
Argument with him

*in their class*

Teacher: So students you have to do the assignment i told you..and submit it next week. But this time you can choose your partner by yourself but it's not a group assignment so two people are enough. Make your pairs by yourself. goodbye.

Sara: That's why friend group of four is best..now one of us will be left out..

Yuki: The best decision making game ever..

Yn: Rock paper scissors!

And as luck wasn't on Yn's side..she lost.

Sara: Aishh now with whom you're gonna do the assignment?

Yn: I don't know.. whatever it's just an assignment so nvm who ever will be left out in the class I'll join him or her. Cuz everyone already paired up..

Yuki: are you sure??

Yn: Yes Don't worry you guys should go now.. I have some work to do.

Sara and Yuki: Okay bye.

They left and Yn went to her locker packing her stuffs. Just then Someone tapped her shoulder and she was shocked to see her crush Soobin.

Soobin: Heyy yn..

Yn: uhh hi...

Soobin: Are you already paired up for the assignment?

Yn: Uhh..no..Why?

Soobin: Great...i mean me too..so would you like to be my partner??

Yn: WHAT?? uhmm..i mean..YEAHH..yeahh why not..i am single..shi i mean I'm single for the assignment if you join me then we're pairs..hehee..

Soobin: *chuckles* that's great..so..

Yn: Don't worry you can come to my house..my parents are abroad and brother will come home later so we can do our assignment peacefully.

Soobin: Okayy then I'll come to ya house in the evening..is that okay?

Yn: Yeah of course!

Soobin nodded and bid her goodbye.


Yn ran straight up to her room and jumped on her bed.


She excitedly called her besties and gave the breaking news they were teasing her which she denied but secretly loving it all.


In the evening she was waiting for him desperately. Just then the doorbell rang and she immediately opened the door revealing her crush. She let him come in and they sat down on couch.

Yn: Would you like anything? coffee or tea?

Soobin: Not now..first let's start our assignment.

Her crush is very serious in studies and good in sports too.. He's perfect ideal type match but he doesn't likes to enjoy much and that's why he doesn't have any friends too as they think he's boring not doing any fun activities. he's good looking as hell but just because his personality is nerd they don't give him much attention as the popular or bad boys.

Yn: okay then as you say..

And they started doing their assignment..He was looking so serious while doing such a simple assignment like his life depends on it.

Almost one hour has passed Yn was already bored while continuously sitting in one position and doing the work..She looks at Soobin but looks like he doesn't cares at all he was still doing his work so calmly. Yn sighed thinking she would spend some time with him get to know him but he did actually came only for the assignment. Now she was believing the rumours she heard about him being super serious at everything he does.

Just then the doorbell rang again and she went to open the door.

Yn: Brother?? you came earlier today..?

She gulped as she didn't inform that a guy will be coming in their house.

Jimin: You told me to come home earlier to watch movie together... don't tell me you forgot..

He gets inside while saying this and got shook seeing a guest..at this hour?

Jimin: Who's that boy? what is he doing in our house? how much do you know him to let him come inside?-

Yn: Aishh sorry sorry..but he's here cuz we are partners for an assignment..so we were doing our assignment together.

Jimin: and you didn't even inform me??

Yn: I'm really sorry Brother i didn't know you would actually come early only for me..but we can't watch movie tonight..

Soobin looks at Jimin and Yn who were talking and smiles at Jimin. He just glared at Soobin and went inside his room.

Yn sighed and went back to her seat.

Soobin: Is that your brother? why did he looked at me..like that..

Yn: Don't mind him it's his cold nature.. wait I'll get us something to drink and continue?

Soobin: yeah sure.


After some minutes they almost did half of their assignment and Soobin went home as it was getting late. After he was gone she immediately went to her brother's room.

He was doing some work in his laptop sitting in bed. He just glanced at her and continued his work.

Yn: what do you want in dinner I'll cook it..to make it up for you!

Jimin: No need i already ordered dinner for both of us as i sensed that you'll be busy with that coconut head.

Yn: Coconut head..? You mean soobin??

Jimin: whatever his name is..

Yn tried hard not to laugh at his mad and jealous expression.

Yn: Yahh don't call him that!

Jimin: I don't care.

Yn: Really??..so as you don't care so I'm thinking to hang out with him tomorrow too. We'll go to the new café and eat street foods-

Jimin: No way you're going unless I'm giving permission!

Yn: Why? you're not my parents though..

Jimin: don't you remember the rules i made? that you have to obey me and not allowed to go anywhere without my permission.. you're breaking it all.

Yn: Aishh whatevaaa!!


Next day when Soobin came Jimin came earlier too. As his possessive ass can't trust anyone for his "sister".

Soobin and Yn sitting together while Jimin staring at soobin's soul pretending to be busy at his laptop but actually Keep an eye on him.

Yn was so awkward for this...it irritated her to such an extent that she can't handle his overprotective self no more.

Yn: Yahh! don't you have a room why are you doing your work here?

Jimin: Cuz i want to. it's my house too!

Yn: Can't you see we're doing our important assignment but if you keep sitting their like a statue we can't focus on it.

Jimin: But I'm not even interrupting you.

Yn: Your presence itself is bothering us.

Jimin glared at him and Yn before going to his room.

Soobin: it's okay Yn..i guess your brother doesn't like me..i can do the remaining parts its easy for me.. don't worry thanks for your help and being my partner!

He smiles and left their house. Yn was so embarrassed Infront of him..she was so mad at Jimin for acting like this. Even though she loves her brother but he has no rights to control her life like this. She furiously went inside his room.

Jimin: *smirk* did he left already?

Yn: Shut up!! why are you acting like you own my life!! i accepted you as my brother that doesn't mean you have the rights to control my life like this! not even my mother was or my father is this much protective towards me! stop this attitude of yourself!!

Jimin: Yn lower your freaking voice before i do something that i would regret later.. Don't you break my rules like this or else I'm no more your brother.

Yn: Oh please!! you're again behaving like that.. Threatening me over this again and again..but now I'll say this..I don't fucking need a brother like you! Go to hell with your fucking rules. You don't want me as your sister too i know that..i just forced and clinged on to you that's why you agreed without any options cuz unfortunately we're already a family no matter if we agree or not.

After saying this she slammed his door and went to her room. Jimin just stood there in shock..

Jimin: Did i really overreacted..?

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