
Pathetic Necromancy

“You can raise the undead?” a sparkle of wonder appeared in Jay's eyes.

“Uh, not exactly. We can only raise fresh corpses back until they run out of... vitality, let's say, and only one at a time - though there was an Elder who could raise many after he dedicated centuries of research to it.” Asra said, looking up at the tree tops as she lay there uncaringly.

“Vampires can raise the dead... well then, that certainly changes things. Maybe I can find a teacher... or at least some guidance. I wonder if there's some research books left over?” Jay thought.

However, he had a feeling of pity and disdain of their weak necromancy. Soon, he even triumphant jubilation and pride as he thought of his necromancy as far superior to whatever the vampire kind of undead were.

“Pathetic...” he thought, smugly grinning into the fire, “one at a time is nothing, but theirs don't even last?” he shook his head,

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