
Preponing the Plans

"It is good that you are back. All the Celine has told me a lot about what is going on, I still want to hear it first-hand from you. What happened really during the years that we have not met?" Katelyn spoke the moment that Jack took a seat.

Jack had already been expecting this. So without hiding anything, he informed his mother-in-law to be about his relationship with Jonathan and the Jesda family.

Although he didn't speak much about these assets or is wealth that he currently possessed, he was sure that she knew about his influence at the moment.

Although she had already been informed about this by the two girls in the office, Katelyn was shocked by a great extent. She really needed some time to digest the information that she had received.

On the other hand, Jack shifted his attention to Faith. He took out a small bottle that contained the body strengthening solution I gave it to her and told her to ask Celine about what it was supposed to do.

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