
Chapter 336: Suppressing the Nine Swords

Upon hearing the command of her father, Zhan Hongqu was inwardly pleased. A smile played at the corner of her mouth as she accepted and stepped outside the door.

From now on, no one was to enter, regardless of the size of the commotion, without the command of Zhan Yue Xian.

Zhan Hongqu was secretly delighted. Lu Bei's arrogance was growing due to his reliance on his martial skills. It was indeed necessary for someone to put him in check, and she volunteered herself to do this on behalf of Junior Sister Bai.

As for Zhan Yue Xian being captured after losing the previous battle and his Great Power Heaven being snatched away, Zhan Hongqu was not worried at all. This time was different from the last.

"The last time was the last time, you won't be as lucky this time," Zhan Yue Xian murmured, watching Lu Bei enter with a playful smile.

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