
Chapter 27: A Good Seedling for Grave Digging

What you think ruin exploration is: Sword flight + Parachute drop.

What ruin exploration truly is: Wilderness survival.

The primal forest is thick with vegetation and near a water vein system, the air is humid, hot, and poisoned. The sheer size of the snakes, ants, mosquitoes, and scorpions is shocking, there is practically no footing here, let alone walking through it.

Thankfully, Zhu Bo was well prepared. A Poison Avoidance Bead per person blocked off the insect swarm, and She Huan's squad cleared the path ahead, preventing difficulty of movement.

A swift stream burst through a looping bend, an undertow raged underneath, whipping up one whirlpool after another on the river surface. She Huan led the way upstream to a section where the water was calmer, which delayed the journey quite a bit.

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