
Subterfuge Rally

Jay marched all the way back to the castle thinking that he may have been walking right into an ambush.

However Lamp, Jay’s forward scout, was fine thus far and the only thing the knights knew were that two roots had been cut.

Safely, the party eventually arrived at the mounds of roots near the castle, and he soon found out why there was no response force - an army was gathering, its size growing larger with each passing second.

Yet Jay still sensed some more opportunity to be taken advantage of, and he wasn't going to let it slip.

“By now they have probably sent another small force to investigate the first cut root, so why don’t we have a little look?” Jay smiled.

He and the skeletons marched back towards where the first flesh-root met the mounds of roots near the castle and sent Lamp into the forest before giving out some orders.

(Blue, if Lamp finds some easy kills out there, take all the skeletons with you to slay them - except for Red of course.)

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