
Greed Time

this chapter may seemed rushed but I'm just trying to get to the real action fast and to any that have questions read the whole chapter and if any questions are unanswered leave a comment and I will answer.


After confirming I want to go to the next round, a new creature appears in the place the rabbit did. This time though it wasn't a rabbit but instead spawned a common fantasy enemy, a goblin. It stood 4ft tall, had dark green skin, and held a club. "goblins look real ugly what the hell. Time to put you out of your misery."

Using Leap I launched at the goblin and slashed at it. It blocked the slash and punched me in stomach. I go for another swing this time I activate my skills. "Steal ten random attributes, I almost forgot due to my passive it multiplies by 2 making it 20, it splits the points evenly on all 10 stats giving them 2 each." My skill stealing ability stole a skill called Glare Rank E: intimidate opponents and the skill, Stab Rank E: on activation the skill deals 10% extra attack on piercing attacks. "how the hell did I get 2 skills? oh wait I forgot that one passive skill doubles every skill. Wait then why did I only get one from the rabbit? Did it only have one skill oh well I'll figure it out later."

The earlier swing managed to heavily damage the goblin making its upper left side useless. Blinded by pain the goblin starts flailing its club everywhere, I use its confusion to circle it and stab it in the back with my long sword and activate my new skill stab. [ 15 damage done with skill stab, 185 more to damage needed to rank up skill, 20 second cooldown until next use.]

Sadly I didn't get to use stab again on the foul creature, as it died from previous attack then the announcement in my head rang. [ EXP +40, +1 level, next level EXP requirement 40 current EXP 30.] A level up seems to upgrade all of my stats by one. " start the next round" I yelled

in the spawn zone stood a marvelous creature. A green wolf standing 5ft tall on all fours, after forming completely it howls releasing a burst of air. comparing it to the goblin it seemed a lot stronger and by the looks of it can use magic. "I want that magic I better get it with my skill."

[notice level 3 achieved new skill attained inspect rank D at this level it's only able to see the race of creature.] "use inspect on the wolf" [Race: tempest wolf Rank D]

Once I enter the sight of the tempest wolf it charges full speed at me which as a wind magic user it was quite fast. Covering 20 meters in a second it starts to circle me. Using Leap I close the distance quickly and swung down using my skill. Instead of hitting I miss and the wolf shoots a wind blast at me sending me several feet back. As quickly as I can I react by stabing my sword into the ground but the end result in me getting thrown 15 feet back and my arms hurt like shit. After a second I'm running back and use Leap as soon as I can good thing its only 5 seconds. The wolf had already started running at me just as we are about to meet I slide and slash it legs while use my skills.

[Skill AG stat focused was used on speed taking 10 speed attributes. Skill SG used stealing skills wind shot rank E and passive skill No Mercy rank E. Skill wind shot blasts pressurized air pushing forward a total of 10 feet. Passive Skill No Mercy allow x2 damage to opponents that have been incapacitated, slowed or staggered.]

"Yes I got exactly what I wanted I got incredible luck." soon after the wolf turns around and tries to shoot me again with wind when nothing came out it had a confused look on its face so did the rest of the crowd. "Hey wolf buddy watch this bitch." after the taunt it rushed at me and to its surprise a blast of wind smoked it back several feet. All around the colosseum gasps could be heard and the the wolf was the most confused but I wasn't giving it time to rap its head around it as while it was mid air I chased it down with Leap and the second it hit the ground landing on its back I stabed it with the stab skill active. [x2 damage activated to skill stab [35 damage done with skill stab 150 damage needed to rank up skill] My blade pins it to the ground, trying its best to get up all it doing was hurting its self more. Walking over to its head I pull out my other sword and finished it off with a slash through the neck. "Thanks for the skills bitch ass dog, also start the next level." side note though this power is really messing with my head I never used to be this aggressive I muble this to myself.[EXP +80, +1 level, 80 EXP needed to level up current EXP 70]

"why the hell is this so easy though I feel like monsters on this level would be stronger" [answer these monsters have been made weaker for the convenience of the players to grade their skills it also helps that the creatures are from the weakest world and that you took the technique of Rover, the stats of the creatures before and their skills. Ultimately though that technique is helping a lot without it you would have failed on the wolf] "hmm well that helps, but by the looks of it I have a another problem on my hand"

On the spawn circle stands a duo. There was a nightmare inducing horse that was easily 9ft tall on its back the infamous headless knight that I'm pretty sure everyone knows in his right hand held a long sword similar to my own but black. [Note from C rank upwards monsters drop loot rarity depending on luck.] "YES loot finally with my passive this is gonna be incredible, on the other hand are they sure this is a C rank monster" [answer the C rank monster headless horse man is the strongest C rank the arena can make it is on the cusp of B rank ultimately its a knight on a horse with increased strength.]

By the looks of it the knight decides its enough time waiting and charges right at me. I yank my sword out of the ground put it back in the sheath and two hand the other sword and charge. When we clash I do a similar maneuver to when I was fighting the wolf and slide slashing the legs using my abilities and the horse tumbles over, I however didn't come out unscathed as the knight used some sort of magic and a dark blade came out of the tip of the sword extending the reach of the blade and cut open my shoulder a bit not to much to worry about but damn does it hurt. [ attributes spit evenly by giving each stat 2. Skills taken, Charge rank E and Stomp rank E. Charge launches you forward and increases damage by 25% and pushes those hit back. With Stomp you slam your foot into the ground knocking back those around you.

Combining Leap, charge and stab I launch at the rider whose just getting up and stab him through activating both of my greed skills as well. [critical hit 60 damage done with stab 90 damage needed to rank up, skills AG increases strength stat by 10, skill SG stole skills Dark Blade and Beast Tamer. Skill Dark Blade forms a shadowy blade at the end of your sword. Skill Beast Tamer allows you to tame beast currently amount allowed 2.] "a taming skill that I did not expect but I always like the idea of controlling monsters and beast."

Soon me and the knight are in a sword battle constantly crossing blades. I back up a little and slash again to the confusion of the knight my sword suddenly increases in length but as a dark blade. Slashing him in the chest his confusion suddenly turns to anger as he charges at me this time though his sword is on fire, even though I parry all of his hits the flame is hitting me and my health is rapidly decreasing. I see a opening and try to stab him but to my surprise the horse slams into me knocking me down. Before I knew it the horse was on me again but this time I stab my sword in its chest with stab. [ 30 damage done with skill stab 60 more needed to rank up] I pull out my other sword to cut off its head but instead I'm parried by the knight and thrown back into a series of clashes. "use technique steal". [technique dark knight style stolen rank E] everything the knight is doing becomes easy for me to read, seeing the weak point that opens when ever it does a certain move I slash down on its left arm cutting it cleanly off. It's loss of an arm throws it off giving an opportunity to use stab again piercing through the chest. [ 40 damage done with stab 20 more needed to rank up] with my sword in its chest it swing down on me but before it sword hit me I use Stomp. My skill sends it flying back and my sword stays in my hand. While knight is in the air I use air blast to shoot him upwards giving me enough time to get stab back. Then I use it once more when he comes back down going straight through the stomach. [30 damage done with stab, skill stab has ranked up, [+160 EXP, +1 level, 160 EXP needed to level up again. Item gained headless long sword rank C.]

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