
Blackstone and Us

"Your name is Naca?"

Reflex, me, Bambang, and also Naca, immediately turned towards the door of Naca's classroom.

A man in high school uniform, standing in the doorway.

"What do you need?" snapped Naca.

The man smiled crookedly, then whistled loudly. Shortly after, another group of men arrived and filled the class now.

We die.

But, wait!

That tattoo!

They are Blackstone?

Bambang had told me before about the black rose flower tattoos on the necks of every member of Blackstone.

"What do you need?" exclaimed Bambang loudly.

"Ah, so you're the one whose name is Gepeng? Coincidentally, we can kill you both at once!" said one of them.

Hearing this, Naca and Bambang looked at each other.

Naca also let go of her bag, she then threw it on the floor. Her hands were clenched into fists with her jaw clenched tightly against her gaunt face.

As quickly as possible I reached into my pocket and pressed the origin of the contact on my cellphone.

The phone is connected, but I don't know who I called just now. My focus is still on the men in front of us, preparing for them to attack.

It's not that we're being strong, it's just that we know running away is pointless, considering those who are already ready to surround us.

"If there is a problem, it can be discussed properly!"

I know Bambang said that to buy time.

"You're a lot of bitch," cursed one of them.

"You should have met me directly at my school! You don't plan on ganging up on girls, do you?" said Bambang casually.

Gosh, how many lives does this kid have? Instead of stalling for time, but hearing his words, the delinquent would be quick to anger and attack quickly.

Where's his mind?

"You bastard!" One of them growled.

I'm sure whoever I called just now must have left here right away, so I'll have to buy as much time as I can.

"But first, tell me what the problem is!" as before Bambang said the next fight invitation.

"You don't need to know the reason, all you need to know is, you're going to die!" said the man in uniform who came first.

Damn it! Is life worthless to them? Is hurting someone, and taking their life an easy thing to do?


"You guys got paid to finish us? We can give you more than that guy gave!" Naca tried to negotiate.

Good, say anything to buy time!

Good Job!

"Unfortunately, we are here out of solidarity, not because we are paid!" someone said casually.

"Yes, be picky if you want to be solid with your friends! That, your friends who were imprisoned, almost raped women, not only that, my friend almost died because your friend made it up!" Naca growled.

"Bastard, you!"


"Let's just make peace. Do you want your friend to be safe? It's useless, he's already been processed by the applicable law! Even if Gepeng or I withdraw his testimony, it won't change anything!" exclaimed Naca who now looked nervous.

Of course, not only Naca, I was very nervous. There were only three of us, one male, and two female, fighting off guys who looked fierce, the fact is, they were members of Blackstone.

"If my friend can't be helped anymore, we just need revenge!"

Crazy! This situation scared me half to death. How about this? What should we do?

Bambang took off his bag, and put it on the floor, he then took a large wooden ruler that was located under the locker, and held it firmly, he was also preparing himself to fight apparently.

What about me? I'm just a weak girl who can't do anything.

I let go of my bag too, though I don't know what to do with them.

Oh God, save us, I promise to be diligent in giving alms when we are saved later.

"I'm hungry boss, hurry and finish them!" said one of them.

Well, let's just say they were the same people who had strangled me to death. I will repay every painful second when I have to fight hard to be able to breathe.


Bambang hit the ruler on the head of one of them until he fell to the asphalt.

Naca ran, jumped as high as she could, and threw her fists at whoever was there. The girl really couldn't make moves in a situation like this, but at the very least, the bombardment just now was terrifying enough to make the delinquent spit blood from her mouth.

I and Naca protect each other, fight anyone who approaches, and blindly throw fists and kicks at them.

What is my power that does not have any ability in the field of self-defense?


Naca fell on me until we both fell on the table there. And when they came to us, Bambang slammed his fists, kicked, and pushed their bodies. Naca and I immediately got up and helped Bambang.

Naca fell when a large wooden block hit her stomach hard.

"Ca!" I ran and grabbed Naca's body who almost fell to the floor.

Bambang who saw that immediately gritted his teeth and attacked them. Bambang immediately lost control, he grabbed the wooden block they had used to hit Naca. Bambang also threw the wood to anyone who was nearby with his feet that didn't stop kicking.


I gasped when Bambang fell while holding his stomach.

"Bams!" I shouted.

