they go for the moment I suppose, I'll get them some proper clothes from the old man.

So we make our way inside, and no one stops us, I don't see any family, and we just Walts up to pops office and tell the guard we are here to see him and we are invited in the next second.

Gideon " heya pops, got a couple of requests if ya don't mind"

Victor " let me hear it…."

Gideon " well ya see, these 3 behind me are gonna be my go-to people for pretty much everything, so I need em trained, in what you may ask? Well that's one of the requests..., oh, and get em some clothes too"

My father stares at me for a second before staring at the 3 behind me with a suspicious gaze while they fidget around nervously…I'm planning on riding the obvious waves of guilt he's feeling for my years of abuse as long as I can and hopefully by the time it dries ill be more self-sufficient

Victor " very well... I'll have Leon take them in…." He rings a small bell on his desk and the side door opens, and we see a grey-haired man with his hands behind his back walking in with refined steps.

Victor " Leon….. these 3 are Gideons' chosen confidants, take them and see them trained.."

Leon " it will be done, my lord"

Man this guy is a textbook anime butler, well whatever I should have one eventually if all works out, I know there is probably more I could do, but this seems good enough

Leon takes the kids with him and exits the room

Victor " so, a builder by the name of bob came by to see me yesterday afternoon about the house you have had planned.."

I got nervous at that long pause, was it too expensive? To big? was the guilt-to-gold ratio not enough for something this big?

Gideon " yeeeaaaahh?"

Victor " he showed the designs, it will be quite an excellent estate, he told me you drew up the plans for it yourself?"

Gideon " right, I did, is there a problem?"

Victor "no problems, I just didn't know you had such talents is all, from what I could see it was quite intricate, and if built properly would make a wonderful home"

Phew, had me sweating on that one, well all's good then

Gideon " yeah well we all have a hidden talent if we dig deep enough I guess"

He seemed to get awkward for a moment, I'd say about the whole being abused thing.

Victor " indeed, and…..the whole ordeal with your brothers and my wives, I just wanted to let you know that I have spoken to all of them and I can assure you it will not happen again, and how deeply sorry I am that I let this happened under my nose my boy, I only knew your mother for a year, but I can say the love between us was stronger than any I have ever felt for anyone before"

Gideon " ehhhh don't make a big deal of it bud, shit happens, water under the bridge for me, just gotta get on with my life now and start a new chapter…."

And I meant it, yes I technically suffered years of abuse, but it's a memory I didn't actually experience any of it so, after what happened, I'll call it even, though I doubt it's over, pretty sure they are gonna pull some shit eventually but, hopefully, I'll be stronger by then, well my mons will be anyways

Victor " I'm glad to hear that my boy, don't dwell too much on the past and move forward"

We talked for about another 5 minutes I asked to borrow his azumarill again, and he agreed with a few more pleasantries and afterwards, I said my goodbyes, quick check on the eggs, now I'm on my way to the building site, shouldn't take to long to point out where I the place built and start my fish training montage.

Next chapter