
Off we go…

Hey guys appreciate the comments, let know what you guys think so far and again sorry for the slow painful info dump and the wuxia style family, I just needed to set up some minor antagonist, he's going for a chill life and we will have it, but he needs a little conflicts to keep things from being one of those I get everything I want instantly novels

Anyway appreciate you guys reading

Oh and so I won't be doing different character voices for all Pokémon just magikarp…


Author pov

Sitting just above the ocean where there's a beautiful blue sky calm waves and just a generally fantastical view, we find ourselves having to look just a little deeper to find a rather bulky goldfish that for some reason has an inner monologue voice of Jason Statham...

A certain intense fish in a certain place POV

Betrayal and heartache….. my life has been in constant danger from the moment of my birth, I've never known what family meant and it felt like something was missing, I don't know what, it's just a sensation that keeps me up at night….

It's been a long and tiresome journey since everyone I knew decided to stab me in the back…. eating with all my brothers and sisters, small as they might be they kept my mind from the constant struggle of knowing I'm not complete, but suddenly as they started to see me growing bigger and bigger, the elder of our group decided I should be killed off like some common piece of garbage

Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come, the pokemon I knew my whole life attacked with the intention to kill without a second thought like some thoughtless beast, I had to fight my way out of that mess knowing that everything I have ever known is gone...

But….while I was wallowing in my self-pity, I felt something, it's hard to describe, all I know is whatever I felt wanted me to go somewhere, and if I didn't I would never feel complete

So with a fire burning in my soul, I took off in the direction it told me! No questions, no thoughts just following my feeling…

Over the course of my journey, I felt the tug getting stronger and stronger and I knew that it was fate….it had to be!

And I finally found something, some sort of square object, I don't know what it is, but my instincts are telling me I need to touch this object...so I slowly approach it, not in fear but excitement, I have a purpose and it has something to do with the box.

As I finally touch it, I felt something inside, again it can't be described in mere words but it feels like a step closer to filling that void inside of me, just as I allow myself a small moment of happiness….

I feel the pull again!!, even stronger and it was telling me that this box needed to be taken to it along with myself and I would be complete….. the feeling was ecstasy!

The box needed to be taken from here to there, It needed to be....transported…..

Victor storm POV

My 3rd son Gideon has had trouble with clumsiness for as long as I can remember, either it was falling down some stairs or burning himself with a stick of fire…. A very accident-prone boy.

I did find it strange when Jennet told me Gideon wanted to live alone out in the shack, she told me it was because of his fear of Pokémon, which I did find strange as he was quite friendly with my own. But when asked the boy, he said it was what he wanted so I obliged his strange request, even if he was young...

But I did ask Jennet to make sure he had a personal maid with him at all times, to which she agreed it was only proper.

I just thank Arceus that his brothers and stepmothers are there to help him out whenever he seems to hurt himself, I just hoped he would grow out of it eventually, but this last accident seemed a lot worse than the others, especially since he had electricity burns as well.

But when I went to ask Richard about it, Jennet stopped me and told me Richard already told her of how Gideon suffered such wounds.

Apparently, when Gideon was walking around the field just outside the castle, where Richard was training he stumbled on a rock and was about to hit his head when Richards shinx managed to save him in time, unfortunately, he still had electricity flowing around him from his training and it caught Gideon. Truly an unfortunate yet fortunate encounter…

I was forced into marriage with Jennet as our fathers decided for us we should marry to keep our alliance strong, and I ruefully accepted for the good of the house, but I thank Arceus for that because I received a beautiful boy out of it, my heir….Richard….

But then came jade who decided to become my second wife to secure a supply of constant minerals from my lands for her family, which did throw me off at first but I am glad it worked out in the end as I got my second child, Kyle...

The boy is witty and handsome and enjoys all that I do, which brings great joy to my heart. Having a close nit family is a must, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my children!

But when I think of Amelia, I'm assailed by an unspeakable sorrow, I only knew the woman for less than a year but I would say it was the best year of my life.

When I think back to how I met her it brings fear in my heart and a smile to my face, the woman just had a way with me.

I remember it like it was yesterday, 5 years ago when I was traveling back from baron lurrests territory we stopped into a small town for the night, and when we stopped at the inn to check in for the night it was quiet lively, which was quite rare for such a small town, but not unwelcome.

My guards were quite inebriated that night, but then again so was I, and I was talking to what I thought was a very feminine-looking man standing 6'6, with quite attractive white hair, red eyes, and a large scar down his left cheek, a rather peculiar accent and he looked to have had enough grit to wrestle down a machoke.

We started swapping stories and eventually, the night came to an end, the guards were looking quite restful so I just left them alone and went up to my room to sleep, and it was at that moment when I heard heavy footsteps, that stopped just outside my door.

I didn't think much of it as I was getting ready for bed when the door flung open, and I heard a feminine scream from somebody in the room from somewhere close to me, I couldn't tell you who it was as I was the only person in the room as far as I knew besides my intruder….there must have been women close by who screamed at the same time as my manly battle cry of panic….., but that's not important, but what is important was the intruders' next words….

Intruder " pants off…..now"

The intruder looked a little woozy on their feet, so I thought I'd do as he asked and buy time to make an escape and as my pants hit the floor, I realized who the intruder was…. It was my feminine talking companion, and so I tried to talk him down

Victor " ameal we can talk about this, you don't want to do this….."

Amelia "my name is…*buuuuuurp* Amelia, pants off now lord storm"

He…. She said before literally ripping off her clothes and that's how I found out it was a she, and what came after that I can only describe as sensual sexual carnage, as she taught me there was so much more to a physical relationship than I ever thought possible…..

I remember the next day the guards having to carry me to the carriage due to my suspected broken pelvis, my scariest and somehow the best night of my life I would say….

And as we were about to take off, my carriage door opened and to my shock, Amelia let herself in sat down with a bottle of wine in hand, and told me I'm hers now….. I didn't know how to react so I just brought her home, much to the chagrin of my wives, but a mistress is permitted in nobility, so they couldn't complain too much, but it was hard to tell who the mistress actually was…..me or Amelia?

She would kick the door in while I was making love to my wives, and jump in ready to sexually assault everyone in the room….but my wives felt themselves above a commoner and would always leave….

It was truly a blessed life, I had 2 sons, and a 3rd on the way but that all came crashing down when Gideon was born, Amelia did not survive the childbirth, but I had a 3rd son and he was glorious.. truly another gift from Arceus.

But as I was reveling in the thoughts of the past….a knock on the door knocked me out of it, the door opens and the guard speaks

Guard " it's your son Gideon my lord, he wishes to speak to you..."

Next chapter