Bambang groaned in pain, fresh blood dripping from between the fingers holding his stomach. I saw one of them holding a knife covered in blood not far from Bambang's body.

"Hey!" Paijo shouted from the classroom door.

Blackstone immediately panicked when he saw a group of students in Merpati High School uniform, rushing towards them from both sides of the road to surround them.

"Fuck!" cursed one of them.

I waved my hand and shouted for help because the blood in Bambang's stomach kept coming out.

TG and Roulette were there, I caught a glimpse of Paijo's panicked face on the other side.

They all charged straight away, throwing their fists and kicks at Blackstone.

I tried to lift Naca's unconscious body and brought her closer to Andi and Yogo who were running towards me.

"Bambang was stabbed by a knife!" I was shaking pointing at Bambang who was still moaning in pain.

Andi screamed in frustration and ran to Bambang.

"I'm taking him to the hospital!" Yogo said while taking Naca's body from me. Quickly, Yogo ran to take Naca out of the classroom.

"Are you okay?" asked Paijo who was already beside me.

"I'm okay! Help Bambang!" I screamed in panic.

Paijo immediately ran to help Andi carry Bambang out of the classroom.

Meanwhile, the battle in class was still going on. I ran to the corner of the room because it was difficult for me to get out of class.

I waited with my heart pounding, until someone came up to me, and grabbed both of my shoulders.

I looked up and almost cried with relief seeing Gepeng in front of me.

I was so scared, lucky Gepeng came.

"Stay here, don't go anywhere! Trust me, everything will be fine!" said Gepeng before he joined the fight against the Blackstone members who mostly carried weapons.

I even saw one of them use a sickle. For whatever reason, how terrifying this fight was. My friends can get hurt.

Not long after, a shout was heard from outside, which told Blackstone to retreat, because our alliance had succeeded in repelling Blackstone who was outside the school gates.

In a panic, they immediately ran away from the classroom. Some of the TG and Roulette members immediately chased after them, while others came straight to me.

"Peng, we're looking for Bambang and Naca! They're injured!" I cried frantically.

"They must have been taken to the hospital! Calm yourself down first, Mel! You're okay, right? No one's hurt?" asked Gepeng with such a deep gaze.

I shook my head quickly.

I didn't get any injuries because of Bambang, and Naca kept protecting me earlier.

"Let's see the situation outside first, Peng! Get Melody out of here as soon as possible!" cried Paimin before taking the kids out of the classroom to see the situation out there.

Gepeng grabbed my hand, then took me out of the classroom.

We walked slowly down the classroom corridor because my legs were really weak.

"Are you sure you're okay, Mel? Do you want me to carry you?" bargained.

"No need, I'm fine, just my legs are weak because of fear!" I'm telling the truth.

Gepeng glanced at me, with a gentle gaze.

"If you're okay, we'll just go to the nearest hospital. Bambang and Naca will be taken there!"

I nodded in agreement with Gepeng's suggestion.

I won't be able to calm down until I see their state. It's sad to know the fact that I can only stand still when my friends are hurt like that. How weak I am.

Once we arrived at the gate, I was quite surprised to see that many of the alliance members were injured by Blackstone's actions.

"Mel, are you okay?" Naya asked as she ran over to me.

I just nodded slowly. It hurts so much to see everyone hurt because of me.

Naya herself has bruises on her chin and temples.

"You're hurt!" I whispered while pointing at the wound on Naya's face.

"Not a big problem!" said Naya with a faint smile.

"Anyone got a fatal wound or not, Nay?" asked Gepeng quickly.

"Nothing. Only external injuries, it's safe Peng! I saw the guys taking Bambang and Naca, what happened to them?"

"Bambang was stabbed, Naca didn't know me, he was already unconscious when I and the kids got there!"

"Shit, Blackstone bastard!" cursed Naya with emotion.

"We're going to the hospital, are you coming?" bargained.

"I'll do it later, I still have to take care of the injured guys here! You go first!"

Gepeng nodded slowly, he then took me to a motorbike parked on the side of the road.

The key was already on the motorbike, by the time we arrived.

"Come on," said Gepeng as he climbed into the motorbike.

"You can ride a motorbike?" I asked doubtfully. Not what, as far as I know, Gepeng always takes the car wherever it is. This is the first time I've seen him ride a motorcycle.

"If you can't, I'll just ride it!" I called again.

Gepeng immediately chuckled softly at my offer.

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