
The Ark

Ivan awakens in a white room only a bed and bathroom were in it. Standing up off the bed he inspects the room the only exit the door being locked, after several minutes words appear in front of him on a panel similar to the one he seen before he was taken here. The screen displayed the words, " Welcome player you are the 6th out of 100,358 players to join the Ark mission, once you are ready please proceed to exit your room and meet in the mess hall with the rest of the players you will be giving 30 minutes to eat and socialize with the other players." after this message a click sound was heard from the door.

Walking out of the room Ivan is greeted with a long hallway with thousands of doors with others walking out of them. Ivan was the sixth person to accept the offer of playing out of everyone there so accordingly he was the sixth door away from the mess hall. "hmm a small perk for being quick I well lets see what there is to eat I guess"

The mess was understandably huge with the amount of people who accepted. The areas where the food was distributed was on the walls of the right and left side, it took Ivan 10 minuets to walk to the nearest food distributor, when he got there two people were getting food while more flooded into the room from the hallway. One of the two people getting food was a young man with blonde curly hair standing at around 6ft with pale skin and a athletic build. The other was a girl with short brunette hair standing at around 5ft 8 with tan skin.

"Hello" After he greeted them they both turned and introduced themselves. "Hello my name is Owen nice to meet you" says the man "Nice to meet you to Owen I'm Ivan" the girl then introduces herself. Hi Ivan I'm Hanna nice to meet you"

After introductions Ivan and the others took a seat at the nearest table ate his food and chatted with Owen and Hanna and others who sat around them. He found out that the people here came from all different kinds backgrounds from all over the world. What interested him the most was that they all spoke the same language. When talking to Owen he found out he was from Norway and Hanna was from Arizona. "Hey Owen if your from Norway why do you speak so fluently in english." Owen looked over in with a surprised face "I'm speaking Norwegian, hmm it seems we hear each other in the language we know best." a few minutes later a loud noise sounded and a large screen appeared in the front of the room and a man in silver helmet with a suit .

"Welcome 8th generation of humans from the world Earth to accept the role of a player to The Ark. As a player you will be tasked with one thing and it is to win the competition, what competition you may be wondering well its what we call the Ark trials, you will all be sent to different world after we do everything here once you are there it is up to you on what you do you could save it or you could destroy it, what ever you wish to do we don't care but who ever completes 10 worlds first will be the winner the first 10 to complete the first 10 will be rewarded accordingly. In a short while we will call for you by your player number please proceed through to the door and you will be met with a room that is unique to you, this room will give your powers and you will chose the name you wish to go by. After this process you will be taken to a arena to fight monsters the monsters are real but none of you can die within any of the Ark facilities if you do get within a state of death you will be graded by whichever grade of monster you beat last and teleported to the entrance of the arena. To all of the players here good luck and try your best to win the Ark trials."

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