
Spend time together


I almost vomited the meatball I just put in my mouth from the shock. Someone just banged on the table in front of me and sat down on the bench opposite me. His gaze is so sharp, his body is tall and his neck, gosh.

"Just so you know, I hate being watched secretly like that. If you need me, tell me directly!" snapped the man.

Yes, he is the man with the rose tattoo, said Nisa, the man's name was Adit.

Lately I've been watching him, I go wherever he goes, even now when he goes to the cafeteria, I also follow him.


I am stupid. Should I just tell Bambang or Naya, why should I investigate it myself? What can I do?

Now what?

What should I say?

"Why are you watching me?" he asked again

I tried to smile as best I could while looking for the right reason.

"You're handsome!" I said ridiculously.

Ridiculous, really ridiculous. But that's the only reason that makes sense now.

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