
Not so epic reunion

He couldn't believe it.

His brother was there,half-brother actually.

He had two half brothers,one younger and one older than him

Ahihito upon hearing 'brother 'looked at Akimitsu for an explaination.Akimitsu decided to explain about it to him later.

For now,he had to deal with his brother Sora.

''The fuck you doing here Sora?'',he asked clenching his fist.

"This isn't going to be a happy reunion,is it Akimitsu?",Ahihito asked Akimitsu.

"Unfortunately no,",he then shifted his attention towards Sora.

''Relax,can't a brother come to see his brother?We're family after all.''Sora interrupted their conversation.

Akimitsu was losing it.

He had a broken arm but he was definitely gonna kill Sora if he didn't leave quickly.

''And you also have a broken arm.Mind telling me how it happened?''Sora asked him curiously.

Akimitsu was still waiting for him to answer his answer."Thats none of ur business,Sora"he eyed him angrily.

"Now tell me what are you doing here?"

''I'll tell you why am I here but calm down for Gods sake.I am not here to fight",he answered with a bored tone.

Sora was about to speak but Ahihito interuppted him.

"Umm..sorry to interrupt but something's been bothering me.I wanna ask you something?"

Ahihito was looking at him curiously.

"It better be quick,four-eyes".Sora was clearly unhappy being interrupted whole talking.

''Last I remember you were near the gate.It would have taken you nearly some more time to get here.Care to explain?''

"How could i have forgotten about it?"Akimitsu had wanted to ask that too but forgot about it afterwards.

For a moment,Sora had a boring look on his face.Then his lips curved into a smile.

As much as Akimitsu remembered,his mom had married Sora's and Subaru's (half elder brother) father ten years ago.

Him and his mom had lived with their father but he died two years later.Subaru then ran away with Sora.

Sora then moved forward and light from the window fell on him.

It was then he saw his half-brother clearly.He was wearing black jeans,a plain white shirt and a black jacket.

In his childhood,Sora was completely different.He was compassionate and caring.That's how mom had raised him.

The reason he hated his brothers was cause when they had left,she was broken.

"I've failed as a mother"he could still remember her cries.

Remembering this,he clenched his fist.He was gonna get his revenge when the moment came.

Sora grabbed three chairs and sat on one of them.

He motioned them to do the same.

They both took their seats and looked at Sora

''So first,to answer you're question how did I get here so fast,you'll have to see this",he than sat up from his chair.

"Now don't run.Not that you can'',he said smiling.

''But really,don't do it''

He than took off his jacket and put it on the chair.

''Now see this''.

He took out a knife from his jacket and cut his wrists .

''What the fuck are you doing-''both of them shouted but then they stopped.

The wound had healed itself with the skin regenerating in an instant.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

He then looked at Ahihito but only one word came out of his mouth.


That was all what came out of his mouth.

To his surprise,Ahihito lunged forward to take the knife but he saw another miracle.

Before Ahihito could even move a little,Sora had Ahihito by his throat.

In addition,something yellow was flowing from his body.

Akimitsu hadn't even seen him move.

"And this is how,ladies and gentleman,I came here so fast",he exclaimed with both his hands in air.

"I told you not to run,did I?",he pressed Ahihito's throat hard.

Ahihito groaned harder.

"No matter how strong you are,you can't outwit me"he then pushed him to the ground.

"Sora don't!!"

To Akimitsu's surprise,Sora punched to the left of Ahihito's face.

It created a hole in the ground.

Akimitsu ran to Ahihito's side.

"Are you okay?"he asked while helping him up.

He then saw a smile on Ahihito's face.He couldn't stop thinking it was one of Ahihito's suicidal plans.

But seriously what the heck was that?

''So as I was saying aniki,this is how I got here so fast''.

"What are you,Sora?''he asked in a calm tone.He wasn't gonna loose his cool at that very moment.

''What am I?"

"I expected a more scared response but since its you,it doesn't surprise me".

Then a smile appeared on Sora's face.

"You are even worse than me,do you know that?"

''How am I-",Akimitsu shouted but was interrupted.

''Look,big-bro I don't have enough time to explain so hear me out"he seemed irritated from his voice.

"Big-bro Subaru sent me here to talk to you so I'll have to explain everything''.

''So listen,what you saw right now is something u have to acquire."

"Naturally,the only bearers of this power were the devils over 1000 years ago but they've been dead long since.The only thing left of them is their nein fragments in the atmosphere".

"Nein?What is that"Akimitsu shot at him.

"Thats what you call this power.Thats its name".

He then continued the previous discussion.

"There are two ways to acquire this nein power".

He then showed his two fingers.

"One way is the most common one"

"For us humans we have to train our body and absorb the holy sword inside our body,those type of people are called sorcerer".

Then his tone got serious and it seemed as if he was scared.

"And the other happens once in a millennium.You absorb the soul of a demon and become one".

"So soul of a demon can grant you a lot of power?",Ahihito asked.

He then started coughing.

"Dammit you are really curious,aren't you?"Sora chuckled.

"Not the soul of an ordinary demon.Its strong but nothing compared to strong demons".

''So there must be something that can kill you,right?''Ahihito asked hopefully.

''A sword with devil or holy seal.There are a lot of holy seals but only two devil seals'',he answered.

''Why only two devil seals?'',Ahihito asked again.

''Well devil only appears once in a millenium so that's why"

"So that's all",he exclaimed.

"Now,back to business.So brother wants you to come to Osaka.What do you say?",Sora asked Akimitsu.

He was just looking into Akimitsu's eyes but then he noticed something in them.

"What the hell?"

He then used his power to look into Akimitsu's eye.

"You sure you wanna look more deep into his eyes?",he heard some other voice.

"Where am I?",he shouted.

He clearly wasn't in that school.

His head hurt.It felt like it was about to split open.

He then came back to his previous surroundings.He was back in the school.

He then held Akimitsu by his arm and started to drag him with him."I am not comin-",

But then he saw it again.

Akimitsu's face had changed.It was like that person in his eyes.

Before he knew it, he was pushed against the wall by Akimitsu.

"What the hell?I thought your arm was broken".

"Akimitsu,your arm?"Ahihito shouted.

He was surprised as much Sora was.

Somehow,Sora managed to get himself out of Akimitsu's grasp.

''Don't blame me if you get killed later on''.

Sora could hear students coming from somewhere.

"Damn it.I was told he was normal.I was drained in the last fight(He had gotten in a fight before coming here).I'll get u nii-san".

"I'll prove to Subaru-san I am capable",with that he jumped out of school building.

Before Akimitsu could do something,the lights turned on and gym was filled with first years.


He heard Fumiko's voice behind him..

Ok so I might wanna clear smth for ya all i might have mixed the name "Sora" with "Akiba"(Akimitsu's friend he will appear in later chapters)so jus so uk with Akimitsu and his friend group there will be Akiba not Sora so.don't get confused and tell me where ive done the mistake so i can correct it

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts
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