
Sasha's And Crimson's Parents

News about the engagement of King Northendell and a Princess from the kingdom of Nieverdell began to spread. Ronan read the main page of the newspaper with satisfaction. He just had to wait for the reaction of the citizens and royal officials.

"You did a good job," Ronan said, then returned the paper to William.

"Then, can we start the preparations? I can call some designers so that Princess Arielle's wedding dress can be completed soon."

Ronan brought out several other to-do lists that William had to do. William read the list for a moment.

"Don't you want to appoint a personal assistant for the princess to make it easier for her to do all of this?"

Ronan had thought about it. Normally, a female member of the royal family would have a personal assistant other than her maid. Tania was also too old to help and assist Arielle all the time. However, he had no other female acquaintances who were suitable to be Arielle's personal assistant.

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